Title: Physital and Digical – Exploring places and spaces for hybrid teaching in a post-lockdown world.
Abstract: The re-emergence of physical presence for learning and teaching will shortly be upon us, but do we really know what we want from teaching and learning experiences in physical spaces anymore? Physical spaces gave way to digital spaces during lockdown, but apart from access to some specialist resources what is it that we actually need/want physical spaces for? Together in this session we will collectively “crowd-source” our experiences of using digital and physical spaces for learning and teaching, the extent to which we really need our physical learning & teaching infrastructure and the emergence of new digital spaces we may never have thought to venture into before. Is there now an opportunity to finally see “digital” as an equal to “physical” in terms of space selection and use? Influenced by Paul LeBlanc’s Educause article in 2015 perhaps we should be asking ourselves these questions in terms of critical (digital) pedagogy as a post-lockdown sector.
What physical teaching and learning interactions are most critical for student success?
What digital teaching and learning interactions can better replace some physical interactions that previously took place?
What does a truly “hybrid” experience, one that maximises student success and staff well-being, look like in the context of your course?
We will conclude by exploring what this means for the (digital) development of academic staff – what does digitally integrated academic development (DIAD) look like and how important is it within the context of an emerging hybrid teaching model?