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React Js - Rethinking UI development 2.0

React Js - Rethinking UI development 2.0

Isn't React that clear? Don't you fully understand how/why you should use it on your apps and why it gained all this attention? Do you want to learn the basics and to understand why it's so powerful? In this talk you will see how this library works and you will discover and understand its main concepts in details: Components, Virtual DOM, One-way data binding.

Stefano Ceschi Berrini

November 02, 2015

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  1. R E A C T. J S by Stefano Ceschi

    Berrini @stecb Rethinking UI Development React day - Verona - Oct 30th, 2015 2.0
  2. { "name" : "Stefano Ceschi Berrini", "location": "Padova", "degree": "CS

    @ unipd", "work" : [ "@Timerepublik" ], "tech" : [ "JavaScript", "React", "Ruby" ], "interests" : [ "Family", "Friends", "Music (Progressive Metal FTW)", "Mountains", "Cooking", "Sports" ], "titles" : [ "Software engineer" ], "website": "stecb.ninja" }
  3. PREFACE: ES2015 // scopes the variable to the nearest **block**

    {}. No hoisting let foo = 'bar'; // constant reference to the value, we shouldn't redefine it! And MUST be initialised. Same scoping rules of let const pi = 3.14; const arr = []; // we can change referenced value in this case arr.push('hey'); // but we can't redefine constants i.e. // arr = [] // or // pi = 5 // String interpolation\templates let name = 'John Petrucci'; let instrument = 'guitar'; console.log(`${name} can play ${instrument} faster than you`);
  4. PREFACE: ES2015 // arrow functions let arr = [1,2,3]; let

    doubleArr = arr.map(n => n * 2); // arrow function + lexical this let guitars = ['music man', 'ibanez', 'taylor']; let guitarsShop = { location: 'Montebelluna', name: 'EsseMusic', // shorthand assignment => guitars: guitars guitars, // method listGuitars() { this.guitars.forEach(guitar => { console.log(`${this.name} in ${this.location} has ${guitar} guitars`); }); } } guitarsShop.listGuitars();
  5. PREFACE: ES2015 // class class Person { // default params

    constructor(name = 'unknown', age = 0, sex = 'whatever') { this.age = age; this.name = name; this.sex = sex; } displayInfo(a){ console.log(this.name, this.age, this.sex); } } // subclass class Female extends Person { constructor(name, age){ // super call super(name, age, 'f'); } yell(what){ super.displayInfo(); setInterval(() => console.log(what), 1000); } } let myWife = new Female('Deborah', 28); console.log(myWife.yell('wash your own cup and dishes please!'));
  6. PREFACE: ES2015 // modules // inside **foo.js**, export something export

    function isOdd(n) { return n%2 !== 0; } export var threshold = 30; // On another file **bar.js** import everything from foo.js import * from 'foo'; let height = window.innerHeight - threshold; let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4]; console.log(arr.map(n => isOdd(n))); export default height;
  7. V M C it automa(g|t)ically keeps the interface up-to-date when

    data changes It’s a JavaScript library for the the UI W H AT
  8. A component is a React class. It can take input

    data, it can have a state and you can: • define methods • render a tree of functions When you add a component to your UI, you’re just invoking a function. COMPONENTS
  9. React HTML elements i.e. <button> Custom react components i.e. <Profile>

    Collections/composition of the above COMPONENTS
  10. COMPONENTS class Ciao extends React.Component { render() { return (

    <div>Ciao, {this.props.name}</div> ); } } ReactDom.render(<Ciao name='Stefano' />, document.getElementById('wrapper')) Show example
  11. JS syntactic sugar: a concise and familiar syntax for defining

    tree structures with attributes. XML like elements => function + args COMPONENTS, JSX
  12. Props are the options/configuration of a component, they are data

    passed from parents to children and they are immutable. If you think a property of a component could changed over time, then that should be part of the state. COMPONENTS, PROPERTIES
  13. export class Box extends React.Component { render() { const list

