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Connect your Android Things with Firebase (DevF...

Connect your Android Things with Firebase (DevFestMN)

Wanna build an IoT device? If you have Android experience, it's easy with Android Things! How do you keep it connected with other Things and devices? With Firebase, of course. In this session, we'll take a look at how some Firebase platform products can be used to build a connected home appliance along with a companion Android app. It'll make use of Cloud Storage, Firestore, Cloud Functions, and Cloud Messaging to keep everything connected.

Doug Stevenson

February 10, 2018

More Decks by Doug Stevenson

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  1. @CodingDoug 3.5mm audio in/out RJ45 ethernet USB Type-A (host) USB

    Type-C (power & adb) PICO-PI-IMX7 — System on Module (SoM) • ARM Cortex-A7 @ 1GHz • 512 MB • 4GB eMMC storage WiFi 40-pin expansion headers Micro USB (debug) Camera pins Touch screen pins
  2. @CodingDoug Rainbow Hat peripheral 3 capacitative buttons 3 LEDs RGB

    14-segment display 7 multicolor LEDs Breakout pins for more peripherals Temp & pressure sensor Piezo buzzer
  3. @CodingDoug General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) • Digital inputs and outputs

    with an on/off state. • Buttons, relays, and proximity sensors. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) • Variable control of a peripheral level. • Servo motors, speakers, LEDs Types of peripheral I/O
  4. @CodingDoug Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) • Synchronous master serial bus allowing

    multiple slave devices addressed in software. • Sensors, displays, advanced peripherals Inter-IC Sound (I2S) • Synchronous serial bus connecting digital sound peripherals that support PCM audio data. • Digital microphones and digital-analog converters (DAC) Types of peripheral I/O
  5. @CodingDoug Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) • Synchronous master serial bus

    allowing multiple slave devices addressed in hardware. • Sensors, displays, higher speed peripherals Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) • Asynchronous serial port used commonly in interrupt-driven applications. • GPS, printers, RFID readers, barcode scanners Types of peripheral I/O
  6. @CodingDoug Android Things Drivers dependencies { compileOnly 'com.google.android.things:androidthings:0.6.1-devpreview' implementation 'com.google.android.things.contrib:driver-rainbowhat:0.9'

    implementation ‘com.google.android.things.contrib:driver-button:0.5' implementation 'com.google.android.things.contrib:driver-bmx280:0.4' implementation 'com.google.android.things.contrib:driver-ht16k33:0.4' implementation 'com.google.android.things.contrib:driver-apa102:0.5' implementation 'com.google.android.things.contrib:driver-pwmspeaker:0.3' }
  7. @CodingDoug Cloud Storage Cloud Functions Cloud Firestore Cloud Messaging Cloud

    Firestore Cloud Functions Cloud Messaging capture picture upload picture download picture trigger write ring send message notify share auth token write answer trigger send msg notify read ring
  8. @CodingDoug You can use the Android Camera2 API! goo.gl/mSDPm3 Issues

    I discovered: • In Developer Preview 0.5: TextureView not supported • Ported to use SurfaceView instead • Removed code that depends on autofocus • In Developer Preview 0.6: TextureView now supported! https://goo.gl/XqTdXM ◦ But it’s slow without a GPU Capturing the picture
  9. @CodingDoug Uploading to Cloud Storage private fun uploadFile(file: File) {

    val sdf = SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss", Locale.US) val storagePath = "/pictures/${sdf.format(Date())}.jpg" val ref = FirebaseStorage.getInstance().getReference(storagePath) ref.putFile(Uri.fromFile(file)) .addOnSuccessListener(this) { Log.i(TAG, "Picture uploaded”) } .addOnFailureListener(this) { e -> Log.i(TAG, "Upload failed", e) } .addOnCompleteListener(this) { file.delete() } }
  10. @CodingDoug Storage upload trigger pt. 1 - add document to

    Firestore import * as functions from ‘firebase-functions' export const onRing = functions.storage.object().onChange(_onRing) async function _onRing(event: functions.Event<ObjectMetadata>): Promise<any> { try { // Add a document to Firestore with the details of this ring // const id = basename(path, '.jpg') const name = event.data.name // the path of the file const ring: Ring = { id: id, date: new Date(), imagePath: name } await firestore.collection(‘rings').doc(id).set(ring) // cont’d...
  11. @CodingDoug Cloud Storage Cloud Functions Cloud Firestore Cloud Messaging capture

    picture upload picture trigger write ring send message
  12. @CodingDoug Storage upload trigger pt. 2 - send notification to

    app // Send a notification to the app // const payload = { notification: { title: 'Ring Ring!', body: 'There is someone at the door!', click_action: 'com.hyperaware.doorbell.ANSWER_RING' }, data: { ring_id: id } } const response = await fcm.sendToTopic('rings', payload)
  13. @CodingDoug Cloud Storage Cloud Functions Cloud Firestore Cloud Messaging capture

    picture upload picture trigger write ring send message notify
  14. @CodingDoug Receiving the notification Background? Display notification Invoke Firebase MessagingService

    onMessageReceived (RemoteMessage) Display Ring UI message received yes no notification click ring_id ring_id
  15. @CodingDoug Earlier: Subscribe to “rings” topic class MyInstanceIdService : FirebaseInstanceIdService()

