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Formal Design, Implementation and Verification ...

Formal Design, Implementation and Verification of Blockchain Languages and Virtual Machines

Bucharest FP

July 05, 2018

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  1. Formal Design, Implementation and Verification of Blockchain
 Languages and Virtual

    Machines Grigore Rosu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA Runtime Verification, Inc. 5 July 2018, Bucharest, Romania
  2. Blockchain Technology
 Unprecedented Security Challenges 3 Think “execute some given,

    publicly visible code, with shared state”! Transaction is broadcast, then “validated” by re-executing it on many “nodes”, using agreed upon languages (virtual machines)
  3. Blockchain Technology
 Unprecedented Security Challenges 3 Think “execute some given,

    publicly visible code, with shared state”! Transaction is broadcast, then “validated” by re-executing it on many “nodes”, using agreed upon languages (virtual machines) Validated transactions are then deployed by all nodes locally…
  4. Blockchain Technology
 Unprecedented Security Challenges 3 Think “execute some given,

    publicly visible code, with shared state”! Transaction is broadcast, then “validated” by re-executing it on many “nodes”, using agreed upon languages (virtual machines) Validated transactions are then deployed by all nodes locally… …in blocks, appending each block, irreversibly, to the public “ledger” or “history” or “blockchain”.
  5. Blockchain Technology
 Unprecedented Security Challenges 3 Think “execute some given,

    publicly visible code, with shared state”! Transaction is broadcast, then “validated” by re-executing it on many “nodes”, using agreed upon languages (virtual machines) Validated transactions are then deployed by all nodes locally… …in blocks, appending each block, irreversibly, to the public “ledger” or “history” or “blockchain”. Some transactions add new code to the blockchain, called “smart contracts”, which can be executed by other transactions.
  6. Blockchain Technology
 Unprecedented Security Challenges 3 Think “execute some given,

    publicly visible code, with shared state”! Transaction is broadcast, then “validated” by re-executing it on many “nodes”, using agreed upon languages (virtual machines) Validated transactions are then deployed by all nodes locally… …in blocks, appending each block, irreversibly, to the public “ledger” or “history” or “blockchain”. Some transactions add new code to the blockchain, called “smart contracts”, which can be executed by other transactions. In the end, all code is public, can be invoked by anybody, and can irreversibly change the history (e.g., steal your
  7. Blockchain Technology
 Unprecedented Security Challenges 3 Think “execute some given,

    publicly visible code, with shared state”! Transaction is broadcast, then “validated” by re-executing it on many “nodes”, using agreed upon languages (virtual machines) Validated transactions are then deployed by all nodes locally… …in blocks, appending each block, irreversibly, to the public “ledger” or “history” or “blockchain”. Some transactions add new code to the blockchain, called “smart contracts”, which can be executed by other transactions. In the end, all code is public, can be invoked by anybody, and can irreversibly change the history (e.g., steal your Hackers have huge incentives to exploit any bugs in smart contracts or underlying
  8. Smart Contract Snippet (ERC20)
 (one of the ~40,000 Ethereum ERC20s)

    Written in Solidity: 4 ERC20 does not state that… …
  9. Smart Contract Snippet (ERC20)
 (one of the ~40,000 Ethereum ERC20s)

    Written in Solidity: 4 ERC20 does not state that… There should be no overflow when self-transfer… …
  10. Smart Contract Snippet (ERC20)
 (one of the ~40,000 Ethereum ERC20s)

    Written in Solidity: 4 ERC20 does not state that… There should be no overflow when self-transfer… Wrong: returns false even though there is no overflow (self-transfer) …
  11. What Can We Do About This? • More specifically, what

    can we do about the execution environment, to increase security? – Unacceptable to build this complex and disruptive technology with poorly designed VMs and languages! • Ideal scenario feasible, stop compromising! – Everything must be rigorously designed, using formal methods. Implementations must be provably correct! 6
  12. What Can We Do About This? • More specifically, what

