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Gamification of Engagement & Culture

Dan Benoni
March 19, 2013

Gamification of Engagement & Culture

Based on a presentation made to a graduate class of students at Northeastern University. Describes how employee engagement evolved since the Taylorism era. Also explains the key role that Gamification can play within a company to increase employee engagement and improve the overall culture. Covers how to avoid the "Dark Side" of Gamification and the main problems associated with its growing popularity.

Dan Benoni

March 19, 2013

Other Decks in Business


  1. Who are we? ( say hi on  ) #EnGamification

    @DanBenoni Gamification Designer @JeffFermin Employee Engagement Consultant
  2. ? ? ? R Presentation: 3 steps 2. Culture 1.

    Engagement 3. Gamification m ;
  3. More reasons to care l ; I +87% Employee Retention

    +16% Profitability & Productivity 2x Customer Loyalty
  4. 5 Types of Initiatives 1 2 3 4 5 Social

    n Performance k Wellness l Philanthropy m Environment U
  5. The Traditional Approach ? ? ? Paper & Boards Spreadsheets

    Emails Fun-Factor Feedback Recognition Example: Pedometer Challenge
  6. “we want employees to participate more...” The Engaging Approach Challenge

    Participate to a volunteering activity Participate to a sport activity with colleagues Organize a social activity Refer a new candidate Retweet a blog about the company I did it I did it I did it I did it I did it Challenge EPIC OFFICE PARTY! 94% participation!
  7. Gamification: Trend & Hype 70% of Global 2000 will have

    a least one gamified application # By 2014...
  8. ? ? ? ? ? Gamification: Elements k Points N

    Levels j Achievements O Leaderboards Q Rewards (= S.A.P.S.)
  9. Gamification: The Dark Side •Focus only on extrinsic rewards •Poor

    game flow & design •Faking intrinsic value
  10. Gamification + Engagement Q: “What’s better? Intrinsic... or Extrinsic?” A:

    Both. Align intrinsic motivation with extrinsic rewards (S.A.P.S.).
  11. Gamification + Engagement ... but you CAN change the context

    to make it more engaging. You CAN’T cheat the intrinsic value of something by adding game mechanics... “
  12. References & Credits http://www.forbes.com/sites/kevinkruse/2012/09/04/why-employee-engagement/ https://www.yammer.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/ Employee_Engagement_Overview_Brochure.pdf http://businessjournal.gallup.com/content/247/the-high-cost-of-disengaged-employees.aspx Gamification by Design,

    Gabe Zichermann Drive, Daniel Pink. http://www.merriam-webster.com/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/hello_naomi/2207881678/sizes/l/in/photostream/ http://www.liveinthegrey.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Carrot_Stick.jpeg