    { companion object { private const val TAG = "MyInstanceIdService" } override fun onTokenRefresh() { super.onTokenRefresh() Log.d(TAG, "FCM token refresh: ${FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().token!!}") FirebaseMessaging.getInstance().subscribeToTopic("rings") } }
  16. @CodingDoug Handle incoming ring data message (background) class OnRingMessagingService :

    FirebaseMessagingService() { override fun onMessageReceived(remoteMessage: RemoteMessage) { super.onMessageReceived(remoteMessage) if (remoteMessage.data.containsKey("ring_id")) { val ringId = remoteMessage.data["ring_id"] val intent = Intent(this, AnswerRingActivity::class.java) intent.putExtra("ring_id", ringId) startActivity(intent) } else { Log.w(TAG, "Data message received without ring_id") } } }
  17. @CodingDoug Handle incoming ring (Activity) override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) val extras = intent.extras if (extras == null) { Log.e(TAG, "ring_id was not provided") finish() return } val ringId = extras.getString("ring_id") if (ringId.isEmpty()) { Log.e(TAG, "ring_id was empty") finish() return } // display it... }
  18. @CodingDoug Cloud Storage Cloud Functions Cloud Firestore Cloud Messaging capture

    picture upload picture download picture trigger write ring send message notify read ring
  19. @CodingDoug Fetch ring data from Firestore private fun populateViews(ringId: String)

    { ringReference = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance().collection("rings").document(ringId) ringReference.get() .addOnSuccessListener(this) { snap -> if (snap.exists()) { val ring = snap.toObject(Ring::class.java) val ref = FirebaseStorage.getInstance().getReference(ring.imagePath!!) Glide.with(this@AnswerRingActivity).load(ref).into(ivGuest) } } .addOnFailureListener(this) { error -> Log.e(TAG, "Can't fetch ring $ringId", error) } }
  20. @CodingDoug Glide Module — Cloud Storage for Firebase plugin @GlideModule

    class MyAppGlideModule : AppGlideModule() { override fun registerComponents(context: Context, glide: Glide, registry: Registry) { // Register FirebaseImageLoader to handle StorageReference registry.append(StorageReference::class.java, InputStream::class.java, FirebaseImageLoader.Factory()) } }
  21. @CodingDoug Cloud Storage Cloud Functions Cloud Firestore Cloud Messaging Cloud

    Firestore capture picture upload picture download picture trigger write ring send message notify write answer read ring
  22. @CodingDoug Update ring disposition in Firestore val disposition = button_click_true_or_false

    ringReference.update( "answer.uid", uid, "answer.disposition", disposition) .addOnCompleteListener(this) { Log.d(TAG, "Answer written to database") finish() } .addOnFailureListener(this, { e -> Log.d(TAG, "Answer not written to database", e) finish() })
  23. @CodingDoug Cloud Storage Cloud Functions Cloud Firestore Cloud Messaging Cloud

    Firestore Cloud Functions Cloud Messaging capture picture upload picture download picture trigger write ring send message notify write answer trigger send msg read ring
  24. @CodingDoug Firestore trigger pt. 1 — send answer to Android

    Thing export const onAnswer = functions.firestore.document('/rings/{ringId}').onUpdate(_onAnswer) async function _onAnswer(event: functions.Event<DeltaDocumentSnapshot>): Promise<any> { const ringId = event.params.ringId const previous = event.data.previous.data() as Ring const ring = event.data.data() as Ring // Only interested in rings that have a new answer if (previous.answer || !ring.answer) { console.log("This is not the update you're looking for.") return Promise.resolve() } // cont’d...
  25. @CodingDoug Firestore trigger pt. 2 — send answer to Android

    Thing const payload = { data: { disposition: ring.answer.disposition.toString(), ring_id: ringId } } try { const response = await fcm.sendToTopic('answers', payload) console.log(`ring ${ringId} answer sent:`, response) } catch (err) { console.error(`ring ${ringId} answer error:`, err) } }
  26. @CodingDoug Cloud Storage Cloud Functions Cloud Firestore Cloud Messaging Cloud

    Firestore Cloud Functions Cloud Messaging capture picture upload picture download picture trigger write ring send message notify write answer trigger send msg notify read ring
  27. @CodingDoug On Thing, earlier: Subscribe to “answers” topic class MyInstanceIdService

    : FirebaseInstanceIdService() { companion object { private const val TAG = "MyInstanceIdService" } override fun onTokenRefresh() { super.onTokenRefresh() Log.d(TAG, "FCM token refresh: ${FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().token!!}") FirebaseMessaging.getInstance().subscribeToTopic("answers") } }
  28. @CodingDoug Handle incoming answer data message class OnAnswerMessagingService : FirebaseMessagingService()