    can we do about the execution environment, to increase security? – Unacceptable to build this complex and disruptive technology with poorly designed VMs and languages! • Ideal scenario feasible, stop compromising! – Everything must be rigorously designed, using formal methods. Implementations must be provably correct! • Nodes: provably correct VMs or interpreters 6
  13. What Can We Do About This? • More specifically, what

    can we do about the execution environment, to increase security? – Unacceptable to build this complex and disruptive technology with poorly designed VMs and languages! • Ideal scenario feasible, stop compromising! – Everything must be rigorously designed, using formal methods. Implementations must be provably correct! • Nodes: provably correct VMs or interpreters • Smart contracts: use well-designed programming languages, with provably correct compilers or interpreters 6
  14. What Can We Do About This? • More specifically, what

    can we do about the execution environment, to increase security? – Unacceptable to build this complex and disruptive technology with poorly designed VMs and languages! • Ideal scenario feasible, stop compromising! – Everything must be rigorously designed, using formal methods. Implementations must be provably correct! • Nodes: provably correct VMs or interpreters • Smart contracts: use well-designed programming languages, with provably correct compilers or interpreters • Verification: Smart contracts provably correct wrt their specs 6
  15. What Can We Do About This? • More specifically, what

    can we do about the execution environment, to increase security? – Unacceptable to build this complex and disruptive technology with poorly designed VMs and languages! • Ideal scenario feasible, stop compromising! – Everything must be rigorously designed, using formal methods. Implementations must be provably correct! • Nodes: provably correct VMs or interpreters • Smart contracts: use well-designed programming languages, with provably correct compilers or interpreters • Verification: Smart contracts provably correct wrt their specs 6 Many languages … + Provably correct … -------------------------- - Language framework!
  16. Ideal Language Framework Vision Deductive program verifier Parser Interprete r

    Compile r (semantic ) Debugger Symbolic executio n Model checker Formal Language Definition (Syntax and Semantics) 7 …
  17. Our Attempt: the K Framework
 http://kframework.org • We tried various

    semantic styles, for >10y – Small-step and big-step SOS; Evaluation contexts; Chemical abstract machine; Continuation-based style; Denotational; Rewriting logic; … • But each of the above had limitations – Especially related to modularity, notation, verification • K framework initially engineered: keep advantages and avoid limitations of various semantic styles – Then theory came 8
  18. Complete K Definition of KernelC Configuration given as a nested

    cell structure. Leaves can be sets, multisets, lists, maps, or syntax 11
  19. Complete K Definition of KernelC Semantic rules given contextually rule

    <k> X = V => V …</k> <env>… X |-> (_ => V) …</env> 12
  20. K Scales Several large languages were recently defined in K:

    • Java 1.4: by Bogdanas etal [POPL’15] – 800+ program test suite that covers the semantics • JavaScript ES5: by Park etal [PLDI’15] – Passes existing conformance test suite (2872 programs) – Found (confirmed) bugs in Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari • C11: Ellison etal [POPL’12, PLDI’15] – 192 different types of undefined behavior – 10,000+ program tests (gcc torture tests, obfuscated C, …) – Commercialized by startup (Runtime Verification, Inc.) … + EVM, Solidity, IELE, Plutus, Vyper [????’18-’19] 13
  21. Ideal Language Framework Vision Deductive program verifier Parser Interprete r

    Compile r (semantic ) Debugger Symbolic executio n Model checker Formal Language Definition (Syntax and Semantics) 15 …
  22. Ideal Language Framework Vision Deductive program verifier Parser Interprete r

    Compile r (semantic ) Debugger Symbolic executio n Model checker Formal Language Definition (Syntax and Semantics) 15 …
  23. Commercial tool based on K[OCAML] with the C semantics Code

    (6-int-overflow.c) Conventional compilers do not detect problem RV-Match’s kcc tool precisely detects and reports error, and points to ISO C11 standard … RV-Match gives you: • an automatic debugger for subtle bugs other tools can't find, with no false positives • seamless integration with unit tests, build infrastructure, and continuous integration • a platform for analyzing programs, boosting standards compliance and assurance
  24. • We do not have semantics for “inappropriate code” yet

