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apidays Paris 2022 - ecoCode mobile in a nutshe...

January 08, 2023

apidays Paris 2022 - ecoCode mobile in a nutshell, Olivier Le Goaër, ecocode.io

apidays Paris 2022 - APIs the next 10 years: Software, Society, Sovereignty, Sustainability
December 14, 15 & 16, 2022

ecoCode mobile in a nutshell
Olivier Le Goaër, Green Software Researcher, ecocode.io & Associate Professor in Computer Science at Pau University

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January 08, 2023

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  1. 2023 SERIES OF EVENT New York May 16&17 Australia October

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  2. Apidays Paris December 15, 2022 Associate Professor in Computer Science

    (France) STEE College (Sciences & Technologies for Energy and Environment) Research in the field of Software Engineering How to build “greener” software? Teaching Android programming Online course (+130k views) Olivier Le Goaër Who I am?
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  4. Apidays Paris December 15, 2022 Insights Green code extends clean

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  5. Apidays Paris December 15, 2022 World-class solution to improve code

    quality Motivation No guidelines on how to write energy-friendly apps
  6. Apidays Paris December 15, 2022 Energy code smells for Android

    Research Papers Dev Interviews API Reference Documentation
  7. Apidays Paris December 15, 2022 http://olegoaer.perso.univ-pau.fr/android-energy-smells/ # OPTIMIZED API (2)

    Fused Location, Bluetooth Low-Energy # LEAKAGE (3) Media Leak, Sensor Leak, Everlasting Service # BOTTLENECK (4) Internet In The Loop, Wifi Multicast Lock, Uncompressed Data Transmission, Uncached Data Reception # SOBRIETY (10) Dark UI, Day Night Mode, Brightness Override, Thrifty Geoloc, Thrifty BLE, Thrifty Motion Sensor, Thrifty Notification, Vibration-free, Torch-free, High Frame Rate # IDLENESS (6) Keep Screen On, Keep CPU On, Durable Wake Lock, Rigid Alarm, Continuous Rendering, Keep Voice Awake # POWER (4) Ignore Battery Optimizations, Companion in background, Charge Awareness, Save Mode Awareness # BATCH (3) Service@Boot-time, Sensor Coalesce, Job Coalesce # RELEASE (8) Supported Version Range, Same dependencies, Duplicate dependencies, Fat app, Clear Cache, Disable Obfuscation, Shrink Resources, Convert to WebP Catalog of energy code smells
  8. Apidays Paris December 15, 2022 Focus on Keep CPU On

    PowerManager powerManager = (PowerManager) getSystemService(POWER_SERVICE); WakeLock wakeLock = powerManager.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, "MyApp::MyWakelockTag"); wakeLock.acquire();
  9. Apidays Paris December 15, 2022 • Statically detectable ◦ Few

    green best practices resist to this “great filter” • Broader detection scope ◦ A native android project mixes Java, XML, File System, Gradle* • Good and bad smells ◦ Albeit code quality tools are only focused on bad smells • Revamped User Interface ◦ Green code merits its own user experience *Groovy script Highlights
  10. Apidays Paris December 15, 2022 • Commitment to digital commons

    ◦ Released as OSS in January 2022 (hosted by Green IT assoc.) ◦ https://github.com/green-code-initiative/ecoCode-mobile • Attract early-adopters ◦ Hackathon in Paris in June 2022 (in the presence of the VP of Products @ SonarSource) ◦ Next edition planned in March 2023 Open Source Software new
  11. Apidays Paris December 15, 2022 • From academic ◦ EcoAndroid

    [Ribeiro et al., 2021] ◦ E-Debitum [Maia et al., 2020] ◦ xAL [Fatimaa et al., 2020] ◦ aDoctor [Iannone et al., 2020] ◦ Green Android Lint [Le Goaer, 2019] • From industry ◦ EcoSonar [Accenture, 2022] ◦ Greensight Sonar [Capgemini, 2022] Related works