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piwheels: a Python package repository for Raspb...

piwheels: a Python package repository for Raspberry Pi

Lightning talk given at EuroPython 2020 (online)

Ben Nuttall

July 23, 2020

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  1. @ben_nuttall Ben Nuttall • Software engineer at BBC News Labs

    • Formerly at Raspberry Pi Foundation • Creator of gpiozero, piwheels and pyjokes • Opensource.com correspondent • twitter.com/ben_nuttall • github.com/bennuttall
  2. @ben_nuttall Why piwheels? • Before piwheels, “pip install” on Raspberry

    Pi would take ages • People don’t generally build Arm platform wheels • Just x86/x86_64 for Linux, Mac & Windows • I wondered if it would be possible to build a repository to host Arm wheels • It is • So I did
  3. @ben_nuttall Uploading Python package with C extensions to PyPI Python

    version 2.7 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Windows (win32) Windows (amd64) Mac OS (x86_64) Linux (i686) Linux (x86_64) Source (sdist)
  4. @ben_nuttall What is piwheels? • Open source project maintained by:

    • Ben Nuttall • Dave Jones • Tooling to automate building wheels of everything on PyPI • Wheels are pre-compiled binary distributions of Python packages • Tailored towards the Arm platform • linux_armv6l and linux_armv7l platform tags
  5. @ben_nuttall What is piwheels.org? • Python package repository (like PyPI)

    • Hosts Arm wheels of all packages on PyPI • Website comprises: • Simple index • Project pages • Blog & info pages
  6. @ben_nuttall The stack • Master • Distributes jobs, web server

    hosts index and wheel files • Postgres database • Monitors PyPI, generates build queue • Logs build attempts, logs downloads • Builders • Get given build jobs • 3 × Raspbian Jessie (Python 3.4) • 2 × Raspbian Stretch (Python 3.5) • 2 × Raspbian Buster (Python 3.7) • Easy to scale up/down
  7. @ben_nuttall The stack • Master • Distributes jobs, web server

    hosts index and wheel files • Postgres database • Monitors PyPI, generates build queue • Logs build attempts, logs downloads • Builders • Get given build jobs • 3 × Raspbian Jessie (Python 3.4) • 2 × Raspbian Stretch (Python 3.5) • 2 × Raspbian Buster (Python 3.7) • Easy to scale up/down
  8. @ben_nuttall Using piwheels • Raspbian is pre-configured to use piwheels.org

    as an additional index to PyPI • Users get platform wheels without knowing it’s there • Tutorials that say "warning: this step will take ages" are now wrong
  9. @ben_nuttall Using piwheels • Raspbian is pre-configured to use piwheels.org

    as an additional index to PyPI • Users get platform wheels without knowing it’s there • Tutorials that say "warning: this step will take ages" are now wrong