    • We miss defects because inherent limited code coverage of RV – No false positives for RV-Match! Shiraishi et al., ISSRE ’15 RV-Match GrammaTech CodeSonar MathWorks Code Prover MathWorks Bug Finder GCC Clang DR FPR PM DR FPR PM DR FPR PM DR FPR PM D R FPR PM D R FPR PM Static memory 100 100 100 100 100 100 97 100 98 97 100 98 0 100 0 15 100 39 Dynamic memory 94 100 97 89 100 94 92 95 93 90 100 95 0 100 0 0 100 0 Stack-related 100 100 100 0 100 0 60 70 65 15 85 36 0 100 0 0 100 0 Numerical 96 100 98 48 100 69 55 99 74 41 100 64 12 100 35 11 100 33 Resource management 93 100 96 61 100 78 20 90 42 55 100 74 6 100 25 3 100 18 Pointer-related 98 100 99 52 96 71 69 93 80 69 100 83 9 100 30 13 100 36 Concurrency 67 100 82 70 77 73 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 Inappropriate code 0 100 0 46 99 67 1 97 10 28 94 51 2 100 13 0 100 0 Miscellaneous 63 100 79 69 100 83 83 100 91 69 100 83 11 100 34 11 100 34 AVERAGE (Unweighted) 79 100 89 59 97 76 53 94 71 52 98 71 4 100 20 6 100 24 AVERAGE (Weighted) 82 100 91 68 98 82 53 95 71 62 99 78 5 100 22 7 100 26 DR: Percent of programs with defects where defects are reported FPR: Percent of programs without defects, with defects incorrectly reported; FPR = 100 - FPR RV-Match on Toyota ITC Benchmark
 - Comparison with Static Analysis Tools - [CAV’16]
  25. • We do not have semantics for “inappropriate code” yet

    • We miss defects because inherent limited code coverage of RV – No false positives for RV-Match! Shiraishi et al., ISSRE ’15 RV-Match GrammaTech CodeSonar MathWorks Code Prover MathWorks Bug Finder GCC Clang DR FPR PM DR FPR PM DR FPR PM DR FPR PM D R FPR PM D R FPR PM Static memory 100 100 100 100 100 100 97 100 98 97 100 98 0 100 0 15 100 39 Dynamic memory 94 100 97 89 100 94 92 95 93 90 100 95 0 100 0 0 100 0 Stack-related 100 100 100 0 100 0 60 70 65 15 85 36 0 100 0 0 100 0 Numerical 96 100 98 48 100 69 55 99 74 41 100 64 12 100 35 11 100 33 Resource management 93 100 96 61 100 78 20 90 42 55 100 74 6 100 25 3 100 18 Pointer-related 98 100 99 52 96 71 69 93 80 69 100 83 9 100 30 13 100 36 Concurrency 67 100 82 70 77 73 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 Inappropriate code 0 100 0 46 99 67 1 97 10 28 94 51 2 100 13 0 100 0 Miscellaneous 63 100 79 69 100 83 83 100 91 69 100 83 11 100 34 11 100 34 AVERAGE (Unweighted) 79 100 89 59 97 76 53 94 71 52 98 71 4 100 20 6 100 24 AVERAGE (Weighted) 82 100 91 68 98 82 53 95 71 62 99 78 5 100 22 7 100 26 DR: Percent of programs with defects where defects are reported FPR: Percent of programs without defects, with defects incorrectly reported; FPR = 100 - FPR RV-Match on Toyota ITC Benchmark
 - Comparison with Static Analysis Tools - [CAV’16]
  26. • We have also evaluated other free analysis tools on

