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Cookbook Refactoring and Extracting Logic into ...

Cookbook Refactoring and Extracting Logic into Rubygems

Slides from my ChefConf 2013

Seth Vargo

April 25, 2013

More Decks by Seth Vargo

Other Decks in Technology


  1. # This file is managed by Chef for "<%= node['fqdn']

    %>" # Do NOT modify this file by hand. <%= node['ipaddress'] %> <%= node['fqdn'] %>! localhost <%= node['fqdn'] %>!broadcasthost ::1 localhost fe80::1%lo0! localhost templates/default/etc/hosts.erb
  2. # This file is managed by Chef for "<%= node['fqdn']

    %>" # Do NOT modify this file by hand. <%= node['ipaddress'] %> <%= node['fqdn'] %>! localhost <%= node['fqdn'] %>!broadcasthost ::1 localhost fe80::1%lo0! localhost # Custom Entries <% node['etc']['hosts'].each do |h| -%> <%= h['ip'] %> <%= h['host'] %> <% end -%> templates/default/etc/hosts.erb
  3. include_attribute 'hostsfile' default['etc']['hosts'] << { 'ip' => '', 'host' =>

    'www.example.com' } other_cookbook/attributes/default.rb
  4. default_attributes({ 'etc' => { 'hosts' => [ {'ip' => '',

    'host' => 'www.example.com'}, {'ip' => '', 'host' => 'foo.example.com'} ] } }) roles/my_role.rb
  5. { "default_attributes": { "etc": { "hosts": [ {"ip": "", "host":

    "www.example.com"}, {"ip": "", "host": "foo.example.com"} ] } } } environments/production.json
  6. TODO: Add infographics # This file is managed by Chef

    for "www.myapp.com" # Do NOT modify this file by hand. www.myapp.com! localhost www.myapp.com!broadcasthost ::1 localhost fe80::1%lo0! localhost # Custom Entries www.example.com foo.example.com bar.example.com /etc/hosts
  7. TODO: Add infographics # This file is managed by Chef

    for "www.myapp.com" # Do NOT modify this file by hand. www.myapp.com! localhost www.myapp.com!broadcasthost ::1 localhost fe80::1%lo0! localhost # Custom Entries bar.example.com /etc/hosts
  8. Create a special cookbook that uses a threshold value and

    raises an exception if the size of the array doesn't "make sense".
  9. Create a special cookbook that uses a threshold value and

    raises an exception if the size of the array doesn't "make sense". t
  10. hosts = data_bag('etc_hosts') template '/etc/hosts' do owner 'root' group 'root'

    source 'etc/hosts' variables( hosts: hosts ) end recipes/default.rb
  11. # This file is managed by Chef for "<%= node['fqdn']

    %>" # Do NOT modify this file by hand. <%= node['ipaddress'] %> <%= node['fqdn'] %>! localhost <%= node['fqdn'] %>!broadcasthost ::1 localhost fe80::1%lo0! localhost # Custom Entries <%= @hosts.join("\n") %> templates/default/etc/hosts.erb
  12. require 'chefspec' describe 'hostsfile::default' do let(:hosts) { [' example.com', '

    bar.com'] } before do Chef::Recipe.any_instance.stub(:data_bag).with('etc_hosts').and_return(hosts) end end spec/default_spec.rb
  13. require 'chefspec' describe 'hostsfile::default' do let(:hosts) { [' example.com', '

    bar.com'] } before do Chef::Recipe.any_instance.stub(:data_bag).with('etc_hosts').and_return(hosts) end let(:runner) { ChefSpec::ChefRunner.new.converge('hostsfile::default') } end spec/default_spec.rb
  14. require 'chefspec' describe 'hostsfile::default' do let(:hosts) { [' example.com', '

    bar.com'] } before do Chef::Recipe.any_instance.stub(:data_bag).with('etc_hosts').and_return(hosts) end let(:runner) { ChefSpec::ChefRunner.new.converge('hostsfile::default') } it 'loads the data bag' do Chef::Recipe.any_instance.should_receive(:data_bag).with('etc_hosts') end end spec/default_spec.rb
  15. require 'chefspec' describe 'hostsfile::default' do let(:hosts) { [' example.com', '

    bar.com'] } before do Chef::Recipe.any_instance.stub(:data_bag).with('etc_hosts').and_return(hosts) end let(:runner) { ChefSpec::ChefRunner.new.converge('hostsfile::default') } it 'loads the data bag' do Chef::Recipe.any_instance.should_receive(:data_bag).with('etc_hosts') end it 'creates the /etc/hosts template' do expect(runner).to create_template('/etc/hosts').with_content(hosts.join("\n")) end end spec/default_spec.rb
  16. $ rspec cookbooks/hostsfile Running all specs ** Finished in 0.0003

    seconds 2 examples, 0 failures Really Fucking Fast™
  17. hosts = data_bag('etc_hosts') hosts << search(:node, 'role:mongo_master').first.tap do |n| "#{n['ip_address']}

