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Delightful user experiences with Ember and Word...

Delightful user experiences with Ember and WordPress

In this presentation I show the building blocks of a WordPress + Ember.js stack. Together they can be used to create delightful user experiences for the web.

Taras Mankovski

August 06, 2016

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  1. Click <a> 1. Teardown page 2. Download new HTML 3.

    Show new HTML 4. Change entire page 5. Re-execute JavaScript
  2. Ember Data 1.Calls WordPress API 2.Convert response to objects 3.Connects

    relationships JSONAPI Specification Standard URL patterns Structure of JSON http://jsonapi.org
  3. WordPress REST API Specific No Relationships Embedding Embedding 1._embedded for

    each post 2.Difficult to generalize 3.Duplicates data
  4. Sideloading 1.included array 2.Easy to generalize 3.Requires object cache wp-rest-jsonapi-serializer

    • WordPress Plugin • JSONAPI compatibility • Supports relationships via Pods framework
  5. Pods + JSONAPI Spec Dasherize field names (ie. featured-speakers) Pluralize

    hasMany (ie. Conference has `talks` property) Singularize belongsTo (ie. Talk has `presenter` property) In Pods, Use IDs for relationships
  6. wp-rest-jsonapi-serailizer Supports posts Supports categories and tags Supports featured image

    Supports pagination Supports image fields via Pods * - open source, contributions welcome Read only*
  7. EWP Stack Ember.js Ember Fastboot Ember Data JSONAPI Spec WordPress

    WordPress REST API wp-rest-jsonapi-serializer Pods Framework
  8. Links • emberjs.com
 Official website of Ember.js framework • ember-cli.com

    Documentation for Ember’s command line interface • ember-fastboot.com
 Documentation for Ember’s Progressive Enhancement App server • wp-rest-jsonapi-serializer
 WordPress plugin that makes WP REST speak JSONAPI • bustle.com
 Modern publishing site built with Ember.js • embermeetup.com
 Modern content site built with Ember + WordPress + JSONAPI + Pods + wp-json- api-serializer • https://github.com/EmberMeetup/website
 Source code for embermeetup.com