    the Toyota ITC benchmark • Numbers for other tools may be slightly off; they were not manually checked yet • Clang cannot be run with UBSan, ASan and TSan together; we ran them separately Shiraishi et al., ISSRE ’15 RV-Match Valgrind + Helgrind (GCC) UBSan + TSan + MSan + ASan (Clang) Frama-C (Value Analysis Plugin) Compcert Interpreter DR FPR PM DR FPR PM DR FPR PM DR FPR PM D R FPR PM Static memory 100 100 100 9 100 30 79 100 89 82 96 89 97 82 89 Dynamic memory 94 100 97 80 95 87 16 95 39 79 27 46 29 80 48 Stack-related 100 100 100 70 80 75 95 75 84 45 65 54 35 70 49 Numerical 96 100 98 22 100 47 59 100 77 79 47 61 48 79 62 Resource management 93 100 96 57 100 76 47 96 67 63 46 54 32 83 52 Pointer-related 98 100 99 60 100 77 58 97 75 81 40 57 87 73 80 Concurrency 67 100 82 72 79 76 67 72 70 7 100 26 58 42 49 Inappropriate code 0 100 0 2 100 13 0 100 0 33 63 45 17 83 38 Miscellaneous 63 100 79 29 100 53 37 100 61 83 49 63 63 71 67 AVERAGE (Unweighted) 79 100 89 44 95 65 51 93 69 61 59 60 52 74 62 AVERAGE (Weighted) 82 100 91 42 97 65 47 95 67 66 55 60 51 76 63 DR: Percent of programs with defects where defects are reported FPR: Percent of programs without defects, with defects incorrectly reported; FPR = 100 - FPR RV-Match on Toyota ITC Benchmark
 - Comparison with Other Analysis Tools -
  27. • We have also evaluated other free analysis tools on

    the Toyota ITC benchmark • Numbers for other tools may be slightly off; they were not manually checked yet • Clang cannot be run with UBSan, ASan and TSan together; we ran them separately Shiraishi et al., ISSRE ’15 RV-Match Valgrind + Helgrind (GCC) UBSan + TSan + MSan + ASan (Clang) Frama-C (Value Analysis Plugin) Compcert Interpreter DR FPR PM DR FPR PM DR FPR PM DR FPR PM D R FPR PM Static memory 100 100 100 9 100 30 79 100 89 82 96 89 97 82 89 Dynamic memory 94 100 97 80 95 87 16 95 39 79 27 46 29 80 48 Stack-related 100 100 100 70 80 75 95 75 84 45 65 54 35 70 49 Numerical 96 100 98 22 100 47 59 100 77 79 47 61 48 79 62 Resource management 93 100 96 57 100 76 47 96 67 63 46 54 32 83 52 Pointer-related 98 100 99 60 100 77 58 97 75 81 40 57 87 73 80 Concurrency 67 100 82 72 79 76 67 72 70 7 100 26 58 42 49 Inappropriate code 0 100 0 2 100 13 0 100 0 33 63 45 17 83 38 Miscellaneous 63 100 79 29 100 53 37 100 61 83 49 63 63 71 67 AVERAGE (Unweighted) 79 100 89 44 95 65 51 93 69 61 59 60 52 74 62 AVERAGE (Weighted) 82 100 91 42 97 65 47 95 67 66 55 60 51 76 63 DR: Percent of programs with defects where defects are reported FPR: Percent of programs without defects, with defects incorrectly reported; FPR = 100 - FPR RV-Match on Toyota ITC Benchmark
 - Comparison with Other Analysis Tools -
  28. From RV-Match to Blockchain • RV-Match currently commercialized within •

    The same technology, K, used for defining blockchain languages: EVM, IELE, Plutus, … 19
  29. Ideal Language Framework Vision Deductive program verifier Parser Interprete r

    Compile r (semantic ) Debugger Symbolic executio n Model checker Formal Language Definition (Syntax and Semantics) 20 …
  30. Ideal Language Framework Vision Deductive program verifier Parser Interprete r

    Compile r (semantic ) Debugger Symbolic executio n Model checker Formal Language Definition (Syntax and Semantics) 20 …
  31. State-of-the-Art • Redefine the language using a different semantic approach

    (Hoare/separation/ dynamic logic) • Language specific, non-executable, error- prone 21
  32. State-of-the-Art • Redefine the language using a different semantic approach

    (Hoare/separation/ dynamic logic) • Language specific, non-executable, error- prone Many different program logics for “state” properties: FOL, HOL, Separation logic… 21
  33. What We Want • Use directly the trusted executable semantics!

