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Ockham’s Razor in Opinion Dynamics

Florian Dörfler
October 16, 2024

Ockham’s Razor in Opinion Dynamics

ETH Zürich, 2018

Florian Dörfler

October 16, 2024


  1. Ockham’s Razor in Opinion Dynamics Modeling and Analysis of Weighted-Median

    Influence Process Wenjun Mei Oct. 18th, 2018, IfA Coffee Talk Institut f¨ ur Automatik, ETH Zurich
  2. Collaborators (a) F. D¨ orfler, ETH (b) F. Bullo, UCSB

    (c) G. Chen, CAS (d) N. Friedkin, UCSB 1
  3. Outline • Introduction and motivation • The weighted-median opinion dynamics

    • Theoretical analysis • Numerical study • Conclusion and discussion 2
  4. General introduction of opinion dynamics Opinion dynamics (influence process) •

    a group of individuals discussing certain issue • local interaction → individual opinion change → macroscopic phenomena • role of network structure in shaping dynamical behavior • social engineering: intervention & manipulation (a) Movie: “12 Angry Men” (b) 2016 US election 3
  5. General introduction of opinion dynamics “Axioms” of opinion dynamics •

    individual opinions denoted by real umbers • opinion update due to interactions with social neighbors Classic DeGroot model [J. R. P. French 1956] • weighted-average opinion update xi (t + 1) = n j=1 wij xi (t) • wij : weight assigned to j by i = influence of j on i • W = (wij )n×n : row-stochastic, defines the influence matrix G(W ) J. R. P. French, “A formal theory of social power”, Psychological Review, 63(3):181-194, 1956, doi: 10.1037/h0046123 4
  6. Important Related Literature [1] L. Moreau. “Stability of Multiagent Systems

    with Time-dependent Communication Links.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 50(2):169182, 2005. doi:10.1109/TAC.2004.841888. [2] N. E. Friedkin, E. C. Johnsen. “Social influence networks and opinion change” Advances in Group Processes, 16:1-29, 1999, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, ISBN: 0762304529. [3] R. Hegselmann, U. Krause. “Opinion dynamics and bounded confidence models, analysis, and simulations” Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 5(3), 2002. [4] N. E. Friedkin, A. V. Proskurnikov, R. Tempo, S. E. Parsegov. “Network Science on Belief System Dynamics Under Logic Constraints” Science, 354(6310):321-326, 2016, doi: 10.1126/science.aag2624 [5] P. Jia, A. MirTabatabaei, N. E. Friedkin, F. Bullo. “Opinion Dynamics and The Evolution of Social Power in Influence Networks” Siam Review, 57(3):367-397, 2015, doi: 10.1137/130913250 [6] C. Altafini. “Consensus problems on networks with antagonistic interactions” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 58(4): 935-946, 2013, doi: 10.1109/TAC.2012.2224251 [7] D. Bindel, J. Kleinberg, S. Oren. “How bad is forming your own opinion?” Games and Economic Behavior, 92:248-265, 2015, doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2014.06.004 [8] S. A. Marvel, J. Kleinberg, R. D. Kleinberg, S. H. Strogatz. “Continuous-time model of structural balance” PNAS, 108:1771-1776, 2011, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1013213108 [9] D. Acemoglu, A. Ozdaglar. “Opinion Dynamics and Learning in Social Networks.” Dynamic Games and Applications, 1(1):3-49, 2011. doi: 10.1007/s13235-010-0004-1. 5
  7. Numerous extensions proposed by control community • time-varying graph/switching topology

    • gossip-like dynamics • negative weights • quantized opinion dynamics • multiple issues with logical constraints • evolution of social power along issue sequence • state-dependent interpersonal influences • stochastic bounded confidence • unilateral confidence bounds • opinion dynamics with noise • opinion dynamics with leaders • ...... 6
  8. Convergence Rate of the Gossip-like Quantized Opinion Dynamics with non-Euclidean

    Opinion Spaces and Unilateral Confidence Bounds on Time-varying Topology with Communication Delay and Antagonistic Interactions? 7
  9. DeGroot Model and its Weakness DeGroot opinion dynamics: x(t +

    1) = Wx(t) Advantages • xmin (0) ≤ xi (t) ≤ xmax (0): consistent with empirical data • x(∞) = vleft (W ) x(0)1n : social power = eigenvector centrality 9
  10. DeGroot Model and its Weakness DeGroot opinion dynamics: x(t +

