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Training Deep Learning Models on Multiple GPUs ...

Training Deep Learning Models on Multiple GPUs in the Cloud by Enrique Otero at Big Data Spain 2017

GPUs on the cloud as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) seem a commodity. However to efficiently distribute deep learning tasks on several GPUs is challenging.


Big Data Spain 2017
November 16th - 17th Kinépolis Madrid

Big Data Spain

December 04, 2017

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  1. DEEP LEARNING & MULTI GPUs Training Deep Learning Models on

    Multiple GPUs in the Cloud BEE PART OF THE CHANGE Avenida de Burgos, 16 D, 28036 Madrid [email protected] www.beeva.com
  2. ENRIQUE OTERO [email protected] @beevalabs_eom Data Scientist in BEEVA [email protected] |

    www.beeva.com The intro: deep learning & GPUs The training: challenges & benchmarks on image classification The lessons: science, engineering, infrastructure & business

    • INNOVATION LABS • INNOVATION SERVICES 100 % +40 % Annual growth rate in last 4 years +65 0 Employees in Spain +80 0 Employees globally WE MAKE COMPLEX THINGS SIMPLE
  4. • more (labeled) data • more computing power • some

    tricks Why now? Source: http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/lenet/
  5. • Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) • Mini-batch SGD Source: Andrew

    Ng. Source: http://www.eeng.dcu.ie/~mcguinne/ Error (loss) function Stochastic gradient descent
  6. Data parallel vs. model parallel • Faster or larger models?

    Asynchronous vs. Synchronous • Fast or precise? Distributed training Source: https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/research/inception
  7. (Multi-node) third party benchmarks ResNet152 (8 to 256 gpus): 95%

    to 90% efficiency AlexNet (8 to 256 gpus): 78% to 53% efficiency Source: mxnet on AWS 16 x p2.16x
  8. (Multi-node) third party benchmarks Small print: • High speed connections!

    • Synthetic data vs. real data • Bottlenecks in hard disk And more... • accuracy penalization • number of parameter servers Source: tensorflow.org Source: https://chainer.org
  9. Let’s begin: Tesla K80 K80 GPUs on: • AWS p2:

    1, 8 & 16 ◦ ready-to-go AMIs • Azure NC: 1, 2 & 4 • Google Cloud Platform: 1 to 8 ◦ setup scripts
  10. • Goal: saturate GPUs! • Bottlenecks: ◦ I/O Reads ◦

    Image pipelines ▪ Decoding ▪ Data augmentation ◦ Communications: ▪ efficient primitives: NCCL ▪ Overlap with computation ▪ QPI < PCIe < NVLink Data pipeline bottlenecks
  11. More lessons: CIFAR10 on AWS AWS p2.8x = 8x GPU

    K80 sync. data-parallel After 8 epochs... mxnet: • validation accuracy = [0.77, 0.82] tensorflow: • validation accuracy = [0.47, 0.59]
  12. Batch sizes matter • Larger batches reduce communication overhead ◦

    More throughput • But degrade convergence. ◦ Less accuracy!
  13. Accuracy vs. throughput Empirical workaround for learning rates: • warm

    up: start small • increase 5 epochs... • finish on #gpus x lr Scenario: • NVLink, 50Gbps Ethernet (> 15Gbps) • Caffe2 + NCCL + gloo • Synchronous SGD + Momentum Source: Facebook AI Research
  14. Being practical: fine tuning with MxNet Scenario: • p2.8x •

    ResNet50 • batch-size: 16 x gpu • lr = lr_i x gpu • 1 epoch 94% efficiency :)
  15. Being practical: fine tuning with MxNet Scenario: • p2.8x •

    ResNet152 • batch-size: 16,32 x gpu • lr = lr_i x gpu • 1 epoch • val-acc = [0.830, 0.836] 95% efficiency :) < 1% accuracy loss
  16. Tesla K80 prices on cloud 1$/h per-second billing only 0.3$/h

    on AWS spot market Purchase 1 or rent 4000 to 12000 hours! Training ResNet50 Imagenet1K (100 epochs): 180$ to 730$ Fine-tuning (8 epochs): < 2$
  17. 2014 to 2017: from Kepler... to Volta! Source: aws.amazon.com New!

    October 2017 And Tesla Pascal P100 beta on Google Cloud Platform New! September 2017. on-demand spot
  18. Extra: NVIDIA Volta on AWS P3 instances! • Great performance!

    • Cost-effective (on- demand) • (still) scarce availability
  19. Summary SCIENCE Batch sizes & learning rates matter! • high

    batch sizes degrade convergence • linear scaling rule & warm-up ENGINEERING Data pipeline matters! • Data feed • Overlap computation & communications INFRASTRUCTURE Architecture & Bandwidth matters! • Volta > Pascal > Kepler • NVLink > PCle > (25 Gbps) Ethernet BUSINESS Pricing matters! • Cost effective cloud instances in spot market