    • Language-independent proof system – Takes operational semantics as axioms – Derives reachability properties – Sound and relatively complete for all languages! Formal Language Definition (Syntax and Semantics) Deductive program verifier Symbolic execution 22
  34. Matching Logic Models 24 Patterns interpreted as sets (all elements

    that match them) ¬ as complement, ∧ as intersection, ∃ as union over all x
  35. Matching Logic Proof System 13 Proof rules. Sound and complete

    25 First-Order Logic C σ ≡ σ(ψ1 ,…, ψi-1 ,□, ψi+1 ,…, ψn )
  36. Matching Logic Proof System 13 Proof rules. Sound and complete

    25 First-Order Logic C σ ≡ σ(ψ1 ,…, ψi-1 ,□, ψi+1 ,…, ψn ) Local reasoning
  37. Matching Logic Proof System 13 Proof rules. Sound and complete

    25 First-Order Logic C σ ≡ σ(ψ1 ,…, ψi-1 ,□, ψi+1 ,…, ψn ) Local reasoning Technical (completeness)
  38. Expressiveness • Important logics for program reasoning can be framed

    as matching logic theories / notations – First-order logic • Equality, membership, definedness, partial functions – Lambda / mu calculi (least/largest fixed points) – Modal logics – Hoare logics – Dynamic logics – LTL, CTL, CTL* – Separation logic – Reachability logic – …
  39. Expressiveness • Important logics for program reasoning can be framed

    as matching logic theories / notations – First-order logic • Equality, membership, definedness, partial functions – Lambda / mu calculi (least/largest fixed points) – Modal logics – Hoare logics – Dynamic logics – LTL, CTL, CTL* – Separation logic – Reachability logic – …
  40. Expressiveness • Important logics for program reasoning can be framed

    as matching logic theories / notations – First-order logic • Equality, membership, definedness, partial functions – Lambda / mu calculi (least/largest fixed points) – Modal logics – Hoare logics – Dynamic logics – LTL, CTL, CTL* – Separation logic – Reachability logic – … λx.e ≡ ∃x.λ0(x,e) (λx.e)e’ = e[e’/ x] µx.e ≡ ∃x. µ0(x,e) µx.e = e[µx.e/x] [e[ψ/x] → ψ] → [µx.e → ψ] Knaster-Tarski
  41. Expressiveness • Important logics for program reasoning can be framed

    as matching logic theories / notations – First-order logic • Equality, membership, definedness, partial functions – Lambda / mu calculi (least/largest fixed points) – Modal logics – Hoare logics – Dynamic logics – LTL, CTL, CTL* – Separation logic – Reachability logic – …
  42. Reachability Logic (Semantics of K)
 [LICS’13, RTA’14, RTA’15,OOPLSA’16] • “Rewrite”

    rules over matching logic patterns: (generalize to conditional rules) • Since patterns generalize terms, matching logic reachability rules capture term rewriting rules • Moreover, deals naturally with side conditions: turn into 28
  43. K = (Best Effort) Implementation of RL • Reachability logic

    implemented in K, generically 29 EVM IELE Plutus Solidity …
  44. K = (Best Effort) Implementation of RL • Reachability logic

    implemented in K, generically 29 EVM IELE Plutus Solidity … • Evaluated it with the existing semantics of C, Java, and JavaScript, and several tricky programs • Morale: – Performance is not an issue!
  45. OK Performance • Properties very challenging to verify automatically. We

    only found one such prover for C, based on a separation logic extension of VCC – Which takes 260 sec to verify AVL insert (ours takes 280 sec; see above) 30 Time (seconds) spent on applying semantic steps (symbolic execution) Time (seconds) spent on domain reasoning (matching logic + querying Z3) [OOPLSA’16]
  46. OK Performance • Properties very challenging to verify automatically. We

    only found one such prover for C, based on a separation logic extension of VCC – Which takes 260 sec to verify AVL insert (ours takes 280 sec; see above) 30 Time (seconds) spent on applying semantic steps (symbolic execution) Time (seconds) spent on domain reasoning (matching logic + querying Z3) [OOPLSA’16]
  47. KEVM: Semantics of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) in K