    = this.props.list.map(item => <li key={item}>{item}</li>); return ( <div> <h1>{this.props.title}</h1> <ul> {list} </ul> </div> ); } } ReactDOM.render(<Box title="Cool Box" list={['item 1', 'item 2', 'item 3', ‘item N’]} />, document.getElementById('wrapper')) COMPONENTS, PROPERTIES
  14. State is mutable and should contain data that a component's

    event handlers may change to trigger a UI update (i.e. User interactions, Server responses etc) State is optional and you should avoid it as much as possible, to reduce complexity! setState(data, callback) COMPONENTS, STATE
  15. COMPONENTS, STATE class BoxWithState extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props);

    this.state = {hasDetailsVisible: false}; } handleToggle() { this.setState({ hasDetailsVisible: !this.state.hasDetailsVisible }); } render() { const list = this.props.list.map(item => <li key={item}>{item}</li>); const detailsStyle = {display: this.state.hasDetailsVisible ? 'block' : 'none'}; return ( <div> <h1>{this.props.title}</h1> <button onClick={() => this.handleToggle()}>toggle details</button> <ul style={detailsStyle}> {list} </ul> </div> ); } }
  16. COMPONENTS, EVENTS class ClickableCounter extends React.Component { constructor() { super();

    this.state = {count: 0}; } increaseCounter() { this.setState({ count: ++this.state.count }); } render() { return ( <div> <button onClick={() => this.increaseCounter()}>Click here Luke!</button> <span>{this.state.count}</span> </div> ); } }
  17. COMPONENTS, DOM class Input extends React.Component { componentDidMount() { this.refs.myInput.focus();

    } render() { return ( <input type='text' ref='myInput' placeholder='look!' /> ); } }
  18. COMPONENTS, COMBINATION class MyCustomComponent extends React.Component { render() { return

    ( <div> <h1>{this.props.name}</h1> {this.props.children || 'No children :('} </div> ); } } ReactDOM.render( <div> <MyCustomComponent> <Input /> </MyCustomComponent> <MyCustomComponent /> </div> , document.getElementById('wrapper'));
  19. COMPONENTS, LIFECYCLE http://facebook.github.io/react/docs/component-specs.html class MyComponent extends React.Component { componentWillMount() {

    // fired before is mounted } componentDidMount() { // fired when component mounted into the DOM } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProp, nextState) { // fired before rendering // return true|false depending whether component should update // (i.e. if you're sure component won't need to be re-rendered) } componentWillUnmount() { // fired just before the component will be removed from the DOM // (useful i.e. if you need to remove some custom event listeners) } // ... render() { return ( <Something /> ); } }
  20. React internally uses a virtual representation of the DOM It

    mutates the real DOM by using a tree diff algorithm + heuristic O(n^3) => O(n) You can think about re-rendering your entire application on every update without worrying about performance! VIRTUAL DOM
  21. State N VIRTUAL DOM State N+1 Changed attributes, just update

    them on the real DOM The NodeType has changed, throw away that node (+subtree) and replace it with a new node! <div> <button /> <section> <span /> <div> <p /> <p /> <a> <img /> <input /> <div> <button /> <section className =“has-margin”> <span /> <div> <p className =“is-changed” /> <p /> <a> <p /> <button />
  22. https://www.flickr.com/photos/usnavy/5815022252 JS execution is FAST, real DOM mutations are SLOW

    So, being able to re-render the entire application by mutating JUST what changed on the UI is the most important thing VIRTUAL DOM
  23. <ComponentA /> <ComponentB /> <ComponentD /> <ComponentC /> Data (props)

    flows only in one way. From the Owner to child. ONE WAY DATA BINDING
  24. RECAP • Easy to learn, small API • Fast •

    Same components, full stack • Native for Android/iOs • Virtual DOM • Easy to reason about apps • Easy to test components • Easy to integrate (incremental) • Working w/ React is pure fun • “It’s just the UI” • No more M and C • Unclear where state should live • Ecosystem kinda messy
  25. NOT JUST THE UI Welcome to the jungle Flux Universal

    Native Isomorphic Webpack Inline CSS Redux Relay Starter kits Router