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Building (cloudless) Enterprise Applications wi...

Building (cloudless) Enterprise Applications with Ruby

Most people working with startups are used to the comfort of working with the cloud. When your product needs to work on-premise, you need a different mindset on the architecture and on the overall decisions you make.


Presented for the local ruby community in Florianópolis, SC - Brazil.


Gabriel Mazetto

October 03, 2017

More Decks by Gabriel Mazetto

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  1. development: url: redis://localhost:6379/10 # # url: redis://localhost:6380 # sentinels: #

    - # host: localhost # port: 26380 # point to sentinel, not to redis port # - # host: slave2 # port: 26380 # point to sentinel, not to redis port
  2. gitlab: ## Web server settings (note: host is the FQDN,

    do not include http://) host: localhost port: 3000 https: false user: brodock ## Default project features settings default_projects_features: issues: true merge_requests: true wiki: true snippets: true builds: true container_registry: true
  3. name 'ruby' default_version '2.3.5' dependency 'zlib' dependency 'openssl' dependency 'libffi'

    dependency 'libyaml' dependency 'libiconv' version('2.3.5') { source sha256: '5462f7bbb28beff5da7441968471ed922f964db1abdce82b8860608acc23ddcc' } source url: "https://cache.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/#{version.match(/^(\d+\.\d+)/)[0]}/ruby-#{ version}.tar.gz" build do command "./configure" command "make" command "make install" end
  4. Q ?