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Engineering a Live Streaming Workflow for Super...

Engineering a Live Streaming Workflow for Super Bowl 53 at CBS

Presentation about how we built the video processing and delivery pipelines for Super Bowl 53. Presented at the Boston Video Technology Meetup in August, 2019.


Flávio Ribeiro

August 26, 2019

More Decks by Flávio Ribeiro

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  1. AGENDA • Signal Acquisition & Encoding ◦ Bitrate Ladder ◦

    Output Locking • Advertisement System • Delivery • Monitoring • Testing • Game Day
  2. BITRATE LADDER • 400x224, 29.97 @ 250 Kbps (QVBR, Quality

    Level: 7) • 512x288, 29.97 @ 500 Kbps (QVBR, Quality Level: 7) • 640x360, 29.97 @ 900 Kbps (QVBR, Quality Level: 7) • 960x540, 29.97 @ 1.8 Mbps (QVBR, Quality Level: 7) • 1280x720, 29.97 @ 3 Mbps (QVBR, Quality Level: 7) • 1280x720, 59.94 @ 6 Mbps (QVBR, Quality Level, 8)
  3. OUTPUT LOCKING More about it: https://d2908q01vomqb2.cloudfront.net/fb644351560d8296fe6da332236b1f8d61b2828a/2019/02/25/AWS_Product-Documentation_OUTPUT-LOCKING.pdf • Same output medatada

    across encoders in the pool ◦ PTS/DTS • Encoders talk via Multicast • Distributed Consensus ◦ No master node • Beware of Ad Breaks and SCTE/ID3/API integrations
  4. MONITORING • Mux.com • TouchStream • SumoLogic • Manifest Monitor

    • MultiScreen Viewer ◦ Clappr + Clappr RTMP + Nginx
  5. MONITORING • Mux.com • TouchStream • SumoLogic • Manifest Monitor

    • MultiScreen Viewer ◦ Clappr + Clappr RTMP + Nginx • Slack Alerts
  6. TESTING • Streaming in Production prior to Game Day •

    Identifying Potential Points of Failure ◦ Simulate Chaos • Runbooks / Playbooks
  7. TESTING • Streaming in Production prior to Game Day •

    Identifying Potential Points of Failure ◦ Simulate Chaos • Runbooks / Playbooks
  8. TESTING • Streaming in Production prior to Game Day •

    Identifying Potential Points of Failure ◦ Simulate Chaos • Runbooks / Playbooks
  9. TESTING • Streaming in Production prior to Game Day •

    Identifying Potential Points of Failure ◦ Simulate Chaos • Runbooks / Playbooks • Tooling for Quickly Making Changes ◦ Must be well tested
  10. GAME DAY Streaming coverage of Super Bowl LIII set viewership

    records, (...). Across 7.5 million unique devices, (...) viewers consumed more than 560 million total minutes of live game coverage, up +19% from last year. The average minute audience of 2.6 million viewers during the game window is up +31% year-over-year. Reference: https://www.cbspressexpress.com/cbs-sports/releases/view?id=51928