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Android Worldwide July 2024: Unpacking Compose ...

Android Worldwide July 2024: Unpacking Compose Multiplatform Accessibility

In this talk, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of accessibility in Compose Multiplatform. As an emerging UI framework in multiplatform development, understanding its accessibility features is critical for developers.

Colin Marsch

August 09, 2024

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  1. iOSMain > MainViewController.kt fun MainViewController() = ComposeUIViewController( con fi gure

    = { accessibilitySyncOptions = Always() } ) { App() } Testing iOS Accessibility
  2. Text( text = "Compose Multiplatform", modifier = Modifier.semantics { customActions

    = CustomAccessibilityAction( label = "Activate", action = { /* Activate the text */ } ) }, )
  3. Text( text = "Compose Multiplatform", modifier = Modifier.semantics { customActions

    = CustomAccessibilityAction( label = "Activate", action = { /* Activate the text */ } ) }, )
  4. Takeaways • Android Compose UI accessibility == Compose Multiplatform accessibility

    • iOS accessibility support is still in the early stages of development • There are some known bugs on iOS (i.e. focus order) • Ensure you test on both mobile platforms