    1) = Wx(t) Weakness • macroscopic • always predicts consensus under mild conditions • reality: stable (multi-modal) opinion distributions (a) 2004 (b) 2008 (c) 2012 (d) 2016 Opinion distribution among European people on the issue:“Country’s cultural life is undermined by immigrants.” 0: strongly agree; 10: strongly disagree. Data from European Social Survey (http://nesstar.ess.nsd.uib.no/webview/) 9
  11. DeGroot Model and its Weakness DeGroot opinion dynamics: x(t +

    1) = Wx(t) Weakness • macroscopic: unrealistic prediction of consensus • microscopic: • weighted average ⇒ distant opinions are more attractive • physical intuition behind the always-consensus prediction 9
  12. Extension of DeGroot Model Motivation: to remedy macroscopic shortcoming of

    DeGroot model Existence of absolutely stubborn agents • xi (t) = xi (0) • too strong assumption for judgemental issues with no opinion manipulators Friedkin-Johnsen model • convex combination of averaging and stubbornness xi (t + 1) = (1 − γi ) j wij xj (t) + γi xi (0) • over-parametrized: n-dimension state x, n parameters: γi , i = 1, . . . , n • predicts multi-modal opinion distribution by tuning parameters [NEF:15] [NEF:15] N. E. Friedkin. “The problem of social control and coordination of complex systems in sociology: A look at the community cleavage problem.” IEEE Control Systems, 35(3):40-51, 2015. 10
  13. Extensions of DeGroot Model Bounded-confidence model • Equations: for any

    i xi (t + 1) = j: |xj (t)−xi (t)|<ri xj (t) { j | |xj − xi | < ri } • over-parametrized: n-dimension state x, n parameters: ri , i = 1, . . . , n • unrealistic macroscopic prediction: multiple clusterings, not distribution • unnatural microscopic mechanism: truncation of opinion attractiveness Altafini model • x(t + 1) = Ax(t), with negative weights, |A| is row-stoch. • unrealistic macroscopic prediction All the extensions inherit the microscopic shortcoming of DeGroot model. 11
  14. Statement of Objectives Ockham’s Razor: simplicity of form, rich in

    behavior “Suppose there exist two explanations for an occurrence. In this case the one that requires the least speculation is usually better.” A novel opinion dynamics model • As simple as the DeGroot model (parameter-free) • Based on reasonable microscopic mechanisms • Has rich dynamical behavior • Captures some real phenomena that the other models fail to 12
  15. Weighted-Median Opinion Dynamics xi (t + 1) = Med x(i)(t),

    w(i) ( ) • ordered discrete set of opinions • Ockham’s razor: simplicity of form • Weighted median: given (x1, . . . , xm ) and weights (w1, . . . , wm ), Med(x, w) = x∗ : i: xi <x∗ wi ≤ 1/2, & i: xi >x∗ wi ≤ 1/2 • Assumption: uniqueness of weighted median. j∈θ wij = 1/2, for any θ ⊂ {1, . . . , n} 13
  16. Weighted-Median Opinion Dynamics xi (t + 1) = Med x(i)(t),

    w(i) ( ) • ordered discrete set of opinions • Ockham’s razor: simplicity of form • meaningful intuition • median as a typical value • overlook the outliers (robustness) • connection with median voter model in political science 13
  17. Weighted-Median Opinion Dynamics xi (t + 1) = Med x(i)(t),

    w(i) ( ) • ordered discrete set of opinions • Ockham’s razor: simplicity of form • meaningful intuition 13
  18. Game-theoretical Interpretation DeGroot model as a best-response dynamics [DB-JK-SO:15] •

    individual cognitive dissonance ui (xi ; x−i ) = j wij (xi − xj )2 • well supported by psychology literature • weighted averaging = best-response dynamics x+ i = j wij xj ⇔ x+ i = argmin z j wij (xj − z)2 • quadratic cost function: taken for granted but questionable [DB-JK-SO:15]: D. Bindel, J. Kleinberg, S. Oren. “How bad is forming your own opinion?” Games and Economic Behavior, 92:248-265, 2015. 14
  19. Game-theoretic Interpretation Generalized best-response opinion dynamics x+ i ∈ argminz

    j wij |xj − z|α ($) α > 1(α < 1 resp.): Distant(near-by resp.) opinions are more attractive α = 1: Opinion attractiveness does not depend on opinion distance. Equation ($) with α = 1 is equivalent to the weighted-median model ( ). 15
  20. Convergence Analysis of the WM Opinion Dynamics WM opinion dynamics:

