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SenchaCon 2015 - Application Development at War...

SenchaCon 2015 - Application Development at Warp Speed: Exploring Sencha Space

Sencha Space provides a rich and secure runtime environment for your web based applications to run.

This session, delivered at SenchaCon 2015, covered the various capabilities of the Sencha Space client, including its APIs, and how it can help developers produce a powerful application with minimal effort.

Speakers: Revin Guillen, Daniel Gallo, and Marc Gusmano.

Daniel Gallo

April 09, 2015

More Decks by Daniel Gallo

Other Decks in Technology


  1. “The Next IE6” Is IE8 the next IE6? – Quora

    www.quora.com > … > Web Browsers > Internet Explorer I am concerned that the decision by Microsoft to not support Internet Explorer 9 on Windows XP will mean that a large number of users will be stuck on IE8 for … Microsoft begs Web devs not to make WebKit the new IE6 arstechnica.com/…microsoft-begs-web-devs-not-to-make-… Internet Explorer 10 is a fast browser with good standards compliance, And the version of Internet Explorer 10 included with Windows Phone 8 … Is Google Chrome The New IE6 For Web Designers… www.webdesignerdepot.com/…is-google-chrome-the-new-ie-6-for-web-… …you about the market share being a big difference, but IE7 being the Next IE6: Seriously? …… And no, it is not the next IE6 for web developers. Adobe Flash: evolve or become the next IE6 www.majordojo.com/2010/.../adobe-flash-evolve-or-become-the-next-ie6.... Adobe Flash: evolve or become the next IE6. 29 Apr 2010. A couple of weeks ago I commented upon Apple's decision to not support Flash on any of their mobile ...
  2. Sencha Space •  Runtime Of Unusual Strength •  Managed app

    platform •  Modern web runtime •  Plus user authentication •  Plus security & encryption •  Plus hardware access •  Securely sandboxed & centrally managed
  3. Why Sencha Space? •  Hardware access •  Consistent APIs • 

    Write once, run any-Space •  Optimized for Business •  End-to-end Data Security •  Per-app VPN •  Authentication & Authorization •  Identity Management •  Over-the-air Deployment •  Simplified Maintenance •  Offline Enablement
  4. Admin Console •  Define applications •  Manage users & groups

    •  Enforce per-app API access policy •  Activity Reports & Audit Support
  5. Space Client •  Manages HTML5 apps •  Enforces policies from

    Admin Console •  Provides developer API •  Secures & segregates application data
  6. What is a Space App? •  HTML + CSS +

    JavaScript •  includes space.js
  7. Orientation API Ext.space.Orientation.on({        orientationchange:  function(o)  {  

               //  o  ==  {  alpha:  a,  beta:  b,  gamma:  c  }        }   });  
  8. Camera API Ext.space.Camera.capture({        source:  "camera",    

         //  or  "album",  "library"        destination:  "file",    //  or  "data"        collection:  "photos",  //  file  collection        encoding:  "jpg",            //  or  "png"        quality:  "80%",              //  percentage  string        width:  "1920",                //  pixels        height:  "1080"                //  pixels   }).then(function(file)  {  file.view();  });  
  9. Barcode API Ext.space.Barcode.scan().then(function(barcodes)  {        barcodes.forEach(function(code,  idx)  {

                 console.log(idx  +  ":  "  +  code);        });   });  
  10. Secure Local Storage API var  things  =  Ext.space.SecureLocalStorage.get("things");    

    things.set("monsters",  {  eels:  "shrieking"  })        .then(function()  {…});     things.get("monsters").then(function(obj){        //  obj.eels  ==  "shrieking"   });  
  11. Secure Local Storage API things.remove("someKey").then(function(success)  {…});     things.has("someKey").then(function(hasKey)  {…});

        things.forEach(function(key,  value)  {        //  operate  on  each   }).then(function()  {        //  done   });  
  12. Secure Files API var  files  =  Ext.space.SecureFiles.get("myCollection");     files.get("users.txt").then(function(contents)

