train Persona: Occasional traveller Research Buy ticket On train Post travel At the station Price Timetable Travel time Change of trains Comfort Boarding Arrival Close to the city Comfortable Fast Special offfer Other passangers disturbing Too long distance No queues Sleep / Read / Relax 'RQ·WKDYHWR WUDYHODORQH Stations in PDQ\YLOODJHV (QYLURQPHQWDO aspects Fear of being late +DYHWR buy ticket ([SHQVLYHWLFNHWV +DYHWRFDUU\ KHDY\OXJJDJH No influence on WUDYHOFRQGLWLRQV Potential chaos (popular trips / time period) Find cheap tickets Campaign price 0RELOHWLFNHW²GRQ·W KDYHWRFROOHFWWLFNHW at train station Find train track in mobile app Seat number DYDLODEOHLQ mobile ticket 2YHUYLHZRIFKRVHQ WUDYHOZKHQSD\LQJ Find a place to sit Easy to compare options Easy to access FXVWRPHUVHUYLFH YLDGHVNDQG7ZLWWHU Conductor checks if I KDYHWRFKDQJHWUDLQV if delayed Helpful staff around ZKHQERDUGLQJ Friendly conductor Conductor confirm ticket is ok Seat next to me is empty ,KDYHD booked seat Lots of space in entrance / exit ZKHQOHDYLQJWUDLQ )LQGIULHQGZKRLV there to meet me Conductor announces my track for change of trains Easy access to form for compensation .QRZP\ULJKWV LI,·PGHOD\HG Time-consuming to UHJLVWHUIDYRULWHWULSV Timetable does not suite me +DYHWRILOOLQ my phone number, e-mail etc. HYHU\WLPH Hard to book seat next to friend unless booking at the same time 'RQ·WUHPHPEHU depature time. Need to make changes in WKHODVWVWHSKDYHWRVWDUW RYHU 6KRZVXQUHDVRQDEOH WUDYHORSWLRQV Realize too late I forgot to log in Forgot my login details Hard to hear messages from speakers Complicated to look up delays online ,WLQDU\LVQRWVKRZQ in confirmation step ,QZKLFKGLUHFWLRQLV carrige nr 3? I hope the ticket LVYDOLG Will the train depart in time? Changed track Repeated delays 1RLQIRUPDWLRQZKHQ train is cancelled 2WKHUWUDLQDUULYHVDW my track +DYHWROHDYHOXJJDJH XQVXSHUYLVHG 1RZLIL KDYHWRSD\ )HOORZSDVVDQJHU ZLWKORXGYRLFH Bumping in to people on train Realise there is no dining carriage Fear of missing my stop Bad connection for phone calls 'RQ·WNQRZQHZ DUULYDOWLPH 2QWKHZURQJ train and the conductor GLGQ·WQRWLFH Toilets /HDYHOXJJDJH - Untidy, no soap - No car number inside train, hard to find my seat /DWHDUULYDO Will I be able to pick up my bag in time? +DYHWRORRNXSWUDLQ number to fill in form for compensation Bonus members Collect bonus points antrop
home •Sees it on web, on TV or in magazine •House remodel/build •Broken TV •Super Bowl •Wedding gift (life event gift) •Digital switchover in 2009 •The “Joneses” got one •Children want a TV (hand me down) •Buy DVD or other high tech gear •How much? (Can I afford it?) •Is it worth it? •Is it an improvement? •Is it cool? •What will my friends think? •Status quo – satisfied with TV •Not tech aware or interested •Ask friends for advice •Visit stores, ask sales people questions •Read web sites, blogs, magazines for reviews and to gain understanding of domain •Understand impact on other CE components •Learn jargon, brands •Look for sales •Make the best choice/not a bad choice •Get the best deal •Satisfy my needs •Trump my neighbors/friends •Latest and greatest •Get up to speed •Know enough to not get duped by sales person •What is the best? •What can I get for my budget? •Is it future proof? •Will it fit in my room/apt? •Who can I trust? (Brand, Store, Sales Person) •Does/will it work with my game console, DVD player? •Are there hidden costs/things I will need to buy? •Will it last? •Will it go on sale soon? When will prices drop? •Do I have enough information? •Can I get HDTV? •What’s important? •Is it easy to use? •Honest, unbiased reviews •Too much to learn •No time to do the necessary research •Analysis paralysis: Too many choices & options ACTIVITIES MOTIVATIONS QUESTIONS BARRIERS •Go to retailer •Talk to sales person •Compare side by side •Compare warranties •Consider extended warranty •Consider installation service •See different model on sale •Get out quickly as kids acting up in store •Sale going on •Sports event coming up •New hot model released •Sales person recommended •Do I want it? •How do I get it home? •Is it in stock? •On sale? •Should I buy the service warranty? •Do I need this? •Should I buy this? •How much are taxes, shipping and handling costs? •Do my old components, cables, etc work with the new TV? •Don’t have desired model in stock •Unhelpful/ignorant sales person •Buyer’s remorse (may revert back to last stage) •Lingo and acronyms too confusing to make a decision •Open box/packaging •Look for/read directions •Confirm all parts are present (e.g. remote) •Plug in/power TV •Connect components •Test system (e.g. movie, broadcast) •Adjust TV settings •Set up mounting hardware •Place on wall/stand •Hire professional installer if not doing oneself •Program remote •Educate family, friends on use •Call customer service •Complete/submit warranty