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Modeling Pub/Sub system with F# and CQRS (on mi...

Modeling Pub/Sub system with F# and CQRS (on micro-scale)

Almost all APIs that are built in different companies have a lot in common, but when you have to open several projects, they are very different. Query and error handling, interaction with domain objects and infrastructure layers, etc. shouldn't be so different. All this fake difference only complicates the understanding of the components of the project and their interaction. In this talk, I will share how we build APIs that support different semantic models(Request/Response and Pub/Sub) and various protocols exchange (HTTP/WebSockets/AMQP). I will also try to unlock the potential of the CQRS architectural pattern and explain why we apply it to almost all API projects.

Anton Moldovan

October 25, 2019

More Decks by Anton Moldovan

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  1. The Problem Almost all APIs that are built in different

    companies have a lot in common, but when you have to open several projects, they are very different. Query and error handling, interaction with domain objects and infrastructure layers, etc. shouldn't be so different. All this fake difference only complicates the understanding of the components of the project and their interaction.
  2. type IncidentType = Goal | Corner | Penalty | RedCard

    | YellowCard type ParticipantRole = Home | Away type Incident = { Id: IncidentId GameId: GameId Type: IncidentType ParticipantId: ParticipantId ParticipantRole: ParticipantRole option TimeInGame: DateTime GamePart: GamePart option }
  3. type Query = | Incident of IncidentId | IncidentsForGames of

    GameId[] * IncidentType[] * LimitsParams type Command = | AddIncident of IncidentArgs | RemoveIncident of IncidentId | Subscribe of GameId[] * IncidentType[] | Unsubscribe of SubscriptionId type DomainEvent = | IncidentAdded of Incident * subscriptionsToNotify:SubscriptionId[] | IncidentRemoved of IncidentId | SubscriptionCreated of SubscriptionId | SubscriberAdded of SubscriptionId * subscribersCount:uint32 | SubscriptionRemoved of SubscriptionId | SubscriberRemoved of SubscriptionId * subscribersCount:uint32
  4. type ParserError = | GameIdFormat of originValues:string[] | IncidentIdFormat of

    originValues:string[] | IncidentTypeFormat of originValues:string[] type DomainError = | IncidentCantBeCreated of gameId:int * typeId:int | LimitsOutOfRange of top:int * maxTop:int * skip:int | GameNotFound of gameId:int | IncidentNotFound of incidentId:int | IncidentsForGamesNotFound of gameIds:int[] type AppError = | Parser of ParserError | Domain of DomainError static member create(e: ParserError) = e |> Parser static member create(e: DomainError) = e |> Domain static member createResult(e: DomainError) = e |> Domain |> Error static member createResult(e: ParserError) = e |> Parser |> Error
  5. Project development with familiar backbone Domain | Commands | Queries

    | Events CommandHandler | QueryHandler CQRS (on micro scale)
  6. type Command = | AddIncident of IncidentArgs | RemoveIncident of

    IncidentId | Subscribe of GameId[] * IncidentType[] | Unsubscribe of SubscriptionId type DomainEvent = | IncidentAdded of Incident * subscriptionsToNotify:SubscriptionId[] | IncidentRemoved of IncidentId | SubscriptionCreated of SubscriptionId | SubscriberAdded of SubscriptionId * subscribersCount:uint32 | SubscriptionRemoved of SubscriptionId | SubscriberRemoved of SubscriptionId * subscribersCount:uint32
  7. let handle (command) = match command with | AddIncident args

    -> DomainEvent.IncidentAdded | RemoveIncident id -> DomainEvent.IncidentRemoved | Subscribe (gamesIds, incTypes) -> DomainEvent.SubscriptionCreated | Unsubscribe id -> DomainEvent.SubscriptionRemoved type Command = | AddIncident of IncidentArgs | RemoveIncident of IncidentId | Subscribe of GameId[] * IncidentType[] | Unsubscribe of SubscriptionId type DomainEvent = | IncidentAdded of Incident * subscriptionsToNotify:SubscriptionId[] | IncidentRemoved of IncidentId | SubscriptionCreated of SubscriptionId | SubscriberAdded of SubscriptionId * subscribersCount:uint32 | SubscriptionRemoved of SubscriptionId | SubscriberRemoved of SubscriptionId * subscribersCount:uint32
  8. type CommandHandler(storage: IStorage, subscriptions: Subscriptions) = let handle (command) =

