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Research Data Management: A Digital Scholarship...

Research Data Management: A Digital Scholarship Mini-Talk

Presentation given at the UW-Madison Libraries.

Brianna Marshall

April 27, 2016

More Decks by Brianna Marshall

Other Decks in Research


  1. research data management Brianna Marshall | UW-Madison Libraries | April

    27, 2016 a digital scholarship mini-talk Icon used courtesy of Pixabay
  2. CONSULTATIONS + GUIDANCE GENERAL RDM •  Organization, naming, versioning • 

    Sharing + openness •  Data formats, metadata •  Security •  Storage + backup •  Etc. OPEN SCIENCE + REPRODUCIBILITY FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS •  Data management plans (DMPs) •  OSTP memo 1
  3. + + + S E R V I C E

    S + + + TEACHING + TRAINING •  Data information literacy •  Embedded assistance DATA CURATION TECHNOLOGY •  Storage •  Collaboration •  Preservation (Maybe in the form of a repository, maybe not.) 2
  4. + + + + P O L I C Y

    + + + + 3 UNIVERSITY •  Governance/stewardship •  Security •  Campus OSTP response NATIONAL •  Funder policy advocacy •  Group/committee involvement INTERNATIONAL •  Data standards advocacy •  Group/committee involvement
  5. Image courtesy of Flickr user lukew (CC BY) we are

    all generating more digital stuff than ever before.
  6. Senior researchers think grad students and ECRs know how to

    manage data because they’re digital natives... But they don’t! And senior researchers aren’t equipped to train them, either. They don’t know where to start.
  7. boldness in RDM-land •  Embrace discomfort + an uncertain path

    •  Keep sharing openly about successes AND failures •  Approach RDM within a broader context •  Work on our elevator speeches •  Stop letting commercial entities take the lead (prevent vendor lock-in!)
  8. the future of data services •  Teams - local, national,

    and international •  DIL/teaching, particularly training graduate students •  Computational focus (high throughput, data carpentry) •  Tied to federal funding requirements •  Curation + preservation services
  9. 2015 - 2016 •  getting organized •  tracking + assessment

    •  website overhaul •  focus on design •  blog content •  outreach •  social media
  10. w e r e q u e s t t

    h e p l e a s u re o f yo u r c o m p a n y a t t h e A u g u s t 2 0 1 6 research data bootcamp
  11. discussion points •  What do you think is the future

    of RDM and libraries? •  What do you want to learn about RDM? What are you most curious about? •  What are good strategies for engaging departments in discussion on these topics?