(mid-late 20s) 3. Introverted, keeps to themselves 4. Really passionate about programming 5. Contribute to open source, has side projects 6. Use certain OS, IDEs and tools 7. Male presenting Assumptions I had of the characteristics of a good software developer
Conformity Bias The Contrast Effect Gender Bias The Halo/Horns Effect Name Bias ... Harmful unconscious biases According to https://www.catalyst.org/2020/01/02/interrupt-unconscious-bias/
safety - Study with 200+ teams at Google on team performance https://hbr.org/2017/08/high-performing-teams-need-psychological-safety-heres-how-to-create-it
problem - Giving an example of the problem rather than making a blanket statement - Avoid personal feedback like “too aggressive” or “too quiet” Actionable
- Be transparent with your salary and benefits - To be able to answer questions around diversity - Advocate for standardizing hiring processes - Use your voice and call others out Ways to be an ally