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What Raising 3 Kids Taught Me About Working wit...

October 12, 2023

What Raising 3 Kids Taught Me About Working with Users


October 12, 2023

More Decks by derek-b

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  1. @[email protected] What Users? • Project Stakeholders • Target Audience of

    Business • Company Employees • Clients and Their Customers
  2. @[email protected] Focus on Progress • Product Backlog • Sprint Planning

    / Review • Kanban / Scrum Board • Product Roadmap • Milestones
  3. @[email protected] • KatyCats - Katy Perry • Mixers - Little

    Mix • Little Monsters - Lady Gaga • Swifties - Taylor Swift • Beliebers - Justin Bieber • Bee Hive - Beyoncé
  4. @[email protected] American Stats • 38% with college degree • 22%

    speak non-English language at home • 91% own a car • 27% Never travelled outside US • 68% Live where they grew up
  5. @[email protected] –Project Stakeholder “I want to clarify what I was

    trying to explain at today’s meeting. Since I don’t have a technology background, the words often don’t make it to my mouth in one piece under pressure.”
  6. @[email protected] Communication • Understandable Terms (Glossary) • Reason For Changes

    • How To Use Communication Needs • Requirements • Usability • Successful Product Launch • Understand the Whys
  7. @[email protected] • Develop Trust • Customer Con fi dence •

    Gentle Guidance • Gami fi cation • In App Prompts
  8. @[email protected] Things Change Quickly • Don’t underestimate the e ff

    ect of change on your users • Help users understand the value of change
  9. @[email protected] Resources • https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2018/03/guide- user-testing/ • https://www.fullstory.com • https://go.pendo.io •

    https://uxplanet.org/gami fi cation-in-ux-increasing-user- engagement-6437cbf702aa • https://haen fl er.sites.grinnell.edu/subcultural-theory-and- theorists/fandom-and-participatory-culture/