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Simplifying State by partially introducing unid...

Simplifying State by partially introducing unidirectional data flow in your codebase

Benedikt Terhechte

October 13, 2017

More Decks by Benedikt Terhechte

Other Decks in Programming


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  45. /// Model struct Cinnamon { let value: Int = 0

    } enum Event { case increase } 45
  46. /// Model struct Cinnamon { let value: Int = 0

    } enum Event { case increase } func reducer(state: Cinnamon, event: Event) -> Cinnamon { var newState = state if event == .increase { newState.value += 1 } return newState } /// UI let builder = Form(state: Cinnamon(), reducer: reducer) 46
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  50. struct AddressBookApp { struct Data { var contacts: [Person] }

    var data: Data struct UI { var searchTerm: String var scrollPosition: Int } var ui: UI } 51
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  65. private var subscribers: [String: (State)->Void] = [:] public func subscribe(_

    subscriber: @escaping (State)->Void) -> String { let token = UUID().uuidString subscribers[token] = subscriber subscriber(state) return token } 66
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  67. protocol FormComponent { associatedtype State func setup(with state: State) func

    update(state: State) -> Void } public func subscribe<Component: FormComponent> (_ subscriber: Component) -> String where Component.State == State {... 68
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  69. func subscribe<Type: Equatable>( path: KeyPath<Data, Type>, action: @escaping (_ oldValue:

    Type, _ newValue: Type) -> Void ) -> String struct Person { let name: String } form.subscribe(path: \Person.name) { (old, new) in ... } 70
  70. private var history: [State] = [] func apply(_ change: (inout

    State) -> Void) { states.append(state) change(&state) notifySubscribers() } func undo() { state = history.popLast() notifySubscribers() } 71
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