    asyncResult { match command with | AddIncident params -> let! game = storage.FindGame(params.GametId) with match game with | Some game -> let! event = IncidentDomain.add(params, game, subscriptions) publishEvent(event) return event | None -> return! GameNotFound(params.GametId) |> AppError.create } member x.Handle(command) = handle(command)
  9. type CommandHandler(storage: IStorage, subscriptions: Subscriptions) = let handle (command) =

    asyncResult { match command with | AddIncident params -> let! game = storage.FindGame(params.GametId) with match game with | Some game -> let! event = IncidentDomain.add(params, game, subscriptions) publishEvent(event) return event | None -> return! GameNotFound(params.GametId) |> AppError.create } member x.Handle = handle
  10. type CommandHandler(storage: IStorage, subscriptions: Subscriptions) = let handle (command) =

    asyncResult { match command with | AddIncident params -> match! storage.FindGame(params.GametId) with | Some game -> let! event = IncidentDomain.add(params, game, subscriptions) publishEvent(event) return event | None -> return! GameNotFound(params.GametId) |> AppError.create } member x.Handle = handle
  11. type CommandHandler(storage: IStorage, subscriptions: Subscriptions) = // handle: Command ->

    Async<Result<DomainEvent, AppError>> let handle (command) = asyncResult { match command with | AddIncident params -> match! storage.FindGame(params.GametId) with // Task<Option<Game>> | Some game -> // Result<DomainEvent, AppError> let! event = IncidentDomain.add(params, game, subscriptions) publishEvent(event) return event | None -> return! GameNotFound(params.GametId) |> AppError.create } member x.Handle = handle
  12. type CommandHandler(storage: IStorage, subscriptions: Subscriptions) = // handle: Command ->

    Async<Result<DomainEvent, AppError>> let handle (command) = asyncResult { match command with | CreateIncident params -> match! storage.FindGame(params.GametId) with // Task<Option<Game>> | Some game -> // Result<DomainEvent, AppError> let! event = IncidentDomain.add(params, game, subscriptions) publishEvent(event) return event | None -> return! GameNotFound(params.GametId) |> AppError.create } member x.Handle = handle
  13. type CommandHandler(storage: IStorage, subscriptions: Subscriptions) = let eventStream = new

    Subject<DomainEvent>() let publishEvent (event) = eventStream.OnNext(event) // handle: Command -> Async<Result<DomainEvent, AppError>> let handle (command) = asyncResult { match command with | CreateIncident params -> match! storage.FindGame(params.GametId) with // Task<Option<Game>> | Some game -> // Result<DomainEvent, AppError> let! event = IncidentDomain.add(params, game, subscriptions) publishEvent(event) return event | None -> return! GameNotFound(params.GametId) |> AppError.create } member x.Handle = handle member x.EventStream = eventStream :> IObservable<DomainEvent>
  14. type CommandHandler(storage: IStorage, subscriptions: Subscriptions) = let eventStream = new

    Subject<DomainEvent>() let publishEvent = eventStream.OnNext // handle: Command -> Async<Result<DomainEvent, AppError>> let handle (command) = asyncResult { match command with | CreateIncident params -> match! storage.FindGame(params.GametId) with // Task<Option<Game>> | Some game -> // Result<DomainEvent, AppError> let! event = IncidentDomain.add(params, game, subscriptions) publishEvent(event) return event | None -> return! GameNotFound(params.GametId) |> AppError.create } member x.Handle = handle member x.EventStream = eventStream :> IObservable<DomainEvent>
  15. Command Handler WebSockets Middleware AMQP Middleware connections connections EventStream: IObservable<DomainEvent>

    Dictionary<SubscriptionId, Connections[]> Dictionary<SubscriptionId, Connections[]>
  16. Command Handler IncidentAddedEvent { SubscriptionId = 5,6,7 Incident: { …

