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[GEECON24] Let's Learn to Identify Technical Re...

Alexandre Touret
June 21, 2024

[GEECON24] Let's Learn to Identify Technical Requirements for Better Design

Have you ever heard phrases like "it must work 24/7," "I want 100% availability," only to end up with "in reality, a VM will be more than sufficient"? Or conversely, "No SLA, my platform is not critical, it just needs to run precisely at 6:54 AM on the first day of the month"? If these situations sound familiar, don't miss out! Whether these Non-Functional Requirements are explicit or not, they are the keystone of any architecture aligned with client needs.

Drawing on two fictional examples (any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental, or maybe not), we will explore how to navigate the pitfalls of overengineering and establish a pragmatic approach to identifying the right architecture for the right business need.

By the end of this presentation, we'll know how to identify those elusive NFRs that will help us design better architectures while avoiding unnecessary complexity!

Alexandre Touret

June 21, 2024

More Decks by Alexandre Touret


  1. Let's Learn to Identify Technical Requirements for Better Design Philippe

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  6. We design payments technology that powers the growth of millions

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    hours and 24 minutes 95% 18 days, 6 hours and 2 minutes 99% 3 days, 15 hours and 36 minutes 99,9% 8 hours, 45 minutes and 36 secondes 99,95% 4 hours, 22 minutes and 56 secondes ❑ Ability of a platform to be available and provide a service to users when they need it (ex. 99%) ❑It can be restricted to a specific time slot (ex. from 8AM to 8PM) Availability
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  10. ✓ Ordering ✓ Payment « THIS APPLICATION MUST NEVER CRASH,

    24/7 100% OF THE TIME". 24/7 available application, eleven nines Inc.
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  12. An online French pastry Short description of the purpose: «

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  13. Architecture (V1) ma on I ate ay ambda ma on

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  14. ❑The NFRs eren’t adapted to the business model ❑The cost

    management asn’t considered (vs scalability) ❑The NFRs weren’ t ully aligned with the business domain Why may these platforms belong to the 31%? O , let’s ix them!
  15. Understand the functional requirements Technical goals Know and get feedback

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  16. Understand the functional requirements Technical goals Know and get feedback

    from Ops Evaluate the risks Answer to the 1-billion-dollar question: « is it worth it? »
  17. Understand the functional requirements Technical goals Know and get feedback

    from Ops Evaluate the risks Answer to the 1-billion-dollar question: « is it worth it? »
  18. High Availability Auto Recovery New paradigm From « Hope it

    will never happen » to « recover easily »
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  20. Understand the functional requirements Technical goals Know and get feedback

    from Ops Evaluate the risks Answer to the 1-billion-dollar question: « is it worth it? »
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  24. Low 1 Medium 2 High 3 Low 1 Medium 2

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  25. Understand the functional requirements Technical goals Know and get feedback

    from Ops Evaluate the risks Answer to the 1-billion-dollar question: « is it worth it? »
  26. « Does the creation of pastries require a 99,95% availability?

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  27. ❑ Get clear and fitted technical goals ❑A pragmatic risk

    management assessment ❑Simplicity & evolutivity What did our approach bring?
  28. I you already operate plat orms… Onboard the OPS Gather,

    pinpoint & the risks Build a knowledge base
  29. To sum up Dig into the user needs Pinpoint the

    requirements Get down to basics! Iterate!
  30. Don’t be a stranger! Follow & get in touch @malkav30

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