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FREE Webinar: MapStore major release 2023.02 an...

FREE Webinar: MapStore major release 2023.02 and Beyond

In this free webinar we cover the recent MapStore 2022.03 release. You will learn about about the latest features we developed and you will also get an overview about what is going to be released next.
We will have 1 hour presentation and 30 minutes of Q&A.

Simone Giannecchini

February 06, 2024

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  1. GeoSolutions • Founded in 2006, offices in Italy & US

    • Our core products • Our offer Enterprise Support Services Deployment Subscription Professional Training Customized Solutions GeoNode
  2. Trusted by more than 200 clients • UN FAO (CIOK,

  3. Associations We strongly support Open Source, it Is in our

    core We actively participate in OGC working groups and get funded to advance new open standards We support standards critical to GEOINT
  4. What is MapStore? It is a Framework Build applications leveraging

    MapStore framework (and by developing your own plugins) denver.crime-map.info covidtrackingmap
  5. MapStore Facts • Create and share maps, charts, dashboards and

    geostories online • Mobile first | Responsive • Mapping engine agnostic • OpenLayers|Leaflet|Cesium • Leveraging React ecosystem • Pluggable Look & Feel • Consume data from many sources • OSM, Bing, WFS, CSW, WMS, WMTS • License is Simplified BSD • Commercial friendly!
  6. Who uses MapStore? • Halliburton • Austrocontrol • MapStand •

    UN FAO • EMSA • World Bank (via GeoNode) • Unesco (via GeoNode) • EARTH-I • Arno river basin authority • Region of Tuscany (Hydrologic Service) • Region of Tuscany (Urbanistic Department) • LaMMa • City of Munich • City of Florence • City of Genova • City of Bozen • City of Brussels • IGB (via GeoNode) • Rennes Metropole (via geOrchestra) • GeoNode • geOrchestra
  7. MapStore Home Page Users can create and share contents with

    other users. They can browse their own contents and contents shared by other users using the Home page Optionally the creation of contents can be reserved only to administrators
  8. MapStore Basic Flow Add data Create a Resource Share Save

    and set permissions Thanks to resources like Maps, Dashboards, GeoStories and Contexts
  9. Maps The usual mapping interface and many tools available out-of-the-box:

    • Timeline / Elevation tools • Widgets (charts and tables) • Compare tool • Measure tool • Annotations • Visual Styler • ... Compare Measure Widgets Timeline Annotations Visual Styler
  10. Dashboards • Charts, Maps, Tables and more that interact each

    other • Give life to more sophisticated visualizations!
  11. GeoStories • Tell compelling stories by mixing maps, videos, images,

    etc.. • Users can scroll and interact with a really cool visual impact and a high level of customization using an advanced web editor
  12. Application Contexts • MapStore allows to customize the viewer with

    tools (plugins) you need • Select standard MapStore plugin or develop and install your own • Maps inside MapStore can have specific tools reserved to particular use cases through App Contexts
  13. Users and groups management MapStore has an user/group management system

    and the possibility to integrate it with LDAP, GeoServer and GeoFence to provide advanced security and resource/data access privileges with high level of granularity set
  14. Downstream Project System Start from the standard MapStore and create

    your own project, replacing whatever you want, and keeping track only of your customizations (simplifying future updates). You can: • Customize Look and Feel • Create/replace pages • Configure and create your own plugins • Extend or replace the back-end with your own Well known projects like GeoNode and geOrchestra use this concept 🡪 More details here
  15. More Information • Official Demo http://mapstore.geo-solutions.it/ • User Docs https://mapstore.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user-guide/home-page/

    • GitHub Repo https://github.com/geosolutions-it/MapStore2 • Dev Docs https://mapstore.readthedocs.io/en/latest/developer-guide/requirements/ • Youtube Videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe2yzutVrnZ5tjYGYYcKmZzo_M9ku5I9X • Mailing Lists https://groups.google.com/g/mapstore-users https://groups.google.com/g/mapstore-developers • MapStore Online training https://training.mapstore.geosolutionsgroup.com/index.html
  16. MapStore v2023 releases timeline • 2023.02.02 Released January 30th 2024