    } } EventStream: IObservable<DomainEvent> WebSockets Middleware AMQP Middleware connections connections Dictionary<SubscriptionId, Connections[]> Dictionary<SubscriptionId, Connections[]>
  17. type QueryHandler(storage: InStorage) = let response (incidents: Incident[]) = incidents

    |> Array.map(Incident.toContractType) let handle (query) = asyncResult { match query with | Incident id -> match! storage.FindIncident(id) with | Some incident -> return response [| incident |] | None -> return response(Array.empty) } member x.Handle = handle
  18. Your Server as a function HttpRequest -> Query -> QueryHandler

    -> Async<Result<Incident[], AppError>> -> Async<HttpResponse>
  19. HttpRequest -> Query -> QueryHandler -> Async<Result<Incident[], AppError>> -> Async<HttpResponse>

    WebSocketRequest -> Query -> QueryHandler -> Async<Result<Incident[], AppError>> -> Async<WebSocketResponse> AMQPRequest -> Query -> QueryHandler -> Async<Result<Incident[], AppError>> -> Async<AMQPRequest>
  20. HttpRequest -> Query -> QueryHandler -> Async<Result<Incident[], AppError>> -> Async<HttpResponse>

    WebSocketRequest -> Query -> QueryHandler -> Async<Result<Incident[], AppError>> -> Async<WebSocketResponse> AMQPRequest -> Query -> QueryHandler -> Async<Result<Incident[], AppError>> -> Async<AMQPRequest>
  21. type ParserError = | GameIdFormat of originValues:string[] | IncidentIdFormat of

    originValues:string[] | IncidentTypeFormat of originValues:string[] type DomainError = | IncidentCantBeCreated of gameId:int * typeId:int | LimitsOutOfRange of top:int * maxTop:int * skip:int | GameNotFound of gameId:int | IncidentNotFound of incidentId:int | IncidentsForGamesNotFound of gameIds:int[] type AppError = | Parser of ParserError | Domain of DomainError static member create(e: ParserError) = e |> Parser static member create(e: DomainError) = e |> Domain static member createResult(e: DomainError) = e |> Domain |> Error static member createResult(e: ParserError) = e |> Parser |> Error
  22. module HTTPErrorResponse = let map (error: AppError) = ... let

    fromDomainError (error: DomainError) = match error with | IncidentCantBeCreated -> new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadReqeust, { ... }) let fromParserError (error: ParserError) = match error with | GameIdFormat ids -> new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadReqeust, { ... }) | IncidentIdFormat ids -> new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadReqeust, { ... }) match error with | Domain e -> fromDomainError(e) | Parser e -> fromParserError(e)
  23. [<Fact>] let ``CommandHandler on AddIncident should return IncidentAdded if related

    game exist`` () = let cmdHandler = TestHelper.createCommandHandler() let game = TestHelper.createGame(id = 777) let incident = TestHelper.createIncident(id = 1, gameId = 777) asyncResult { let! gameEvent = Command.AddGame(game) |> cmdHandler.Handle let! incidentEvent = Command.AddIncident(incident) |> cmdHandler.Handle test <@ match incidentEvent with | IncidentAdded _ -> true | _ -> false @> } |> TestHelper.runTest
  24. [<Fact>] let ``Agent should be able to reconnect automatically and

    join the cluster`` () = async { let coordinatorDep = Dependency.createFor(NodeType.Coordinator) let (agentDep, loggerBuffer) = Dependency.createWithInMemoryLogger(NodeType.Agent) let server = MqttTests.startMqttServer() // we start one agent let! agent = Agent.init(agentDep, [| scenario |], agentSettings) Agent.startListening(agent) |> Async.Start // we stop mqtt server MqttTests.stopMqttServer server // and wait some time do! Async.Sleep(5_000) // spin up the mqtt server again to see that agent will reconnect let server = MqttTests.startMqttServer() let! coordinator = Coordinator.init(coordinatorDep, [| scenario |], coordinatorSettings, [| scenarioSettings |], customSettings) // waiting on reconnect do! Async.Sleep(2_000) let! statsResult = Coordinator.run(coordinator) let allStats = statsResult |> Result.defaultValue Array.empty
  25. Property based testing [<Property>] let ``Subscription filter correctness verification`` (allTypes:

    IncidentType[], typesToSubscribe: IncidentType[]) = type IncidentType = Goal | Corner | Penalty | RedCard | YellowCard
  26. Property based testing allTypes: [Goal; Corner; Penalty], typesToSubscribe: [Corner]) =

    type IncidentType = Goal | Corner | Penalty | RedCard | YellowCard
  27. Property based testing allTypes: [Goal; Corner; Penalty; Corner;], typesToSubscribe: [RedCard;

    YellowCard]) = type IncidentType = Goal | Corner | Penalty | RedCard | YellowCard
  28. [<Property>] let ``Subscription filter corectness verification`` (game: Game, allTypes: IncidentType

    list, typesToSubscribe: IncidentType list) = let cmdHandler = createCmdHandler() let incidents = allTypes |> List.map(fun x -> TestHelper.createIncidents(event) Command.AddGame(game) |> cmdHandler.Handle |> ignore Command.Subscribe([|game.Id|], typesToSubscribe) |> cmdHandler.Handle |> ignore let receivedIncidents = incidents |> List.map(fun x -> Command.AddIncident(x) |> cmdHandler.Handle |> retrieveIncidents |> List.sum let shouldReceive = if List.isEmpty(typesToSubscribe) // subscribed on all types then incidents.Length else let machedTypes = Set.intersect (set allTypes) (set typesToSubscribe) incidents |> List.choose(fun x -> if machedTypes.Contains(enum<IncidentType> x.IncidentTypeId) then Some 1 else None) |> List.sum receivedIncidents = shouldReceive
  29. Simpler reading let validate (context: NBomberContext) = context.Scenarios |> checkEmptyName

    >>= checkDuplicateName >>= checkEmptyStepName >>= checkDuration >>= checkConcurrentCopies >>= fun _ -> Ok context |> Result.mapError(AppError.create)
  30. module CardGame = type Suit = Club | Diamond |

    Spade | Heart type Rank = Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Jack | Queen | King | Ace type Card = Suit * Rank type Hand = Card list type Deck = Card list type Player = { Name:string; Hand:Hand} type Game = {Deck:Deck; Players: Player list} type Deal = Deck -> (Deck*Card) type PickupCard = (Hand*Card) -> Hand
  31. Anonymous Types let data = {| X = 1; Y

    = 2 |} let data1 = {| data with Y = 3 |} // {| X:Int; Y:Int |} let data2 = {| data with Z = 3 |} // {| X:Int; Y:Int; Z:Int |}
  32. type User = { Age: int } let user =

    { Age = 1 } let anonymous = {| user with Y=1 |} // {| Age:Int; Y:Int |} Anonymous Types
  33. Option<T> - to represent cases when something may exist but

    also may not. Result<TOk, TError> - to represent operations which could be success or fail. Choice<TLeft, TRight> - to model operations which return different values depending on the input Async<T> - to represent asynchronicity as an effect (in addition people quite often use F# Async<T> to model impure operations as alternative to IO monad)
  34. // if method starts with Find then in case of

    not found // it returns null public User FindUser(int userId) // if method starts with Get then in case of not found // it throws Exception public User GetUser(int userId)
  35. // if method starts with Try // it means that

    operation can fail and // and exception will be not thrown public bool TryParse(string json, out Config config) // in this case the exception will be thrown public Config Parse(string json)
  36. option { let! x = getSomething() let! y = getSomethingElse()

    let! z = andYetGetSomethingElse() // Code will only hit this point if the three // operations above return Some value return x + y + z }
  37. type QueryHandler(storage: IStorage) = let handle (query) = asyncResult {

    match query with | Incidents (eventIds, incidentTypes, limits) -> // vLimits: Result<LimitsParams, AppError> let! vLimits = QueryValidation.validateLimits(limits) // incidents: Async<Result<Incident[], AppError>> let! incidents = storage.FindIncidents(eventIds, incidentTypes, vLimits) let data = incidents |> Array.map(Incident.toContractType) return { Data = data } } member x.Handle = handle