    xi (t + 1) = Med x(i)(t), w(i) ( ) Assume: asynchronous random updates Initial opinions: i.i.d. from some continuous distribution on X ⊂ Rn Theorem: almost-sure finite-time convergence For any initial condition x0 ∈ Xn, the solution to the weighted-median opinion dynamics ( ) almost surely converges to a fixed point in finite time. 16
  21. Convergence Analysis of the WM Opinion Dynamics WM opinion dynamics:

    xi (t + 1) = Med x(i)(t), w(i) ( ) Assume: asynchronous random updates Initial opinions: i.i.d. from some continuous distribution on X ⊂ Rn Theorem: almost-sure finite-time convergence For any initial condition x0 ∈ Xn, the solution to the weighted-median opinion dynamics ( ) almost surely converges to a fixed point in finite time. Proof method: “monkey typewriter argument” • For ∀x0 , ∃ update sequence {i1, . . . , iT } s.t. x(T) reaches a fixed point. • Sooner or later, some x0 and its corresponding update sequence will occur. 16
  22. Sketch of Proof Important notion: cohesive set [SM:00] • subset

    of nodes, M is cohesive if j∈M wij > 1/2, ∀ i ∈ M • more generalized definition used in linear threshold model [DA-AO-EY:11] • Nodes in cohesive sets do not change their opinions. • Cohesive set grows to the maximal cohesive set (unique expansion). [SM:00] S. Morris. “Contagion.” The Review of Economic Studies, 67(1):57-78, 2000. [DA-AO-EY:11] D. Acemoglu, A. Ozdaglar, E. Yildiz. “Diffusion of innovations in social networks.” CDC, 2329-2334, Orlando, USA, December 2011. 17
  23. Consensus or Persistent Disagreement New notion: (i, j) is a

    decisive out-link if ∃ θ ⊂ i’s out-neighbor set, s.t. • j ∈ θ; • k∈θ wik > 1/2; • k∈θ\{j} wik ¡1/2. Define Gdecisive (W ) as G(W ) with all the indecisive links removed. 18
  24. Consensus or Persistent Disagreement Theorem: consensus or disagreement • {1,

    . . . , n} is the only maximal cohesive set ⇒ almost-sure consensus; • ∃ non-trivial maximal cohesive set ⇒ non-zero probability of disagreement • globally reachable node in Gdecisive (W ) ⇒ almost-sure disagreement • ∃ globally reachable node ⇒ non-zero probability of consensus (conjecture) Ockham’s razor: richness of behavior. 19
  25. Which models to compare with? • DeGroot model with stubborn

    agents(DS): • X(t + 1) = Wx(t) • randomly pick 5% of the nodes and let them be stubborn • Friedkin-Johnsen model(FJ) • X(t + 1) = (I − diag(λ))Wx(t) + diag(λ)x(0) • λi ∼ Unif[0, 1] • Bounded-confidence model on networks(BC) • The networked version could be: (no theoretical result) xi (t + 1) = j∈Ni : |xj (t)−xi (t)|<ri wij xj (t) j∈Ni : |xj (t)−xi (t)|<ri wij , Ni : out-neighbor set of node i • ri ∼ Unif[0, 0.5] 20
  26. Simulation Results 1. WM Model predicts steady multi-modal opinion distribution.

    • Simulation Set-up • Network: Barab´ asi-Albert scale-free network, n = 5000 • Initial opinions: i.i.d. • Uniform: xi (0) ∼ Unif[0, 1] • Unimodal: xi (0) ∼ Beta(2, 2) • Bimodal: Y ∼ Beta(2, 10), xi (0) = Y or 1 − Y with equal probability • 3-modal: bimodal + unbiased unimodal • Results (also hold for Watts-Strogatz small-world networks) • Uniform initial distribution 21
  27. Simulation Results 1. WM Model predicts steady multi-modal opinion distribution.

    • Simulation Set-up • Network: Barab´ asi-Albert scale-free network, n = 5000 • Initial opinions: i.i.d. • Uniform: xi (0) ∼ Unif[0, 1] • Unimodal: xi (0) ∼ Beta(2, 2) • Bimodal: Y ∼ Beta(2, 10), xi (0) = Y or 1 − Y with equal probability • 3-modal: bimodal + unbiased unimodal • Results (also hold for Watts-Strogatz small-world networks) • Unimodal initial distribution 21
  28. Simulation Results 1. WM Model predicts steady multi-modal opinion distribution.

