SpotBugs team core member Plugin: Jenkins, SonarQube, SpotBugs, Errorprone, Maven, Gradle, semantic-release, GitHub Actions etc. Launch Self-Organized Team for Problem Solving 2
creative activity Bring code to discuss even unfinished work (WIP), to make topics clear (less face-to-face meeting) Automate continuous tasks such as code format, making release note, and tests before release 4
free, and you need to chose Oracle OpenJDK build or an alternative OpenJDK provider Consider which environment (especially cloud) you use to make your app running 6
format configs than GUI config provided by CI tools Easy to create CI job dynamically Each support version (branch) needs different env and test Use Maven Wrapper or Gradle Wrapper to share the version of build tool 7
program by event (push, pull_request, schedule etc.) Example: rtd-bot (help for Read The Docs) Run CI tasks including test, code format checker, document generator, coverage checker and static analysis tool etc. 10
Launch your app with DB in container, then launch client (browser) in host machine or another container Contributor can run test even in local env Best match with build matrix Example: sonar-findbugs 11