    • 2023.02.01 Released December 7th 2023 • 2023.02.00 (Major) Released October 4th 2023 • 2023.01.02 Released June 21st 2023 • 2023.01.01 Released April 26th 2023 • 2023.01.00 (Major) Released March 7h 2023
  17. 2023.02 - Attribute Table data management • Ability to persist

    columns visibility state • Disable features editing for a layer
  18. 2023.02 - Attribute Table data management Set aliases for attribute

    names Support for allowed groups in editing from configuration
  19. 2023.02 New Features - GeoProcessing Tools Intersect A new tool

    for providing geo-processing utilities on layers in map WPS BASED!
  20. 2023.02 New Features - GeoProcessing Tools Buffer A new tool

    for providing geo-processing utilities on layers in map. Have a look at the documentation for this tool WPS BASED!
  21. 2023.02 New Features - Longitudinal Profile Tool • Given a

    DEM or a bathymetric layer calculate the Longitudinal Profile and display it within an interactive chart. WPS BASED! Look at the online documentation for this tool!
  22. • Experimental support for the visualization of COG layers Further

    enhancements and bug fixes will be available in the next major release! New Source Type for COG! 2023.02 New Features - COG Support
  23. 2023.02 New Features - Permalink Resources Sharing • Sharing resource

    state (widgets, zoom, etc.), no need to save. It is finally possible to share the current map state without saving the it!
  24. 2023.02 New Features - Parametric Image Parsing • The Identify

    template editor has been improved with a new feature that now makes it possible to manage images also by parsing feature attribute values. Supported are direct URLs or URIs encoded in base64
  25. 2023.02 New Features - Contexts Import/Export • Like for other

    MapStore resources, import/export capabilities are now available also for Application Contexts to make them more portable.
  26. 2023.02 New Features - WMS Caching with custom scales •

    MapStore now allows a more fine and effective tuning of caching options. The support is now available also for scenarios where custom map scales are used on the MapStore side.
  27. 2023.02 Enhancements - Print rotated maps • A new option

    has been added to the print settings to allow print of rotated maps, choosing the rotation angle.
  28. 2023.02 Enhancements - Widgets available for 3D Maps • MapStore

    widgets and all their functionality are now retained even in 3D mode.
  29. 2023.02 Enhancements - Persist 3D viewer type and map orientation

    when saving a map • The map type (2D/3D) is persisted, along with map orientation, upon map saving.
  30. 2023.02 Enhancements - WMS Interoperability • The MapStore interoperability for

    WMS has been improved a lot Better handling of available GetMap and GetFeatureInfo formats for a given WMS source
  31. MapStore Dependencies • Some dependency updates included for 2023.02 series:

    ◦ Upgrade of Cesium to v1.106.1 ◦ Update of OpenLayers to v7.4.0
  32. Ongoing work - Improved Charts • Improved Charts: the ability

    to define multiple charts on the same widget You can define different traces for the same chart by also mixing different chart types Q1 Also more configuration options availables for all chart types!
  33. Ongoing work - Annotations in 3D • Editing of Annotations

    in 3D: it will be possible to create and edit annotations in 3D mode Reskin and Refactor of the tool’s UI/UX Q1
  34. Ongoing work - Styling classification • Styling classification for WFS

    and Vector layers: it will be possible to manage classified styles directly on the client side Improved Style Editor for Vector and WFS layers Q1
  35. Ongoing work - Extruded features • Extruded features in Cesium

    3D: the style editor for vector and WFS layers will provide the ability to manage client side extrusion of layer features Q1
  36. MapStore Online Documentation Check out the updated User and Developer

    guides of the release v2023.02.02 https://docs.mapstore.geosolutionsgroup.com/en/v2023.02. 02/user-guide/home-page/ https://docs.mapstore.geosolutionsgroup.com/en/v2023.02. 02/developer-guide/requirements/