information •Get it finished fast (Busy, excited to see it work) •Relish unboxing (but not make it challenging) •Avoid frustration •Don’t hurt back lifting it •Check out the new HD broadcast/DVD •Brag to friends •Is it damaged? (Inspect packaging, TV. Power on before placement) •Do I need help to set up/install TV? •Do I need the directions? •Do I have every thing I need? •How do I change the settings? •How do I get the TV paired with the universal remote? •What do I do with my old TV? Remote? Disposal versus recycle •What do all these inputs/outputs go to? •What to do with old furniture? •Move old TV to another room and connect it up. Buy other components to go with it. •Too complicated to set up/pair with other components •Can’t just plug in and watch TV •Too many directions; instruction booklet is too thick •No time for an involved set up AWARENESS RESEARCH PURCHASE OOBE frog via Harvard Business Review
Medication Yes No Yes No Breastfeeding Formula Chooses to stay with current OB/GYN Chooses hospital Schedules an induction Elects to have amniocentesis Elects to have an epidural Enters labor intending on vaginal birth Refuses a c-section Starts breastfeeding Prenatal Testing Provider(s) Place Scheduled Induction Pain Management “I’ve always been comfortable with my doctor—switching never crossed my mind.” “I hate surprises, plus my mom wanted to come to town for the birth. Modern medicine can do some great things.” “I heard of people scheduling c-sections, but I felt in control enough planning an induction and figured recovery would be quicker.” “I’d already ruled out a c-section and wasn’t ready to give up so easily. But I wish I’d known how powerless the epidural would make me feel.” “Formula seemed like an unnecessary expense at first, so I looked into the nutritional facts. Mom talked me into breastfeeding though.” “I thought about other options, but knew I’d give into the pain so just went with the epidural.” “There are a quite a few hospitals in the city—I toured the ones close to work and home, and picked the one with the nicest staff and rooms.” “I was back and forth, but did it to be on the safe side. Was really scared when I thought I was having a miscarriage, but it turned out to be alright.” Planned Method of Birth Failure to Progress Feeding Vaginal C-Section VBAC Try Alternative Positions Wait Emergency C-Section Hospital Birth Center Home Stay with current Switch Add Another Labor & Delivery Postpartum Pregnancy Pre-pregnancy Option eliminated because of epidural DEMOGRAPHICS 39, Getting Married, 1st Pregnancy Northeastern Big City, Master’s Degree Systems Analyst, $80k+, Private Insurance GOALS Have a safe pregnancy Get through it without too much discomfort Balance maternity and her career NEEDS & OPPORTUNITIES Provide Harriet with authoritative information about prenatal testing, induction and concerns for older mothers Support Harriet’s conversations with her doctor about exercise and labor options Remind Harriet to consider whether circumcision and other post-birth procedures are right for her child OB/GYN recommends testing Visits local hospitals for maternity tours Comes across information about natural methods, brie y considers Lamaze, but doesn’t have time to take a class Has heard of epidurals and starts looking online for details Starts researching formula after seeing an advertisment Discovers prenatal testing while researching “advanced maternal age” - online forums send mixed messages Wonders if she can schedule the birth, discovers induction Mom sends info from La Leche League OB/GYN suggests c-section Reads forum posts about scheduling c-sections Statistics about prenatal testing [1] EM Reads about risks but decides to induce anyway [3] EM Reads about pain management options [2] EM Learns about long recovery for c-sections [4] EM
doctor promised. As he finishes s<tching and cleaning her up, Yen cranes her neck to try to see her baby on a warmer in the corner of the room. She is itching to try to breasFeed, but the nurses tell her she needs to rest. Her boyfriend paces back and forth between the baby and Yen’s side, and finally the nurses wrap up their procedures and permit him to hold the liIle girl. He brings her over and Yen tries to feed, but the newborn is <red and more interested in napping than latching. Yen is disappointed and finally gives up. Yen is open to geJng an epidural for the pain, but tries using a tub to manage pain and try different posi<ons to keep labor progressing. Her boyfriend comforts her throughout, while her doula guides her based on their strategy, periodically reassuring and reminding her why they made certain decisions. The birth is quicker than Yen expected, and soon she is holding her baby girl. Yen is stunned at how alert the newborn is and overjoyed when she latches on and begins to breasFeed.