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How to Secure Your Node.js Containers on Kubern...

How to Secure Your Node.js Containers on Kubernetes With Best Practices

Learn how to Secure Your
Node.js Containers on
Kubernetes With Best

Deepu K Sasidharan

April 11, 2022

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  1. @deepu105 @oktaDev How to Secure Your Node.js Containers on Kubernetes

    With Best Practices Deepu K Sasidharan @deepu105 | deepu.tech
  2. @deepu105 @oktaDev Deepu K Sasidharan ➔ JHipster co-lead ➔ Creator

    of KDash & JDL Studio ➔ Developer Advocate @ Okta ➔ Java Champion ➔ OSS aficionado, author, speaker, polyglot dev @deepu105 deepu.tech deepu105 deepu05
  3. @deepu105 @oktaDev Kubernetes Security • Transport security: All API communication

    is done via TLS using valid certificates. • Authentication: All API requests are authenticated with one of the several authentication mechanisms supported by Kubernetes. • Authorization: All authenticated requests are authorized using one or more of the supported authorization models. • Admission control: All authorized requests, except read/get requests, are validated by admission control modules.
  4. @deepu105 @oktaDev Use RBAC Why? • Most secure Authorization mechanism

    for Kubernetes • Most widely used and most flexible • Ideal for enterprise and medium-large orgs • Easy to model business rules How? • Check if RBAC is enabled: kubectl cluster-info dump | grep authorization-mode • Use --authorization-mode flag for the API server to enable RBAC • Create Role/ClusterRole and RoleBinding/ClusterRoleBinding as required
  5. @deepu105 @oktaDev Use RBAC apiVersion : rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: Role metadata

    : namespace : fancy-namespace name: pod-service-reader rules: - apiGroups : [""] # "" indicates the core API group resources : ["pods", "services” ] verbs: [ "get", "watch", "list"] — apiVersion : rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: RoleBinding metadata : name: read-pods-services namespace : fancy-namespace roleRef: kind: Role #this must be Role or ClusterRole name: pod-service-reader # this must match the name of the Role or ClusterRole you wish to bind to apiGroup : rbac.authorization.k8s.io subjects : # subject can be individual users or a group of users. Group is defined in the external authentication service, in this case, an OIDC server - kind: Group name: k8s-restricted-users
  6. @deepu105 @oktaDev Use OpenID Connect Why? • Most secure Authentication

    mechanism • Most scalable • Ideal for clusters accessed by large teams as it provides a single sign-on solution • Easy to onboard and offboard users How? • How to Secure Your Kubernetes Cluster with OpenID Connect and RBAC
  7. @deepu105 @oktaDev Use Secrets Why? • Encode sensitive data like

    passwords, keys, and tokens • Can store string, docker config, certificates, tokens, files, and so on • Can be mounted as data volumes • Can be exposed as environment variables How? • Use the Secret resource type • Use plain text for non sensitive data and encoded for sensitive data
  8. @deepu105 @oktaDev Keep Kubernetes version up to date Why? •

    Fix CVEs and other security bugs • Latest features and security updates How? • Check the Kubernetes security and disclosure information website to see if there are known security vulnerabilities for your version • If you are using a managed PaaS, upgrade using built-in mechanism • For on-prem installations, use tools like kOps, kubeadm, and so on, for easy upgrades
  9. @deepu105 @oktaDev Restrict kubelet, API, and SSH access Why? •

    Restrict unintended access • Non-admin users should not have API, SSH access How? • Secure API server using OIDC and RBAC • Disable SSH for non-admin users • Secure kubelet’s HTTP endpoints
  10. @deepu105 @oktaDev Control traffic between pods and clusters Why? •

    A compromised pod could compromise another leading to a chain reaction • Larger attack surface • Better traffic control and better security How? • Use Kubernetes network policies to control traffic between pods and clusters • Allow only necessary traffic between pods
  11. @deepu105 @oktaDev Use namespaces to isolate workloads Why? • Isolating

    workloads in namespaces reduces attack surface • Easier to manage with RBAC How? • Avoid using default namespace • Tune RBAC to restrict access to only required namespaces • Use Kubernetes network policies to control traffic between namespaces
  12. @deepu105 @oktaDev Limit resource usages Why? • Avoid denial of

    service (DoS) attacks • Reduce attack surface How? • Use resources quotas and limit ranges to set limits at the namespace level • Set resource limits at container level as well
  13. @deepu105 @oktaDev Use monitoring tools and enable audit logging Why?

    • Detect unauthorized access attempts • Keep an eye on the traffic • Prevent breaches before with alarms How? • Enable audit logging for the cluster • Use a monitoring tool to monitor ingress/egress networking traffic
  14. @deepu105 @oktaDev Infrastructure best practices Furthermore, keep these infrastructure best

    practices also in mind when securing your Kubernetes cluster. • Ensure that all communication is done via TLS. • Protect etcd with TLS, Firewall, and Encryption and restrict access to it using strong credentials. • Set up IAM access policies in a supported environment like a PaaS. • Secure the Kubernetes Control Plane. • Rotate infrastructure credentials frequently. • Restrict cloud metadata API access when running in a PaaS like AWS, Azure, or GCP.
  15. @deepu105 @oktaDev Do not run containers as root Why? •

    Principle of least privilege to reduce attack surface • Avoid container escape and privilege escalations How? • Use a least privileged user • For Node.js apps use the ‘node’ user included in the official base images • Use --chown=node:node when using Docker copy commands
  16. @deepu105 @oktaDev Use minimal up-to-date official base images Why? •

    Reduce attack surface • Latest bug fixes and security patches How? • Use deterministic image tags - FROM node:14.2.0-alpine3.11 instead of FROM node:14-alpine • Install only production dependencies (including npm dependencies) • Use official verified images for popular software. Prefer LTS versions. • Use a trusted registry for non-official images and always verify the image publisher
  17. @deepu105 @oktaDev Prevent loading unwanted kernel modules Why? • Reduce

    attack surface • Better performance How? • Restrict using rules in /etc/modprobe.d/kubernetes-blacklist.conf of the node • Uninstall the unwanted modules from the node
  18. @deepu105 @oktaDev Enable container image scanning in your CI/CD phase

    Why? • Detect known vulnerabilities before they are exploited How? • Enable image scanning in CI/CD phase • Use OSS tools like clair, Anchore or commercial tools like Snyk
  19. @deepu105 @oktaDev Audit images Why? • Check for security best

    practices How? • Use Docker Bench for Security to audit your container images
  20. @deepu105 @oktaDev Use pod security policies Why? • Reduce attack

    surface • Prevent privilege escalation How? • Use Pod Security Admission to limit a container’s access to the host further
  21. @deepu105 @oktaDev Node.js specific • Install only production dependencies RUN

    npm ci --only=production • Optimize for production with ENV NODE_ENV production • Safely terminate apps using an init system like dumb-init • Use .dockerignore file to ignore sensitive files like .env, .npmrc and so on