if you are an ML practitioner and want to learn how you can:
Crunch timeseries and forecasting data at massive scale with Ray from Nixtla
Conduct distributed data processing with Python Daft Dataframes using Ray as its distributed compute engine.
Both are exclusive Ray community user talks, and the Ray team is delighted to have them share their Ray use cases and journeys with the community.
(The times are not strict; they may vary slightly.)
Talk 0: Welcome remarks & upcoming Ray announcements - Jules Damji, Anyscale
Talk 1 (30-35 mins): Forecasting at Scale with Nixtla and Ray - Max Mergenthaler & Frederico Ramirez, Nixtla
Talk 2 (30-35 mins) : Daft: The Ray-native Python dataframe for Complex Data - Jay Chia, Eventual
The notebook URL: https://github.com/Eventual-Inc/Daft/blob/14fc9bcea6e63cf03ec4886f9aceffeeae3f6207/tutorials/image_training/coco-dataset.ipynb