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South Park S25 - EP04 Back to the Cold War [ BA...

Yuen Wang
August 05, 2024

South Park S25 - EP04 Back to the Cold War [ BARN SCENE ]

Boarded from a preexisting script under a time constraint.

Yuen Wang

August 05, 2024


  1. 250 BackToTheColdWar [ INT. The Solokov's ] PROPERTY OF SOUTH

    PARK STUDIOS Boarded from a pre-existing script for practice and training purposes.
  2. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 2 Duration 01

    00 Dialog [ TEXT PARAPHRASED FROM ORIGINAL SCRIPT AUDIO ] KEY Blue - Rough sketch / Layout Black - Clean Up / Final Draft
  3. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 3 Duration 01

    00 Dialog SFX: *pan sizzling* SFX: *Heavy RUSSIAN music plays*
  4. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 4 Duration 01

    00 Dialog SFX: *pan sizzling*
  5. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 15 Duration 01

    00 Dialog SFX: *Mackey's boots crunch in the snow*
  6. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 16 Duration 01

    00 Dialog SFX: *Mackey's boots crunch in the snow*
  7. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 17 Duration 01

    00 Dialog SFX: *Mackey's boots crunch in the snow*
  8. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 18 Duration 01

    00 Dialog SFX: *Mackey's boots crunch in the snow*
  9. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 25 Duration 01

    00 Dialog SFX: *music sting*
  10. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 33 Duration 01

    00 Dialog SFX: *door creaks open*
  11. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 40 Duration 01

    00 Dialog SFX: *startled pony sounds*
  12. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 48 Duration 01

    00 Dialog SFX: *click* VOICE What are you doing here?
  13. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 50 Duration 01

    00 Dialog MACKEY D-Don't shoot.....
  14. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 51 Duration 01

    00 Dialog MACKEY I-I'm just the-
  15. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 52 Duration 01

    00 Dialog MACKEY -school counselor.....
  16. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 54 Duration 01

    00 Dialog MACKEY Mr. Stotch?
  17. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 55 Duration 01

    00 Dialog [ALT PANEL OPTION]
  18. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 56 Duration 01

    00 Dialog MACKEY Mr. Stotch?
  19. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 57 Duration 01

    00 Dialog BUTTER'S DAD Mr. Mackey??? What in the HELL are you doing here?
  20. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 58 Duration 01

    00 Dialog BUTTER'S DAD Mr. Mackey??? What in the HELL are you doing here?
  21. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 59 Duration 01

    00 Dialog BUTTER'S DAD Mr. Mackey??? What in the HELL are you doing here?
  22. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 60 Duration 01

    00 Dialog MACKEY What in the hell are YOU doing here!? BUTTER'S DAD I'm asking YOU, I've got the gun!
  23. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 61 Duration 01

    00 Dialog BUTTER'S MOM We were just... Having a look see...
  24. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 62 Duration 01

    00 Dialog BUTTER'S MOM We weren't going to mess with the Russian Pony-
  25. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 63 Duration 01

    00 Dialog BUTTER'S MOM -I-I swear! BUTTER'S DAD SHUT IT, Linda!
  26. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 64 Duration 01

    00 Dialog MR. MACKEY Mr. And Mrs. Stotch... you know, your son has been having some problems at school...
  27. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 65 Duration 01

    00 Dialog BUTTER'S DAD Problems? MACKEY You know, with bullies, and uh- pressure for marijuana-
  28. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 66 Duration 01

    00 Dialog MR. MACKEY gGgrgRHH
  29. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 67 Duration 01

  30. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 68 Duration 01

    00 Dialog BUTTER'S DAD & MOM Auguhhgh!!!
  31. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 72 Duration 01

    00 Dialog MACKEY I want some-
  32. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 73 Duration 01

    00 Dialog MACKEY -GOD DAMN answers.
  33. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 74 Duration 01

    00 Dialog BUTTER'S DAD So you want 'em to WIN???? You're a TRAITOR!
  34. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 75 Duration 01

    00 Dialog MACKEY I'm no traitor.
  35. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 76 Duration 01

    00 Dialog BUTTER'S DAD Yeah right... Since when did you give a shit about dressage??
  36. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 79 Duration 01

    00 Dialog MACKEY ...since I found out the school Principal is a Russian Spy.
  37. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 80 Duration 01

    00 Dialog BUTTER'S MOM A WHAT!?!?
  38. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 81 Duration 01

    00 Dialog MACKEY There's something big going on here, and I think it has to do with your son.
  39. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 85 Duration 01

    00 Dialog BUTTER'S DAD Mr. Mackey... we were here to try and give that pony diarrhea by giving it Erewhon.
  40. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 86 Duration 01

    00 Dialog BUTTER'S MOM It's the truth.
  41. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 87 Duration 01

    00 Dialog BUTTER'S DAD We're on your side.
  42. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 89 Duration 01

    00 Dialog MACKEY I think I know what's going on... the communists are gonna use the pony show as an excuse...
  43. Scene 1 Duration 01 30 00 Panel 90 Duration 01

    00 Dialog MACKEY ...And fire the missiles. SFX: *Dramatic music OUT*