     {…});     var  info  =  {  name:  "places.txt",  type:  "text/plain"  };   files.set(info,  "Florin,  Guilder").then(function(file)  {        //  file  saved   });
  13. Secure Files API //  fetch  every  file  in  the  collection

      files.query().then(function(theFiles)  {…});     //  filtered  fetch:  text  files  created  in  the  last  week   var  dt  =  new  Date((new  Date).getTime()  –  60480000);   files.query({  createdAfter:  dt,  type:  "text/plain"})        .then(function(theFiles)  {…});  
  14. Secure Files API //  compress  a  collection  into  an  archive

      files.compress({  archiveName:  "things.zip"  })        .then(function(archive)  {…});     //  download  directly  into  the  collection   files.download({  url:  "http://example.com/map.pdf"  })        .then(function(file)  {…});  
  15. Secure Files API //  upload  a  file  to  a  web

     form   someFile.upload({        url:  "…",                      //  form  URL        fileFieldName:  "…",  //  form  field  for  the  file        params:  {…},                //  optional  extra  POST  data        headers:  {…}                //  optional  extra  request  headers   }).then(function(response)  {        //  response.statusCode,  .headers,  .body   });  
  16. Secure SQL API //  create  a  database   var  db

     =  Ext.space.SecureSql.get("myDatabaseName");
  17. Secure SQL API //  set  up  version  1  of  the

     DB  schema   db.createSchema(1,  function(tx)  {        tx.query("CREATE  TABLE  [etc…]");        tx.query("CREATE  TABLE  [etc…]");   });
  18. Secure SQL API db.insert(        "myTableName",    

       ["fieldA",  "fieldB"],  //  column  names        ["valueA",  "valueB"]    //  values   ).then(function(insertId)  {…});     INSERT  INTO  myTableName  (fieldA,  fieldB)                VALUES  ("valueA",  "valueB");  
  19. Secure SQL API db.insertMany(        tableName,    

       ["fieldA",  "fieldB"],  //  column  names        records                              //  array  of  value  arrays   ).then(function()  {…});
  20. Secure SQL API db.query(        "SELECT  id,  name

     FROM  users  WHERE  email  =  ?",        ["roberts@pirate-­‐ship-­‐revenge.org"]   ).then(function(rows)  {        //  rows[0].id        //  rows[0].name  ==  "Dread  Pirate  Roberts"   });
  21. Secure SQL API var  tx  =  db.createTransaction();     //

     queries,  each  with  optional  success  &  error  handlers   tx.query(…).then(…).error(…);   tx.insert(…).then(…).error(…);   tx.query(…).then(…).error(…);     //  run  the  whole  thing   tx.execute().then(…).error(…);  
  22. Fullscreen API Ext.space.Fullscreen.enter().then(function()  {…});   Ext.space.Fullscreen.leave().then(function()  {…});     Ext.space.Fullscreen.onToggle()

           .then(function(isFullscreen)  {              if  (isFullscreen)  {…}        });     Ext.space.Fullscreen.isEnabled;  //  true/false
  23. Child Web View API var  child  =  window.open("http://example.com/");    

    child.open("http://example.com/another/page.html");   child.close();     //  loadstart,  loadstop,  loaderror,  close  events   child.on("loadstop",  function(evt)  {        //  evt.url  has  finished  loading;  do  something…   });  
  24. Child Web View API //  close  all  open  children  

    Ext.space.Window.closeAll();   //  list  all  open  child  web  views   Ext.space.Window.getChildren()        .then(function(children)  {…});
  25. Application List API Ext.space.Applications.list()        .then(function(list)  {  

               //  open  them  all!              list.forEach(function(app)  {                    Ext.space.Applications.open(app);              });        }   );  
  26. Application Focus API Ext.space.Focus.onToggle(function(isForeground)  {        if  (isForeground)

     {              //  something…        }  else  {              //  something  else…        }   });  
  27. Notifications API Ext.space.Notification.onBadgeChange(function(badge)  {…});     Ext.space.Notification.onData(function(data)  {…});    

    Ext.space.Notification.onAlert(function(alert)  {        //  alert.message,  alert.icon,  alert.tags   });    
  28. Notifications API var  note  =  {        message:

     "Hello!  My  name  is  Inigo  Montoya.  "  +                          "You  killed  my  father.  Prepare  to  die.",        icon:  "http://example.com/inigo.png",        tags:  ["revenge",  "speech",  "#fencing4eva"]   };     Ext.space.Notification.showAlert(note).then(function()  {…});  
  29. Notifications (well, Badge) API Ext.space.Notification.getBadge(function(badge)  {…});     Ext.space.Notification.setBadge(10).then(function(data)  {…});