    • Simulation Set-up • Network: Barab´ asi-Albert scale-free network, n = 5000 • Initial opinions: i.i.d. • Uniform: xi (0) ∼ Unif[0, 1] • Unimodal: xi (0) ∼ Beta(2, 2) • Bimodal: Y ∼ Beta(2, 10), xi (0) = Y or 1 − Y with equal probability • 3-modal: bimodal + unbiased unimodal • Results (also hold for Watts-Strogatz small-world networks) • Bimodal initial distribution 21
  29. Simulation Results 1. WM Model predicts steady multi-modal opinion distribution.

    • Simulation Set-up • Network: Barab´ asi-Albert scale-free network, n = 5000 • Initial opinions: i.i.d. • Uniform: xi (0) ∼ Unif[0, 1] • Unimodal: xi (0) ∼ Beta(2, 2) • Bimodal: Y ∼ Beta(2, 10), xi (0) = Y or 1 − Y with equal probability • 3-modal: bimodal + unbiased unimodal • Results (also hold for Watts-Strogatz small-world networks) • 3-modal initial distribution 21
  30. Simulation Results Real data: (a) 2004 (b) 2008 (c) 2012

    (d) 2016 Opinion distribution among European people on the issue:“Country’s cultural life is undermined by immigrants.” 0: strongly agree; 10: strongly disagree. Data from European Social Survey (http://nesstar.ess.nsd.uib.no/webview/) 22
  31. Simulation Results 2. Extremists tend to reside in peripheral locations.

    • Simulation set-up • Network • Barab´ asi-Albert scale-free network, n = 1000 • add self loops, randomize and normalize weights • Initial opinions • xi (0) ∼ Unif[−1, 1], i.i.d • four categories: neutral, moderately biased, biased, extreme • Visualized example of WM model • radius nodes ∼ 1/in-degree • grey scale ∼ extremeness 23
  32. Simulation Results 2. Extreme opinions tend to reside in peripheral

    locations. • Comparisons: K = 500 realizations, log-pdf of centrality distributions • red: extreme, green: biased, blue: moderately biased, black: neutral • in-degree centrality 24
  33. Simulation Results 2. Extreme opinions tend to reside in peripheral

    locations. • Comparisons: K = 500 realizations, log-pdf of centrality distributions • red: extreme, green: biased, blue: moderately biased, black: neutral • in-degree centrality • closeness centrality 24
  34. Simulation Results 2. Extreme opinions tend to reside in peripheral

    locations. • Comparisons: K = 500 realizations, log-pdf of centrality distributions • red: extreme, green: biased, blue: moderately biased, black: neutral • in-degree centrality • closeness centrality Remark: This phenomenon is not simply due to the effect of stubbornness. 24
  35. Simulation Results 3. More difficult to reach consensus in large

    & clustered networks. • Models to compare • DeGroot, DS, FJ: not even comparable • The networked BC is the only comparable model. • Simulation Set-up • Network: Watts-Strogatz small-world network • For each (n, d): 5000 independent realizations, estimate pconsensus • Result: effect of network size 25
  36. Simulation Results 3. More difficult to reach consensus in large

    & clustered networks. • Models to compare • DeGroot, DS, FJ: not even comparable • The networked BC is the only comparable model. • Simulation Set-up • Network: Watts-Strogatz small-world network • For each (n, d): 5000 independent realizations, estimate pconsensus • Result: effect of clustering 25
  37. Comparison on theoretical results • Classic DeGroot model: consensus or

    almost-sure disagreement • DeGroot with stubborn agents: consensus or almost-sure disagreement 27
  38. Comparison on theoretical results • Classic DeGroot model: consensus or

    almost-sure disagreement • DeGroot with stubborn agents: consensus or almost-sure disagreement • Friedkin-Johnsen model: almost-sure disagreement 28
  39. Comparison on theoretical results • Classic DeGroot model: consensus or

    almost-sure disagreement • DeGroot with stubborn agents: consensus or almost-sure disagreement • Friedkin-Johnsen model: almost-sure disagreement • Bounded-confident model: no theoretical result for arbitrary graphs 29
  40. Comparison on theoretical results • Classic DeGroot: consensus or almost-sure

    disagreement • DeGroot with stubborn agents: consensus or almost-sure disagreement • Friedkin-Johnsen: almost-sure disagreement • Bounded-confident: no theoretical result for arbitrary graphs • Weighted-Median: richer dynamical behavior yet more parsimonious 30