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Ruby on Google Cloud Platform

Ruby on Google Cloud Platform

20160714 Roppongi.rb #1

Naoki Shimizu

July 14, 2016

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  1. Game Platform @DeNA SWET (Software Engineer in Test) End to

    End Test w/ RSpec, Selenium WebDriver Testing Application w/ Sinatra, Rails MERY @peroli Server Side Engineer Web & API App, Backend Server w/ Rails Managing Infrastructure w/ AWS
  2. Problems outside of writing Ruby Setting up infrastructures app server,

    DB, load balancer, etc. Scalability lower initial cost is better don’t want to pay attention to scalability
  3. Google App Engine Enable us to focus on developing application

    Enable us to focus on writing Ruby code → Enjoy Programming! Many GAE Experts in mercari!
  4. Today’s Theme Ruby on Google App Engine GAE ∈ Google

    Cloud Platform † Not related to my works in mercari
  5. Google App Engine Built-in services & APIs app server, load

    balancing, health check, logging datastore, memcache, pub/sub, user authentication API Automatic Scaling from zero to millions of users
  6. GAE Environments #1. Standard Environment container instances running on Google's

    infrastructure Java 7, Python 2.7, Go and PHP #2. Flexible environment (beta) Docker containers on Google Compute Engine Initially named “Managed VMs” Java 8, Python 2.7 / 3.4, Go, Node.js and Ruby
  7. GAE Environments #1. Standard Environment container instances running on Google's

    infrastructure Java 7, Python 2.7, Go and PHP #2. Flexible environment (beta) Docker containers on Google Compute Engine Initially named “Managed VMs” Java 8, Python 2.7 / 3.4, Go, Node.js and Ruby
  8. GAE Flexible Environment Customisable runtime & OS w/ Dockerfile changing

    runtimes, installing binaries, etc Native Backend Threads & Processes High Performance Host VM we can choose any machine types of GCE https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/the-appengine-environments
  9. runtime: ruby vm: true # application entorypoint entrypoint: bundle exec

    rackup -p 8080 -E production config.ru # if true, GAE sends multiple requests to the application threadsafe: true # GCE machine type is based on resources config resources: cpu: 4 memory_gb: 10 disk_size_gb: 10 app.yaml
  10. root@hostname:~# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND PORTS NAMES 1b94d28fa5c2

    gcr.io/google_appengine/mvm-agent "/usr/local/bin/gunic" sad_hawking 7a9d61dd9e67 gcr.io/google_appengine/nginx-proxy “/var/lib/nginx/bin/s">8080/tcp,>8443/tcp, 8090/tcp high_banach 9d5872fae34d us.gcr.io/pid/appengine/default.version@sha256:hash "/bin/sh -c 'GRPC_TRA" 8080/tcp gaeapp a0903dab94ad gcr.io/google_appengine/memcache-proxy "/home/memcache/memca" 11211/tcp memcache 1e13af1911e5 gcr.io/google_appengine/fluentd-logger "/opt/google-fluentd/" furious_bartik
  11. Dockerfile # Install dependencies for Ruby # Also installs dependencies

    for the following common gems: # # gems dependencies # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # curb libcurl3, libcurl3-gnutls, libcurl4-openssl-dev # pg libpq-dev # rmagick libmagickwand-dev # nokogiri libxml2-dev, libxslt-dev # sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev # mysql2 libmysqlclient-dev
  12. # Install rbenv ENV RBENV_ROOT /rbenv RUN git clone https://github.com/sstephenson/rbenv.git

    /rbenv && \ git clone https://github.com/sstephenson/ruby-build.git /rbenv/plugins/ruby-build ENV PATH /rbenv/shims:/rbenv/bin:$PATH # Preinstall ruby runtimes. # The LAST version in the list is set as the default. ENV PREINSTALLED_RUBY_VERSIONS 2.1.8 2.2.4 2.3.0 ENV RUBY_CONFIGURE_OPTS --disable-install-doc RUN for V in $PREINSTALLED_RUBY_VERSIONS; do \ rbenv install -v $V; \ rbenv rehash; \ rbenv global $V; \ done Dockerfile
  13. Datastore Option A. Google Cloud SQL Managed MySQL (Like RDS

    on AWS) B. Run RDBMS on Google Compute Engine Manage MySQL/PostgreSQL etc. by our own C. Google Cloud Datastore zero-configuration, fully-managed, highly-scalable, non-relational database
  14. Datastore Option A. Google Cloud SQL Managed MySQL (Like RDS

    on AWS) B. Run RDBMS on Google Compute Engine Manage MySQL/PostgreSQL etc. by our own C. Google Cloud Datastore zero-configuration, fully-managed, highly-scalable, non-relational database
  15. Google Cloud Datastore Schemaless Database based on BigTable BigTable: KVS

    used in Google services https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/go/datastore/
  16. Google Cloud Datastore Pros High scalability w/ high performance High

    availability Fully managed with no downtime Cons Limited ACID transaction No JOIN, GROUP BY, COUNT, etc. Not high performance BUT it wouldn’t be worse
  17. Cloud Datastore w/ ActiveModel require ‘gcloud/datastore’ class Book include ActiveModel::Validations

    attr_accessor :id, :title validates :title, presence: true def self.dataset @dataset ||= Gcloud.datastore(ENV[‘DATASET_ID’]) end Schemaless → Validation & Definition by ActiveModel app/models/book.rb
  18. Cloud Datastore w/ ActiveModel def save if valid? entity =

    Gcloud::Datastore::Entity.new entity.key = Gcloud::Datastore::Key.new ‘Book’, id entity[‘title’] = title Book.dataset.save entity self.id = entity.key.id true else false end end [Datastore] Entity 㲗 [Ruby] Object
  19. (In most case) Puma is primary option Maximum request timeout:

    60mins Unicorn is susceptible to slow client attacks with long timeout https://devcenter.heroku.com/changelog-items/594
  20. grpc bug in multi process environment grpc-ruby gem is used

    when accessing Datastore Current version(0.15.0) doesn’t work after fork Issue: https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/6577
  21. Workaround # config/puma.rb on_worker_boot do require ‘gcloud’ require ‘gcloud/datastore’ end

    # config/unicorn.rb after_fork do |server, worker| require ‘gcloud’ require ‘gcloud/datastore’ end
  22. Conclusion We can develop Ruby app in GAE smoothly Because

    of Ruby (&Rails) & GAE’s flexibility It’s not easy to use in critical environment (currently beta support) bug, backward compatibility, know-how, etc. BUT it has large potential Enable us to focus developing service = Enjoy Programming!