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apidays Helsinki & North 2023 - JobEd Connect A...

apidays Helsinki & North 2023 - JobEd Connect API, Carl Lernberg, Arbetsförmedlingen Jobtech

apidays Helsinki & North 2023
API Ecosystems - Connecting Physical and Digital
June 5 & 6, 2023

JobEd Connect API: Open matching solution linking educations to occupations
Carl Lernberg, Product Lead, Linked Data at Arbetsförmedlingen Jobtech


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  1. Open Matching Solution Linking Educations to Occupations C A R

    L L E R N B E R G – P R O D U C T L E A D , L I N K E D D A T A
  2. • Developer and IT architect who is curious about the

    data scientist field • Working at the Swedish Public Employment Service since 2017 • Background from the banking and national defence sectors • Runner and running coach A B O U T C A R L
  3. A B O U T J O B T E

    C H • Jobtech unit is a digital innovation and development unit within the Swedish Public Employment Service • The unit was inaugurated in 2016 by the then Director-General and today has approx. 50 employees spread throughout Sweden • The unit is leading the work with the Jobtech Development platform. On the platform you will find open APIs, datasets, standards and open source code. All components are available free of charge for anyone to use. The platform currently brings together around 200 companies and organisations in a digital ecosystem • The unit, currently, is working with projects in both the labour and education markets as part of the government assignment on lifelong learning and skills supply
  4. • Workshops within the government assignment on lifelong learning and

    skills supply • How could we contribute? • Which user groups exist in the area and what are the problems they face? • What data and APIs do we have access to? W H Y J O B E D C O N N E C T ?
  5. • Manual process to see if an education leads to

    an occupation with a good future forecast • Swedish educations are available as open data via the SUSA hub (the Swedish National Agency for Education data hub) (https://susanavet2.skolverket.se/swagger-ui) • Manual insights from >200.000 educations in the SUSA hub is unreasonable C O N C L U S I O N S F R O M O U R W O R K S H O P S
  6. • Jobtech provides historical job ads from 2006 and forward

    as open data (https://jobtechdev.se/en/components/historical-ads) • Jobtech has an open API (JobAd Enrichments) for extracting demanded competences and job titles from unstructured data in job ads (https://jobtechdev.se/en/components/jobad-enrichments) • Identified the following actors: employers, training providers, individuals C O N C L U S I O N S F R O M O U R W O R K S H O P S
  7. • Match between educations and occupations using text analysis •

    Match educations from the SUSA hub or from describing text to support different use cases • Use standardized concepts in the results (e.g. for occupation groups) to be able to connect to other APIs and support various use cases • Implement as open source project J O B E D C O N N E C T - P R O O F O F C O N C E P T
  8. Extracting relevant competences and job titles from historical job ads

    in Sweden (2016-2022): G E N E R A T E T H E O C C U P A T I O N S D A T A S E T Occupation “bucket”: System developer Enriched competence values: Java Python Javascript C# Angular Enriched job title values: System developer Java developer Frontend developer Occupation “bucket”: Nurse Enriched competence values: Health care Surgery Nursing care Enriched job title values: Nurse District nurse Java Python Javascript Java developer System developer Angular Nurse Health care Nursing care Surgery Historical Job Ad: Nurse Historical Job Ad 2: System developer Historical Job Ad 1: System developer Enriched occupations Opensearch document db
  9. M A T C H O C C U P

    A T I O N S F R O M E D U C A T I O N Example education with description Extract competencies and job titles from education text Occupations sorted on relevance Bachelor Programme in Systems Sciences The systems science program is designed for the labor market of the future and leads to a bachelor of philosophy degree in systems science… Java developer Java System developer Databases Enriched occupations dataset Match occupations from education System developer Programmer Frontend developer DBA
  10. L A N G U A G E S A

    N D T E C H N O L O G I E S • Open Source (Apache licence 2.0) • Python Scrapy for fetching education data from APIs and web • Minio/S3 for temporary storing data • Open Search (Open Source dist of Elastic search) document db • Micro Services deployed as containers in Red Hat Openshift • Python Flask API • Demo App in Angular
  11. J O B E D C O N N E

    C T A P I https://jobed-connect-api.jobtechdev.se • Search/fetch educations (i.e. from the SUSA-hub) • Match occupations from the SUSA-hub education • Match occupations from text, for example education descriptions and education plans • Match education from job titles