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The Bay Area Chef User Group - Test Kitchen 1.0...

The Bay Area Chef User Group - Test Kitchen 1.0 with Fletcher Nichol

We just found the perfect way to get you in the right mood for ChefConf :). Come join us Tuesday April 23rd in Mountain View for a great evening with an awesome presentation about everyone's favorite subject, Chef testing by Fletcher Nichol one of the most awesome community chefs.

Test Kitchen is a tool that helps you test a Chef cookbook or other software in an isolated target environment. The current version started life as a project called Jamie CI and was incorporated under the Test Kitchen banner in January. In this talk Fletcher will cover the project's goals, core concepts, the anatomy of a test run, how to use it in your own project, and how to extend it for maximum flexibility. Test Kitchen is designed to be as minimal as possible and focused on real world use cases so if something is missing, he wants to know about it! There will be plenty of time for all your test kitchen related questions.

Fletcher Nichol

April 28, 2013

More Decks by Fletcher Nichol

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Or

  2. platforms: - name: ubuntu-12.04 driver_config: box: opscode-ubuntu-12.04 box_url: https://...box run_list:

    - recipe[apt] - name: centos-6.3 driver_config: box: opscode-centos-6.3 box_url: https://...box run_list: - recipe[yum::epel] .kitchen.yml: platform
  3. platforms: - name: ubuntu-12.04 driver_config: box: opscode-ubuntu-12.04 box_url: https://...box run_list:

    - recipe[apt] - name: centos-6.3 driver_config: box: opscode-centos-6.3 box_url: https://...box run_list: - recipe[yum::epel] .kitchen.yml: platform
  4. platforms: - name: ubuntu-12.04 driver_config: box: opscode-ubuntu-12.04 box_url: https://...box run_list:

    - recipe[apt] - name: centos-6.3 driver_config: box: opscode-centos-6.3 box_url: https://...box run_list: - recipe[yum::epel] .kitchen.yml: platform
  5. platforms: - name: ubuntu-12.04 driver_config: box: opscode-ubuntu-12.04 box_url: https://...box run_list:

    - recipe[apt] - name: centos-6.3 driver_config: box: opscode-centos-6.3 box_url: https://...box run_list: - recipe[yum::epel] .kitchen.yml: platform
  6. suites: - name: rubies run_list: - recipe[java] - recipe[rvm::system] attributes:

    rvm: default_ruby: system rubies: - 1.9.3 - version: 1.9.3-p327 patch: railsexpress - version: 1.8.7 rubygems_version: 1.6.0 .kitchen.yml: suite
  7. suites: - name: rubies run_list: - recipe[java] - recipe[rvm::system] attributes:

    rvm: default_ruby: system rubies: - 1.9.3 - version: 1.9.3-p327 patch: railsexpress - version: 1.8.7 rubygems_version: 1.6.0 .kitchen.yml: suite
  8. suites: - name: rubies run_list: - recipe[java] - recipe[rvm::system] attributes:

    rvm: default_ruby: system rubies: - 1.9.3 - version: 1.9.3-p327 patch: railsexpress - version: 1.8.7 rubygems_version: 1.6.0 .kitchen.yml: suite
  9. suites: - name: rubies run_list: - recipe[java] - recipe[rvm::system] attributes:

    rvm: default_ruby: system rubies: - 1.9.3 - version: 1.9.3-p327 patch: railsexpress - version: 1.8.7 rubygems_version: 1.6.0 .kitchen.yml: suite
  10. --- driver_plugin: ec2 driver_config: region: us-east-1 flavor_id: m1.small platforms: -

    name: smartos driver_plugin: vagrant driver_config: box: smartos - name: freebsd driver_config: image_id: ami-5339bb3a .kitchen.yml: driver_config
  11. --- driver_plugin: ec2 driver_config: region: us-east-1 flavor_id: m1.small platforms: -

    name: smartos driver_plugin: vagrant driver_config: box: smartos - name: freebsd driver_config: image_id: ami-5339bb3a .kitchen.yml: driver_config
  12. --- driver_plugin: ec2 driver_config: region: us-east-1 flavor_id: m1.small platforms: -

    name: smartos driver_plugin: vagrant driver_config: box: smartos - name: freebsd driver_config: image_id: ami-5339bb3a .kitchen.yml: driver_config
  13. --- driver_plugin: ec2 driver_config: region: us-east-1 flavor_id: m1.small platforms: -

    name: smartos driver_plugin: vagrant driver_config: box: smartos - name: freebsd driver_config: image_id: ami-5339bb3a .kitchen.yml: driver_config
  14. --- driver_plugin: ec2 driver_config: aws_access_key_id: <%= ENV['ACCESS_KEY_ID'] %> aws_secret_access_key: <%=

    ENV['SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] %> aws_ssh_key_id: <%= ENV['SSH_KEY_ID'] %> ssh_key: <%= File.expand_path('~/.ssh/id_rsa-aws') %> region: us-east-1 flavor_id: m1.small ERB FTW