    Defined complete semantics of EVM in K – https://github.com/kframework/evm-semantics – Passes all 40,683 tests of C++ reference impl. – Only 20x slower than C++ implementation • 10x on usual contracts, 30x on stress tests 32 [CSL’18]
  48. What Can We Do with KEVM? 1) Generate and deploy

    correct-by-construction EVM client! IOHK has just done that, in collaboration with RV, as a Cardano testnet: 33
  49. What Can We Do with KEVM? 2) Formally verify Ethereum

    smart contracts! RV is doing that, commercially. RV also won Ethereum Security grant to verify Casper. 34
  50. What Can We Do with KEVM? 2) Formally verify Ethereum

    smart contracts! RV is doing that, commercially. RV also won Ethereum Security grant to verify Casper. 34
  51. • Incorporates learnings from defining KEVM and from using it

    to verify smart contracts • Register-based machine, like LLVM; unbounded* • IELE was designed and implemented using formal methods and semantics from scratch! • Until IELE, only existing or toy languages have been given formal semantics in K – Not as exciting as designing new languages – We want to use semantics as an intrinsic, active language design principle, not post-mortem 35 A New Virtual Machine (and Language) for the Blockchain
  52. K Semantics of Other
 Blockchain Languages • WASM (web assembly)

    – in progress, by the Ethereum Foundation • Solidity – in progress, collaboration between RV and Sun Jun’s group in Singapore • Plutus (functional language) – in progress, by RV following IOHK’s design of the language • Vyper – in progress, by RV in collaboration with the Ethereum Foundation 38
  53. New K Tools Under Development You like Haskell and/or formal

    verification? New RV office in Romania. We are hiring! Excellent salaries and benefits! 39
  54. Fast LLVM (and IELE) Backend for K Deductive program verifier

    Parser Interprete r Compile r (semantic ) Debugger Symbolic executio n Model checker Formal Language Definition (Syntax and Semantics) 40 …
  55. Fast LLVM (and IELE) Backend for K Deductive program verifier

    Parser Interprete r Compile r (semantic ) Debugger Symbolic executio n Model checker Formal Language Definition (Syntax and Semantics) 40 …
  56. Fast LLVM Backend for K • Current OCAML backend of

    K several orders of magnitude faster than Java backend – Fast enough to power RV-Match product and the KEVM and IELE VMs in testnets – But still one or two orders of magnitude slower than hand-crafted interpreters • LLVM backend for K under development – Take advantage of LLVM’s optimizations / pipeline – Expected to compete with hand-written interpreters 41
  57. Semantics-Based Compilation Deductive program verifier Parser Interprete r Compile r

    (semantic ) Debugger Symbolic executio n Model checker Formal Language Definition (Syntax and Semantics) 42 …
  58. Semantics-Based Compilation Deductive program verifier Parser Interprete r Compile r

    (semantic ) Debugger Symbolic executio n Model checker Formal Language Definition (Syntax and Semantics) 42 …
  59. Semantics-Based Compilation (SBC) Goals – Execution of P in L

    equivalent to executing L’ in a start configuration – L’ should be “as simple as possible”, only capturing exactly the dynamics of L necessary to execute program P Program P in Language L Semantics-Based Compilation Semantics of Language L Semantics of Language L’
  60. ¬ b ≤ 27 n := n / 2 2

    ≤ n ∧ n is even 2 ≤ n ∧ ¬ n is even ¬ 2 ≤ n n := 3n + 1 b ≤ 27 n := b b := b + 1 b := 1 n := 1 x := 0 start outer inner end // start int b , n , x ; b = 1 ; n = 1 ; x = 0 ; // outer while (b <= 27) { n = b ; // inner while (2 <= n) { if (n <= ((n / 2) * 2)) { n = n / 2 ; } else { n = (3 * n) + 1 ; } x = x + 1 ; } b = b + 1 ; } // end compiles to Semantics-Based Compilation (SBC) Experiments with Early Prototype
  61. SBC Benchmarking • Numbers gathered using concrete execution • execution

