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Scott Burns & Petra Gulicher - Rethinking UGC a...

August 27, 2021

Scott Burns & Petra Gulicher - Rethinking UGC at the ABC

UX Australia 2021 DAY 4

Gathering user generated content (UGC) has never been easier. But learning how to manage and convert this data into measurable value is another thing. Central to the ABC’s mission is to inform, entertain, and reflect the cultural diversity of the Australian community. UGC is one way of achieving this, but it requires a hybrid UX/product/tech/journalistic approach. Working in a multi-disciplinary environment comes with its own complexities, but when pulled off has high rewards. In this session we unpack the techniques we are using, the lessons we are learning along the way, and what comes next for UGC at the ABC.


August 27, 2021

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Other Decks in Design


  1. Rethinking UGC at 
 the ABC A story by Scott

    Burns & Petra Gulicher UXA21
  2. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC The ABC and

    UGC Prologue Chapter I Understanding each other Chapter II The ‘Ah-oh’ moment Chapter III Walking the talk Epilogue Morals of the story A story in 5 parts
  3. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC #ABCmyphoto - 2021

    COVID-19 Questions 2021 ABC KIDS - Old Peoples Home For 4 Year Olds 2020 Q+A - 29 September 2020
  4. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC A UGC Legacy

    Keith Glover's Listener's Mailbag A radio program that answered various listener queries. 150 ABC Local Radio listeners ventured into their communities armed with disposable cameras. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-12-15/falling-in-love-over- the-airwaves/11794044 https://web.archive.org/web/20050423214106/http:// www.abc.net.au/snapshots/ A crowdsourced investigation and public interest journalism expose into Aged Care. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-10-25/looking-back-at-aged- care-royal-commission/12807626 1960s 2000s 2010s
  5. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC reflect the cultural

    diversity of the Australian community The ABC Charter (ABC Act 1983) “
  6. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC DISCLAIMER: We are

    not journalists ABC Digital Product 2020 Strategy
  7. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC The reality of

    this transition Traditional broadcast Digital media organisation Here… Carry this. OK Get in. I’ll explain on the way
  8. DATA UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC Times, they

  9. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC Trust me, it’s

    worth it Human error (38%) Computer error (5%) Malicious attacks (57%) In 2020 there were 1,051 data breaches reported to the Office of the Australian Information Commission (OAIC):
  10. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC Our users throw

    us LOTS of content & data 
 ‘over the fence’ We use traditional ways to collaborate, manage content and protect the data Meanwhile the user experience suffers. So here’s the problem(s)
  11. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC Our users throw

    us LOTS of content & data 
 ‘over the fence’ We use traditional ways to collaborate, manage content and protect the data Meanwhile the user experience suffers. So here’s the problem(s)
  12. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC Our users throw

    us LOTS of content & data 
 ‘over the fence’ We use traditional ways to collaborate, manage content and protect the data Meanwhile the user experience suffers. So here’s the problem(s)
  13. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC Our users throw

    us LOTS of content & data 
 ‘over the fence’ We use traditional ways to collaborate, manage content and protect the data Meanwhile the user experience suffers. So here’s the problem(s)
  14. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC Our users throw

    us LOTS of content & data 
 ‘over the fence’ We use traditional ways to collaborate, manage content and protect the data Meanwhile the user experience suffers. So here’s the problem(s)
  15. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC Our users throw

    us LOTS of content & data 
 ‘over the fence’ We use traditional ways to collaborate, manage content and protect the data Meanwhile the user experience suffers. So here’s the problem(s)
  16. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC A human story

    A numbers story In 2020… A mother explains how her son, who has special needs, feels when he can get involved from the comfort of his own home and the profound impact that can have. 😃 “He’s not just invested as a viewer, he thinks he’s part of the family” Mum also explained the delicate situation when her son discovered he was not included in the final outcome and she had to explain why. She expected an email whatever the result in order to set expectations. 😔 “I want open communication lines… When it’s directly from the source he’s more accepting of things” The ABC received an estimated 338 860 direct submissions and collaborative contributions from the Australian public (News investigations, Bluey dance video etc) The ABC received approx 98 550 direct requests for help from the Australian public (connecting their smart TV, logging into the News App etc) All of these people received a response within 30 days. That’s a 100% response rate An estimated 52,655 of these people received a response. That’s a 15.5% response rate 😃 😔
  17. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC We are rethinking

    UGC by rethinking our relationships with: our users the data ourselves In order to go beyond what the Australian community expects of their nation’s broadcaster.
  18. 🌏 UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC We drew

    insight from those that have overcome a parallel challenge. 🌏
  19. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC ‘Building upon the

    ideas of others’ Visual UGC Customer Support 🤔
  20. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC Show the thing

    in action (Requestival) 5 days. 79k requests. 49k people.
  21. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC Our users Going

    to where our users are and product-lead thinking. triple j app
  22. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC Our users Ourselves

    and the data +8 teams working collaboratively, safely and in real-time. Going to where our users are and product-lead thinking. triple j app Zendesk ‘support’ & ‘explore’
  23. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC "It became a

    platform that enabled the product, the station and the campaign to work in harmony!" 
 Max Quinn Product Manager 
 triple j app Our users Ourselves and the data Going beyond +8 teams working collaboratively, safely and in real-time. Going to where our users are and product-lead thinking. It all coming together to bring value to the Australian people. triple j app Zendesk ‘support’ & ‘explore’
  24. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC Building. Measuring. Learning.

    CoronaQs & 
 CoronaCast Q+A broadcast and live audience Four Corners + Hack 
 Investigation Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives
  25. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC Prepare yourself with

    knowledge about how security, privacy & risk affects you. It is the foundation of trust!
  26. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC Prepare yourself with

    knowledge about how security, privacy & risk affects you. It is the foundation of trust!
  27. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC Take ‘parallel worlds’

    beyond an ideation activity and walk the talk But fair warning…
  28. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC There’s also a

    really big gap between the assumed knowledge of Product and Technology staff [product] and News staff [content]. Clare Blumer Digital Lead - Investigations & In-depth “
  29. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC Look to the

    things that are in your sphere of influence: Words matter. Never assume knowledge. Timing is everything.
  30. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC Clare: “It happens

    in every workplace in the world that you get surrounded by people who know the same stuff as you, so you forget that not everybody is as saturated in that particular speciality.” Make things to change things.
  31. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC Build a (virtual)

    space to understand each other Share your screen. Turn on your video. Create interactive whiteboards.
  32. UXA21 – Rethinking UGC at the ABC Morals of the

    story Build upon other parallel worlds. Create a space to understand each other. We are all responsible for maintaining and building trust with users. Now, more than ever, we need to make these topics clearer and much more approachable. You don’t always need to start from scratch. Chances are someone has already overcome your challenge, they’re just working in a different space. Create & build things together in order to better understand each other. Words matter. Never assume knowledge. Timing is everything. 🌏 🌏 Prepare yourself on security, data and privacy. 💪 ❤