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Releases and Hot Code Replacement in Elixir - A...

Releases and Hot Code Replacement in Elixir - Alexei Sholik

We will learn how the Erlang virtual machine handles code loading, how OTP releases are generated and how to prepare a release in Elixir so that it can be upgraded on the fly, without stopping the running application.
We will also learn the intricate details of what goes on under the hood of the release upgrade process and we'll look at the pros and cons of performing hot code replacement in a production environment.
Video here: https://goo.gl/2mPyV9

Elixir Meetup

November 21, 2016

Other Decks in Programming


  1. What we'll learn • The importance of separating code and

    data • Code loading in BEAM • Fundamentals of release upgrades in OTP • Building an upgrade using Distillery
  2. OOP

  3. Code reloading in functional programming def some_function(x) do y =

    function_foo(x) # ... function_bar(y) end What if we change the code at this point?
  4. Code reloading in functional programming def some_function(x) do y =

    function_foo(x) # ... M.function_bar(y) end What if we change the code at this point?
  5. Code loading in BEAM A process is a unit of

    concurrency Inside a single process all code is executed sequentially Concurrency is achieved by interleaving the execution of many processes
  6. Code loading in BEAM A module is a unit of

    code A module is loaded or reloaded as a whole The VM keeps at most two versions of the same module Reloading a module creates a new version of it in memory
  7. Code loading in BEAM The most recently loaded version is

    called current The previous version is called old
  8. Code loading in BEAM When a process is executing the

    code from a module (basically, when it is inside a function call), it is said to be running in that version of the module. If the module is purged (by the VM or manually), the process is killed immediately.
  9. Local vs fully qualified function calls Local function call always

    invokes code from the same module version that is being executed
  10. Local vs fully qualified function calls Fully qualified function call

    always invokes code from the latest module version
  11. Code reloading in BEAM def some_function(x) do y = function_foo(x)

    # ... function_bar(y) end Changing the code at this point won't affect the function
  12. Code reloading in BEAM def some_function(x) do y = function_foo(x)

    # ... M.function_bar(y) end Changing the code for M at this point will result in running the new code for function_bar()
  13. Code reloading in BEAM Doing a fully qualified function call

    allows a process to switch to the new code. But there are caveats we have to take into account...
  14. Code reloading with OTP We have two problems to solve

    1. Switching a process to the newly loaded module version 2. Migrating the process state
  15. Code reloading with OTP How do we ensure our gen

    servers keep running in those unforgiving circumstances? By building a release, of course!
  16. Quick guide to release upgrades • Change the code. Make

    sure to handle all necessary data migrations • Update the app version • Write an <app name>.appup file with instructions on how each changed or new module should be loaded
  17. Quick guide to release upgrades (continued) • Generate a relup

    file with low-level instructions for the release upgrade process • Build a release, package it up into a .tar file and place it in the releases/ directory on the target machine • Execute a series of calls to :release_handler in order to install the new release in the running system
  18. .appup instructions {update, Mod} {update, Mod, supervisor} {update, Mod, Change}

    {update, Mod, DepMods} {update, Mod, Change, DepMods} {update, Mod, Change, PrePurge, PostPurge, DepMods} {update, Mod, Timeout, Change, PrePurge, PostPurge, DepMods} {update, Mod, ModType, Timeout, Change, PrePurge, PostPurge, DepMods} {load_module, Mod} {load_module, Mod, DepMods} {load_module, Mod, PrePurge, PostPurge, DepMods} {add_module, Mod} {add_module, Mod, DepMods} {delete_module, Mod} {delete_module, Mod, DepMods} {add_application, Application} {add_application, Application, Type} {remove_application, Application} {restart_application, Application} ...
  19. Release upgrade process • Find all processes running the changed

    modules and suspend them • Load the new code for those modules • Invoked the code_change() callback in all relevant processes • Resume suspended processes
  20. Release upgrade process (optional extra steps) • Update the init()

    callback of a supervisor process • Add or remove an OTP application • Restart a running OTP application • Restart the whole node • ... (there are more possibilities)
  21. Upgrading a release with Distillery • Change the code. Make

    sure to handle all necessary data migrations • Update the app version • Build a release using mix release --upgrade • Activate and install the new release in the shell
  22. Build a release $ mix release --upgrade ==> Assembling release..

    ==> Building release chat:0.2.0 using environment prod ==> Including ERTS 8.1 from /... ==> Generated .appup for chat 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0 ==> Relup successfully created ==> Packaging release.. ==> Release successfully built!
  23. Install the new release $ rel/chat/bin/chat console iex([email protected])1> :release_handler.set_unpacked 'releases/0.2.0/chat.rel',

    [] {:ok, '0.2.0'} iex([email protected])2> :release_handler.install_release '0.2.0' {:ok, '0.1.0', []} iex([email protected])3> :release_handler.which_releases [{'chat', '0.2.0', [...], :current}, {'chat', '0.1.0', [...], :permanent}]
  24. Install the new release (continued) iex([email protected])4> :release_handler.make_permanent '0.2.0' :ok iex([email protected])5>

    :release_handler.which_releases [{'chat', '0.2.0', [...], :permanent}, {'chat', '0.1.0', [...], :old}]
  25. Conclusions • The basic code reloading is trivial to do

    in BEAM • In a real application, though, there are a lot more things to consider • It's easy to make a mistake and cause the application to misbehave • Rule of thumb: don't use hot code replacement unless absolutely necessary and worth the cost