    of SBC program >10x faster Program Original Time (s) Compiled Time (s) Speedup sum.imp 70.6 7.3 9.7 collatz.imp 34.5 2.7 12.8 collatz-all.imp 77.4 5.7 13.6 krazy-loop.imp 67.6 3.3 20.5
  62. Proof Object Generation Deductive program verifier Parser Interprete r Compile

    r (semantic ) Debugger Symbolic executio n Model checker Formal Language Definition (Syntax and Semantics) 46 …
  63. Proof Object Generation Deductive program verifier Parser Interprete r Compile

    r (semantic ) Debugger Symbolic executio n Model checker Formal Language Definition (Syntax and Semantics) 46 …
  64. Proof Object Generation • Each and every one of the

    K tools is a best- effort implementation of some proof search • New Haskell implementation of K will generate such proof objects explicitly • No need to trust the (complex) K implementation • Proof objects to be used as third-party checkable correctness certificates on the blockchain 47
  65. K – A Universal Blockchain Language • We want to

    be able to write (provably correct) smart contracts in any programming language • Our vision: – K language semantics will be stored on blockchain – Fast and correct-by-construction IELE VM, using the LLVM backend, will power the blockchain nodes – IELE backend will also be developed (similar to LLVM) – Using SBC and precise if for language L, one will translate any L smart contract to K definition L’ – L’ will be executed using IELE backend – Everything is either a trusted formal specification or generated automatically from one. No compromise. 48
  66. Conclusion: Not a dream anymore! Deductive program verifier Parser Interprete

    r Compile r (semantic ) Debugger Symbolic executio n Model checker Formal Language Definition (Syntax and Semantics) 49 …
  67. Separation logic = Matching logic [Map] • Consider map model,

    with some useful axioms • Then we can define map patterns “a la SL” 51
  68. Sound and complete proof system • Sample derivation for the

    “separation logic” theory: • Local reasoning globalized (“structural framing” for free!) – Above derivation can be lifted to whole configuration 52 [RTA’15, LMCS’17]
  69. Ongoing Work (Unpublished)
 Blockchain Languages and VMs • Until recently,

    only existing or toy languages have been given formal semantics in K • Not as exciting as designing new languages – We want to use semantics as an intrinsic, active language design principle, not post-mortem • Started recent collaborations with Ethereum founders and their companies / foundations – Design new languages by giving them semantics! – Major reimplementation of K going on 55
  70. Ongoing Work (Unpublished)
 Blockchain Languages and VMs • Ethereum Virtual

    Machine – Turing complete, “world computer” • Defined complete semantics of EVM in K – https://github.com/kframework/evm-semantics – Passes all 40,683 tests of C++ reference implementation – Only 20x slower than C++ implementation • 10x on usual contracts, 30x on stress tests • Used the semantics to verify ERC20 token (HKG) – Found known bug, but also new overflow bugs • More importantly: EVM is being improved, extensions defined and evaluated using K 58
  71. Ongoing Work (Unpublished)
 Blockchain Languages and VMs • Current projects

    – Design a new VM for the blockchain, a la LLVM • Unbounded registers, integers, stacks • But pay gas proportional with space and time taken – Give formal semantics to new, experimental PLs • Plutus, Viper, ABI interfaces – Semantics-based compilation • Allow smart contracts in any languages with a semantics • Put PL semantics on the blockchain • K as universal language for the blockchain • Major reimplementation of K: we are hiring! 59
  72. Reachability Logic • New: definable in matching logic – All

    proof rules below can be proved as theorems • Language-independent proof system for deriving sequents of the form where A (axioms) and C (circularities) are sets of reachability rules • Intuitively: symbolic execution with operational semantics + reasoning with cyclic behaviors 61
  73. Proof System for Reachability
 (Language-Independent!) Proves any reachability property of

    any lang., including anything that Hoare logic can (proofs of comparable size) [FM’12] Sound (partially correct) and relatively complete [ICALP’12,OOPSLA’12], [LICS’13,RTA’14,OOPSLA’16] 62
  74. Whiteboard example: SUM // SUM s = 0; // LOOP

    while(--n) { s += n; } 64 64