        //  clear  the  badge  by  passing  null  or  nothing   Ext.space.Notification.setBadge().then(function(data)  {…});  
  30. Custom Event Logging API Ext.space.Logger.logEvent({        category:  "video",

           action:  "play",        label:  "Princess  Bride",  //  optional        extra:  "…"                              //  optional   });  
  31. Invoke API Ext.space.Invoke("chat").then(function(connection)  {        connection.send({    

             type:  "presence",              user:  "[email protected]",              online:  true        },  true).then(function(invokeAnswer)  {…});   });
  32. Ext.space.Invoke.onMessage(function(senderId,  message)  {        var  promise  =  new

     Ext.Promise();        if  (message.type  ==  "presence")  {              getUserData(message.user).then(function(result)  {                    promise.fulfill(result);              });        }  else  {              promise.reject("Message  not  understood.");        }        return  promise;   });  
  33. Inventory App - Scenario •  A grocery supplies company owns

    a number of warehouses, and they need a mobile/tablet app for members of staff to lookup details of their large stock, exceeding 230,000 items •  The app needs to work offline, due to limited or no network connectivity in the warehouses or out in the field
  34. Inventory App - Scenario •  The app must be able

    to scan barcodes and quickly retrieve the associated product details, along with a photo of the product •  The app must allow the staff member to perform an inventory of items at a warehouse, capturing multiple barcodes and storing the inventory info on the device
  35. Application details •  Built using Ext JS 5.1, so that

    the grid can be leveraged •  Real dataset that contains over 230,000 grocery items and 90,000 product photos •  All data stored on the device, allowing the app to run in an offline state
  36. SecureSql •  Use of a custom SecureSql proxy enables Ext

    JS Stores to directly interact with the encrypted SQLite database •  Allows buffered stores to select pages of data, along with performing sorting and filtering •  Updates to data can be easily made through record.save Ext.define('Inventory.model.Base', { extend: 'Ext.data.Model', requires: [ 'Inventory.data.proxy.SecureSql', 'Ext.data.identifier.Uuid' ], identifier: 'uuid', proxy: { type: 'securesql', database: 'InventoryDB' } });
  37. Publishing "space": { "id": 63553, "name": "Inventory", "host": "https://api.space.sencha.com/json.rpc", "file":

    "${app.output.base}", "apiKey": "7KxGphKZwtLv+ha5w2G1Xl5FK2Ajdt4dM4uMC5b354jhm3=", "secret": "gf6Gg9Y3QaYKszJJnnnnn8N2TYnaYTaL7S2jaMFTCeLm=" } •  Applications can be deployed as an archive (Zip file) straight to the Sencha Space Management Console for simple and secure deployment to end users •  First, configure the app.json file:
  38. Publishing > sencha config -prop app.version=1.1.3 then app publish • 

    Build your Sencha app for production •  Then deploy using the “app publish” command in Sencha Cmd:
  39. Publishing •  Application runtime is then securely deployed in Sencha

    Space •  Updated app pushed to users •  Negates the need to have a web server to host the source code in an unprotected state •  Provides the capability for the app to run offline
  40. Using Invoke in Sencha Space var  success  =  function  (message)

     {        log('success  '  +  JSON.stringify(message,  null,  2));   };     var  failure  =  function  (error)  {        log('  failure  '  +  json.stringify(error,  null,  2));   };     var  send  =  function  (connection)  {        connection.send(data,  true).then(              success,              failure        );   };     Ext.space.Invoke.get('map').then(send,  failure);  
  41. Handling the Invoke Message            

       Ext.onSpaceReady(function(){                            Ext.space.Invoke.onMessage(function  (senderId,  message)  {                                  var  promise  =  new  Ext.Promise();                                  mapview.name  =  message.name;                                  mapview.setPromise(promise);                                  mapview.handleMessage(me,  message);                                    return  promise;                            });                    });   handler:  function  ()  {        try  {              mapview.getPromise().fulfill({  name:  mapview.name  });        }        catch  (err)  {              alert(err.message);        }   }  
  42. About the Map Application… •  Written with Sencha Touch 2.4.1

    •  Utilized Ext.ux.LeafletMap •  https://market.sencha.com/extensions/ext-ux-leafletmap •  Mapbox.com map tile server (could also have offline access to map tiles) •  geoJSON for building outline layer
  43. ?

  44. !