    { override fun onMessageReceived(remoteMessage: RemoteMessage) { super.onMessageReceived(remoteMessage) if (remoteMessage.data.containsKey("disposition")) { val d = java.lang.Boolean.parseBoolean(remoteMessage.data["disposition"]) val intent = Intent(this, ResponseActivity::class.java) intent.putExtra("disposition", d) startActivity(intent) } else { Log.w(TAG, "Data message received without disposition") } } }
  29. @CodingDoug Cloud Storage Cloud Functions Cloud Firestore Cloud Messaging Cloud

    Firestore Cloud Functions Cloud Messaging capture picture upload picture download picture trigger write ring send message notify write answer trigger send msg notify read ring
  30. @CodingDoug Cloud Storage Cloud Functions Cloud Firestore Cloud Messaging Cloud

    Firestore Cloud Functions Cloud Messaging capture picture upload picture download picture trigger write ring send message notify write answer trigger send msg notify read ring
  31. @CodingDoug Cloud Storage security rules — universal read and write

    service firebase.storage { match /b/{bucket}/o { match /{allPaths=**} { allow read, write: if true; } } }
  32. @CodingDoug Firestore security rules — universal read and write service

    cloud.firestore { match /databases/{database}/documents { match /{document=**} { allow read, write: if true; } } }
  33. @CodingDoug • Yeah, it’s easy to get started without security

    • All reads and writes should require user authentication (minimally) • Also consider data validation rules • See also for Storage: https://firebase.google.com/docs/storage/security/ • See also for Firestore: https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/security/get-started What to do about security?
  34. @CodingDoug App login with FirebaseUI — launch UI flow findViewById<Button>(R.id.btn_sign_in).setOnClickListener

    { startActivityForResult( AuthUI.getInstance() .createSignInIntentBuilder() .setAvailableProviders(listOf(AuthUI.IdpConfig.GoogleBuilder().build())) .build(), RC_SIGN_IN) }
  35. @CodingDoug App login with FirebaseUI — handle login results override

    fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data) if (requestCode == RC_SIGN_IN) { val response = IdpResponse.fromResultIntent(data) if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { // handle login } } }
  36. @CodingDoug • UI for various provider logins aren’t supported on

    Android Things • Android Thing may not even have a screen! • Anonymous login works, not a great solution • Best to get identified user credentials for a real login How does a Thing get logged in?
  37. @CodingDoug • Nearby Messages ◦ Secure pub/sub messaging model ◦

    Selects from Wifi, BT, BLE ◦ Didn’t work with Android Things 0.6.1 ☹ • Nearby Connections ◦ Peer-to-peer networking, high bandwidth, low latency ◦ Selects from Wifi, BT, BLE Nearby API — https://developers.google.com/nearby/
  38. @CodingDoug Too much code to show here! 1. Both: Check

    for ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission 2. Thing: Begin “advertising” with P2P_CLUSTER strategy 3. App: Begin “discovering” with P2P_CLUSTER strategy 4. Both: Connect to peer 5. Both: Send/receive Google Auth token 6. Both: Disconnect 7. Thing: Sign in with token using Google Auth and Firebase Auth APIs Use Nearby Connections to share a token (or anything)
  39. @CodingDoug Log in Thing with Google and Firebase APIs private

    fun trySignIn() { Log.d(TAG, "Signing in with token " + token) val credential = GoogleAuthProvider.getCredential(token, null) FirebaseAuth.getInstance().signInWithCredential(credential) .addOnSuccessListener(this, { result -> val user = result.user Log.d(TAG, "signInWithCredential ${user.displayName} ${user.email}") finish() }) .addOnFailureListener(this, { e -> Log.e(TAG, "signInWithCredential onFailure", e) }) }
  40. @CodingDoug Cloud Storage Cloud Functions Cloud Firestore Cloud Messaging Cloud

    Firestore Cloud Functions Cloud Messaging capture picture upload picture download picture trigger write ring send message notify share auth token write answer trigger send msg notify read ring
  41. @CodingDoug • Code cleanup • Better UI • Productization -

    currently only good for hobbyists ◦ Can't expect a typical customer to manage a Firebase project ◦ Currently no way to programmatically create a project ◦ Restructure Firestore and Storage for multi-customer tenancy ◦ Can’t use FCM topics securely - need to use device tokens This project needs…
  42. @CodingDoug • Better security ◦ Allow users to confirm Nearby

    Connections auth tokens (like BT pairing) ◦ Tighter security rules for both Storage and Firestore This project needs…
  43. @CodingDoug • Facial sentiment detection via Cloud Functions • Voice

    intercom (AudioTrack, AudioRecord) ◦ Add speech to text with Google Cloud Speech API • “Digital keys” ◦ Guest app ◦ QR codes Some ideas