    #{n['fqdn']}" end template '/etc/hosts' do owner 'root' group 'root' source 'etc/hosts' variables( hosts: hosts ) end recipes/default.rb
  18. hosts = data_bag('etc_hosts') hosts << search(:node, 'role:mongo_master').first.tap do |n| "#{n['ip_address']}

    #{n['fqdn']}" end hosts << search(:node, 'role:mysql_master').first.tap do |n| "#{n['ip_address']} #{n['fqdn']}" end hosts << search(:node, 'role:redis_master').first.tap do |n| "#{n['ip_address']} #{n['fqdn']}" end template '/etc/hosts' do owner 'root' group 'root' recipes/default.rb
  19. # List of all actions supported by the provider actions

    :create, :create_if_missing, :update, :remove # Make create the default action default_action :create # Required attributes attribute :ip_address, kind_of: String, name_attribute: true, required: true attribute :hostname, kind_of: String # Optional attributes attribute :aliases, kind_of: Array attribute :comment, kind_of: String resources/entry.rb
  20. action :create do ::Chef::Util::FileEdit.search_file_delete_line(entry) ::Chef::Util::FileEdit.insert_line_after_match(/\n/, entry) end protected def entry

    [new_resource.ip_address, new_resource.hostname, new_resource.aliases.join(' ')].compact.join(' ').squeeze(' ') end providers/entry.rb
  21. TODO: Add infographics class Entry attr_accessor :ip_address, :hostname, :aliases, :comment

    def initialize(options = {}) if options[:ip_address].nil? || options[:hostname].nil? raise ':ip_address and :hostname are both required options' end @ip_address = options[:ip_address] @hostname = options[:hostname] @aliases = [options[:aliases]].flatten @comment = options[:comment] end # ... end libraries/entry.rb
  22. TODO: Add infographics class Manipulator def initialize contents = ::File.readlines(hostsfile_path)

    @entries = contents.collect do |line| Entry.parse(line) unless line.strip.nil? || line.strip.empty? end.compact end def add(options = {}) @entries << Entry.new( ip_address: options[:ip_address], hostname: options[:hostname], aliases: options[:aliases], comment: options[:comment] ) end end libraries/manipulator.rb
  23. # Creates a new hosts file entry. If an entry

    already exists, it # will be overwritten by this one. action :create do hostsfile.add( ip_address: new_resource.ip_address, hostname: new_resource.hostname, aliases: new_resource.aliases, comment: new_resource.comment ) new_resource.updated_by_last_action(true) if hostsfile.save end providers/entry.rb
  24. TODO: Add infographics describe Entry do describe '.initialize' do subject

    { Entry.new(ip_address: '', hostname: 'www.example.com', aliases: ['foo', 'bar'], comment: 'This is a comment!', priority: 100) } it 'raises an exception if :ip_address is missing' do expect { Entry.new(hostname: 'www.example.com') }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'sets the ip_address' do expect(subject.ip_address).to eq('') end end spec/entry_spec.rb
  25. TODO: Add infographics describe 'hostsfile lwrp' do let(:manipulator) { double('manipulator')

    } before do Manipulator.stub(:new).and_return(manipulator) Manipulator.should_receive(:new).with(kind_of(Chef::Node)) .and_return(manipulator) manipulator.should_receive(:save!) end let(:chef_run) { ChefSpec::ChefRunner.new( cookbook_path: $cookbook_paths, step_into: ['hostsfile_entry'] ) } spec/default_spec.rb
  26. TODO: Add infographics context 'actions' do describe ':create' do it

    'adds the entry' do manipulator.should_receive(:add).with({ ip_address: '', hostname: 'www.example.com', aliases: nil, comment: nil, priority: nil }) chef_run.converge('fake::create') end end end end
  27. $ bundle gem hostsfile create hostsfile/Gemfile create hostsfile/Rakefile create hostsfile/LICENSE.txt

    create hostsfile/README.md create hostsfile/.gitignore create hostsfile/hostsfile.gemspec create hostsfile/lib/hostsfile.rb create hostsfile/lib/hostsfile/version.rb Initializating git repo in ~Development/hostsfile
  28. 9

  29. 9 ?