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Agencies across the globe work on developing WordPress websites timely.

The most common way to do the same is by creating multiple installations separately. But what if there is a simpler way? Let’s talk about network of WordPress installations called as WordPress Multisite. The talk shall be about maintaining your staging environments effectively on Multisite and seamlessly migrating it on Production server.

Further, I shall talk about the things to be considered to maintain a network installation running 100s of Multisite sites and scale them effectively and what tools and plugins are available that eases the workflow. Finally to add on, I shall go one level higher and touch the topic about network of networks and how to setup a network of networks and maintain it effectively.

All in all the idea behind talk is to educate about maintaining a network and network of networks effectively on WordPress.

Vineet Talwar

February 24, 2018

More Decks by Vineet Talwar

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Overview • WordPress in Development • Multiple Installations ? •

    Maintaining Updates ? • Server Load ? • Future: How about when you scale ? • 100s clients ? 200 stages ? NO!!! @talwar_vineet
  2. Questions? • How do I set it up ? •

    What about URL structure ? • Subdomain ? Sub Directory ? Own Domain • What about maintaing multiple clients ? • Multiple stages of multiple clients in one installation ? @talwar_vineet
  3. Setup Using WP-CLI – New installation? wp core multisite-install –

    Existing Installation? wp core multisite-convert – wp-config.php define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true ); @talwar_vineet
  4. Staging and Management • Staging on multisite • Stage creation

    and duplication • Maintaining Plugins • Maintaining Themes • Code Deployment • Project / Site Specific Plugin • mu-plugins @talwar_vineet
  5. Plugins • WordPress MU-Domain Mapping • Better Search-Replace • WordPress

    Importer Exporter • Multisite Post Duplicator • Multisite Clone Duplicator • New Blog Templates + Cloner @talwar_vineet
  6. Scaling • Better Server: Go Cloud!! • Better Server Stack:

    PHP7+ PHP7-FPM, MariaDB, Redis Cache • Load Balanced Environment: Amazon ELB • Scalable Storage: Amazon S3 • DNS: Route53 • Caching: Redis or Memcached or Varnish • CDN: Amazon CloudFront • Better search: SOLR or Elastic Search @talwar_vineet
  7. Questions? • WP-Multi Network • Can it have mixed Subdomain,

    Subdirectory, as well as different domains ? • What about SSL certificate ? • Caching ? • CDN? • Domain Mapping • DNS Records? • What about Document Root and VirtualHost ? @talwar_vineet
  8. Tools and plugins • WP Multi-Network • WP SSO •

    WP-CLI • WordPress-VVV @talwar_vineet
  9. Setup • Configure DNS and Server • Network Activate WP-Multi

    Network • Remove DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE @talwar_vineet