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Sustainable OSS (Balkan Ruby 2024, Sofia)

Sustainable OSS (Balkan Ruby 2024, Sofia)

Slide deck from my Balkan Ruby 2024 talk.

Bozhidar Batsov

April 26, 2024

More Decks by Bozhidar Batsov

Other Decks in Programming


  1. #68

  2. • You try to solve a problem that you’re passionate

    about • You don’t have any plans for world domination • Others fi nd your solution useful and they pick it up • You achieve “world fame” • You have to do work that you never envisioned or wanted to do • Your hobby project becomes similar to your usual work… • … sans the pay
  3. • Writing & reviewing code • Writing & reviewing documentation

    • Product management • Providing users with support • Building a community around the project • Marketing • Dev relations • Dealing with unhappy users and random attacks
  4. The only people entitled to say how open source 'ought'

    to work are people who run projects, and the scope of their entitlement extends only to their own projects.
  5. Just because someone open sources something does not imply they

    owe the world a change in their status, focus and effort, e.g. from inventor to community manager.
  6. As a user of something open source you are not

    thereby entitled to anything at all. You are not entitled to contribute. You are not entitled to features. You are not entitled to the attention of others. You are not entitled to having value attached to your complaints. You are not entitled to this explanation.
  7. Open source is a licensing and delivery mechanism, period. It

    means you get the source for software and the right to use and modify it. All social impositions associated with it, including the idea of 'community- driven-development' are part of a recently-invented mythology with little basis in how things actually work, a mythology that embodies, cult-like, both a lack of support for diversity in the ways things can work and a pervasive sense of communal entitlement.