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Using DL and GCP to Improve CVR of Coupon Mails...

Using DL and GCP to Improve CVR of Coupon Mails / zozotech_gcp_04

The slides in the presentation were used in ZOZO Technologies Inc. Online Event Meetup 2020 . The slides in the presentation discuss about how ZOZO Technologies Inc. uses Big data and Deep Learning methods for Click through Rate prediction and Conversion Rate prediction to improve the revenue generation through coupon mails.

Anirudh G J

June 22, 2020

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Using Big Data and Deep Learning for CVR Improvement

    技術開発本部 ECプラットフォーム部 推薦基盤
 アニルドフ ジャムカンヂ Copyright © ZOZO Technologies, Inc. 1
  2. © ZOZO Technologies, Inc. 2 1. Problem Statement 2. Brief

    Introduction/Summary of Previous Approaches 3. Present Approach 4. Workflow Structure AGENDA
  3. © ZOZO Technologies, Inc. 3 SELF INTRODUCTION • 株式会社ZOZOテクノロジーズ •

    技術開発本部 ECプラットフォーム部 推薦基盤 • アニルドフ ジャムカンヂ (Anirudh Jamkhandi) @anirudhgj 
 • Joined ZOZO Technologies Inc in 2019 as a new graduate. • Currently working as MLエンジニア
  4. © ZOZO Technologies, Inc. Browsing history ENCODER STATIC USER INTERESTS

    Buy or not ! Target Shop or item 6 SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS MODELS
  5. © ZOZO Technologies, Inc. Browsing history ENCODER STATIC USER INTERESTS

    Buy or not ! Target Shop or item 7 SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS MODELS Hard to capture User’s Diverse Interests in a static encoder vector
  6. © ZOZO Technologies, Inc. Local activation : Only part of

    Customer’s interests will influence his/her action Target Shop or item Browsing history MOTIVATION 8
  7. © ZOZO Technologies, Inc. Local activation : Only part of

    Customer’s interests will influence his/her action Browsing history Target Shop or item MOTIVATION 9
  8. © ZOZO Technologies, Inc. Target Shop or Item MOTIVATION 10

    Reference :- [Zhou, Guorui, et al. "Deep interest network for click-through rate prediction." Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. 2018.]
  9. © ZOZO Technologies, Inc. Target Shop or Item MOTIVATION 11

    Reference :- [Zhou, Guorui, et al. "Deep interest network for click-through rate prediction." Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. 2018.]
  10. © ZOZO Technologies, Inc. Target Shop or Item MOTIVATION 12

    Reference :- [Zhou, Guorui, et al. "Deep interest network for click-through rate prediction." Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. 2018.]
  11. © ZOZO Technologies, Inc. Browsing history ENCODER STATIC USER INTERESTS

    Buy or not ! Target Shop or item PRESENT MODEL 13 Local activation
  12. © ZOZO Technologies, Inc. Browsing history ENCODER Buy or not

    ! Target Shop or item PRESENT MODEL 14 Local activation LOCAL USER INTERESTS
  13. © ZOZO Technologies, Inc. Browsing history ENCODER Buy or not

    ! Target Shop or item PRESENT MODEL 15 Local activation LOCAL USER INTERESTS Dynamic Interest Model
  14. © ZOZO Technologies, Inc. Browsing history ENCODER Buy or not

    ! Target Shop or item PRESENT MODEL 16 Local activation DYNAMIC LOCAL USER INTERESTS Dynamic Interest Model
  15. © ZOZO Technologies, Inc. Buy probability! [Zhou, Guorui, et al.

    Deep interest evolution network for click-through rate prediction. AAAI 2019] 17 DYNAMIC INTEREST MODEL LOCAL ACTIVATION MODEL PRESENT MODEL
  16. © ZOZO Technologies, Inc. 21 1.Model Train 2.Model Test WORKFLOW

    STRUCTURE Browsing History logs Cloud Storage AI Platform BigQuery
  17. © ZOZO Technologies, Inc. 22 1.Model Train 2.Model Test 1.Store

    Model Cache 2.Store Predictions WORKFLOW STRUCTURE Browsing History logs Cloud Storage AI Platform Cloud Storage BigQuery BigQuery
  18. © ZOZO Technologies, Inc. 23 1.Model Train 2.Model Test CI/CD

    WORKFLOW STRUCTURE Cloud Storage AI Platform 1.Store Model Cache 2.Store Predictions Github Actions Browsing History logs BigQuery Cloud Storage BigQuery
  19. © ZOZO Technologies, Inc. 24 1.Model Train 2.Model Test CI/CD

    WORKFLOW STRUCTURE Cloud Storage AI Platform Github Actions Browsing History logs Workflow Management BigQuery 1.Store Model Cache 2.Store Predictions Cloud Storage BigQuery
  20. 26