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Nuxt.js におけるCSPの連携について / content security polic...

Nuxt.js におけるCSPの連携について / content security policy for Nuxt.js


July 12, 2018

More Decks by sunecosuri

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  1. Content Security Policy σ ʔ λ ͷ ৵ ೖ Λ

    ๷ ͙ ػ ߏ ΢ΣϒαΠτͰѻ͏ϦιʔεͷಡΈࠐΈΛࡉ͔͘؅ཧ͢Δ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖ΔHTTP headerɻ W3CʹΑͬͯ΋ఆٛ͞Ε͓ͯΓɺXSSͱ͍ͬͨѱҙͷ͋Δ injection ߈ܸͷϦεΫΛܰݮ͢Δ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖Δɻ
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  2. Can I use ରԠϒϥ΢βঢ়گ W R I T E H

    E R E S O M E T H I N G A B O U T Entrepreneurial activities differ substantially depending on the type of organization and creativity. Entrepreneurial activities differ substantially depending on the type of organization and creativity. Entrepreneurial activities differ substantially depending on the type of organization and creativity. Entrepreneurial activities differ substantially.
  3. ࣮ߦͷछྨ W h i t e l i s t

    n o n c e ଐ ੑ H a s h ஋ script-src www.google-analytics.com script-src ‘nonce-t3cdm2’ script-src ‘sha256-3d8xj1psc/5kx92a…..’
  4. Whitelist Whitelist e x a m p l e .

    t e s t C o n t e n t S e c u r i t y P o l i c y default-src ‘self’; scripit-src ‘self’ cdn.example.com; report-uri /csp-log; <img src=“sample.png”> <script src=“// cdn.example.com/index.js”> ಉҰΦϦδϯͳͷͰOK srcipt-src σΟϨΫςΟϒʹ
  5. e x a m p l e . t e

    s t C o n t e n t S e c u r i t y P o l i c y default-src ‘self’; scripit-src ‘self’ cdn.example.com; report-uri /csp-log; <img src=“sample.png”> <script src=“// cdn.example.com/index.js”> ಉҰΦϦδϯͳͷͰOK srcipt-src σΟϨΫςΟϒʹ
 هࡌ͞ΕͯΔͷͰOK “>’><script src=“//evil.test”> “>’<script>alert(‘attack’)</ script> ϗϫΠτϦετʹͳ͍ͷͰNG Inline script ͸ڐՄ͍ͯ͠ͳ͍ͷͰNG Whitelist Whitelist
  6. e x a m p l e . t e

    s t C o n t e n t S e c u r i t y P o l i c y default-src ‘self’; scripit-src ‘self’ cdn.example.com; report-uri /csp-log; <img src=“sample.png”> <script src=“// cdn.example.com/index.js”> ಉҰΦϦδϯͳͷͰOK srcipt-src σΟϨΫςΟϒʹ
 هࡌ͞ΕͯΔͷͰOK “>’><script src=“//evil.test”> “>’<script>alert(‘attack’)</ script> P O S T h t t p : // e x a m p l e . t e s t / c s p - l o g json ͷܗࣜͰPOST͞ΕΔ Whitelist Whitelist
  7. <script nonce=“nonce-EDNnf03”>
 </script> <script>
 alert(‘not execute’)
 </script> nonceͰڐՄ͢Δ C

    o n t e n t S e c u r i t y P o l i c y default-src ‘self’; scripit-src 'nonce-EDNnf03' report-uri /csp-log; srcipt-src σΟϨΫςΟϒͰࢦఆ͞Εͨ nonce-* ͷ஋͕Ұக͢Δ΋ͷͷΈ࣮ߦ͢Δ
  8. <script nonce=“sha256- qznLcsROx4GACP2dm0UCKCzCG- HiZ1guq6ZZDob_Tng= ”>
 </script> <script>
 alert(‘not execute’)

    </script> C o n t e n t S e c u r i t y P o l i c y default-src ‘self’; scripit-src 'sha256- qznLcsROx4GACP2dm0UCKCzCG- HiZ1guq6ZZDob_Tng=' report-uri /csp-log; Hash஋ͰڐՄ͢Δ ࣮ߦ͢ΔscriptϒϩοΫΛ೚ҙͷΞϧΰϦζϜͰΤϯίʔυͯ͠Ұக͍ͯ͠Δ΋ͷͷΈΛ࣮ߦ͢Δ