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Microsoft Austin Meetups - Build conference rec...

Microsoft Austin Meetups - Build conference recap & discussion

An open discussion on the announcements from the recent Build conference.

Ryan Joy

May 21, 2015

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  1. By the numbers…  More than 5,000 developers  More

    than 160 sessions  3.43 million viewers in 197 countries  The live stream had 330,000 Day 1 viewers, with 631,344 unique live viewers across all days, the largest Build (or Channel 9) event to date  1.5 million views of the Square Enix DirectX 12 Demo on YouTube  32.6 million people have used the how-old.net website to analyze 236 million images  1.9 million clicks to the face API in the AML gallery  Hungry, hungry developers  3,465 gallons of coffee consumed  >18k breakfast pastries  12.6 terabytes of data downloaded  22,578 sodas  22,162 pieces of fruit
  2. By the Quotes…  “Microsoft (Yes, Microsoft) Has a Far-Out

    Vision” –The New York Times  “Build 2015: Microsoft Edge will redefine the browser experience” – Computerworld  “Microsoft's mojo is back.” – Bob O’Donnell, USA TODAY  “Windows 10 with Holograms Looks Freaking Awesome” – Gizmodo  “Microsoft embraces Makers with Arduino, Raspberry Pi partnerships” – Mashable  “But as Microsoft continues to roll out new Windows builds, it looks increasingly clear that it’s not just “universal” Windows we’re talking about. It’s Windows forever.” - Mark Hachman, PCWorld  “At its Build conference this week, Microsoft dropped a bombshell: Windows 10 will run Android and iOS apps. Whether or not that's a good idea is a highly debatable topic…Either way, it's an impressive and ambitious undertaking.” – Kevin Tofel, ZDNet  “They’ve opened up the once-impenetrate castle walls.” - Bill Rigby, Reuters  “Our inside look at Microsoft's HoloLens leaves us wanting more.” – c|net  “I walked away optimistic about Microsoft’s plans for the future of computing in the long term, and impressed by the opportunities for developers in the short term.” - Blair Hanley Frank, GeekWire  “It’s almost unthinkable. I was astounded that Microsoft had dared to go this far.” NIKKEI NET, Build participant and app developer
  3. Easy for users to get & stay current Unified core

    and app platform The Convergence Journey Windows 10 Converged OS kernel Converged app model
  4. Wherever your code was born, you can bring it to

    Windows Xbox IoT Universal Windows Platform Middleware Platforms Middleware Partners (e.g., Xamarin) Game Engine Partners (e.g., Unity) Windows Platform Universal Windows 8 Apps (C++/C#/JS) Universal Windows 10 Apps (C++/C#/JS) Project Centennial (Classic Apps) Web Platform Microsoft Edge HTML Engine Cordova Tooling (HTML/JS) Hosted Web Apps (HTML/JS) Other Mobile Platforms Project Astoria (Java/C++) Project Islandwood (Objective C/C++)
  5. Responsive / Adaptive layouts  Adaptive controls and panels 

    Use design states to build UI that adapts to available screen space  Universal app UI tooling  Adaptable scaling  Common input handling
  6. <Grid> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/> <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <Image x:Name="img" …/>

    <StackPanel Grid.Column="1" …> <TextBlock x:Name="title" …/> <TextBlock x:Name="authors" …/> <TextBlock x:Name="summary" …/> <Button Content="Download" …/> </StackPanel> </Grid> “Traditional” nested panel layout can be challenging for more complex layouts
  7. <RelativePanel> <Image x:Name="img" …/> <TextBlock x:Name="title" RelativePanel.RightOf="img" RP.AlignTopWith="img" …/> <TextBlock

    x:Name="authors" RP.RightOf="img" RP.Below="title" …/> <TextBlock x:Name="summary" RP.RightOf="img" RP.Below="authors" …/> <Button Content="Download" RP.RightOf="img" RP.AlignBottomWithPanel="True" …/> </RelativePanel> Use with Triggers and Setters for more advanced responsive designs Note: RP above should be replaced with RelativePanel (shortened for readability)
  8. <VisualState> <!-- VisualState to be triggered when window width is

    >768 effective pixel--> <VisualState.StateTriggers> <AdaptiveTrigger MinWindowWidth=“769" /> </VisualState.StateTriggers> <VisualState.Setters> <Setter Target="Button1.Content” Value="Wide"/> </VisualState.Setters> </VisualState> <VisualState> <!-- VisualState to be triggered when window width is between 0 to 768 effective pixels--> <VisualState.StateTriggers> <AdaptiveTrigger MinWindowWidth="0" /> </VisualState.StateTriggers> <VisualState.Setters> <Setter Target="Button1.Content” Value=“Narrow"/> </VisualState.Setters> </VisualState>
  9. Hosted web apps Your web site is the foundation for

    your Store app Augment the experience using Universal Windows APIs No change to your web workflow Native APIs Native APIs if (window.Windows) { // Create an appointment Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.Appointment(); } Trip to Barcelona 3/25/2015 All Day Notes: Return to work
  10. Code Visual Studio Notepad++ Brackets Vim ATOM Sublime Text Emacs

    Push Git SVN Visual Studio Online GitHub Bitbucket Gitlab Host Amazon WS Heroku Parse Private Cloud Microsoft Azure Release
  11. Other Mobile Platforms Project Islandwood Project Astoria Use your Java

    / C++ code Use Android IDE High code reuse Use your Objective C code Use Visual Studio Medium-high code reuse Wherever your code was born, you can bring it to Windows • There are many ways to write Universal Windows Platform (or UAP) apps. • Microsoft announced that in addition to Web apps and Win32 apps, you can use your Android Java/C++ or iOS Objective-C code to make Windows 10 apps. https://dev.windows.com/en-US/uwp-bridges
  12. New stuff  Azure SDK 2.6 for .NET  SQL

    Database Enhancements  Azure Data Lake  Azure SQL Data Warehouse  Azure Service Fabric  Azure App Service Environment (Premium)  Azure Resource Manager Support for VMs, Storage and Networking  Azure Marketplace Enhancements  And much more: http://azure.microsoft.com/blog
  13. Azure App Service Integrated offering for building intelligent web and

    mobile apps oWeb Apps – build web apps oMobile Apps – build mobile apps for any device oLogic Apps – automate processes with durable cloud-based workflows oAPI Apps – build cloud APIs for Web/Mobile/Logic Apps to consume Scale as your business grows Connectors to common SaaS systems
  14. Azure SDK 2.6 for .NET  App Service  Connected

    Services  Diagnostics  Azure RM  PowerShell editing  Docker support
  15. Visual Studio Code C#, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, LESS, SASS,

    Python, JSON, CoffeeScript, Ruby, Jade, Clojure, Java, C++, R, Go, makefile, shell, powershell, bat, XML, Markdown http://code.visualstudio.com
  16. editor IDE lightweight/fast file/folders many languages many workflows keyboard centered

    project systems code understanding debug integrated build File>New, wizards designers ALM integration platform tools ... lightweight/fast file/folders with project context many languages keyboard centered code understanding (some languages) debug task running
  17. HoloLens!  Let’s just watch some of the demos 

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLljp8CVpKg  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLljp8CVpKg&feature=youtu. be&t=7m11s  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLljp8CVpKg&feature=youtu. be&t=14m18s