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Let's Get Chatty with Conversational Interface ...

Let's Get Chatty with Conversational Interface in JavaScript

My talk at RenderConf in Oxford, UK

Tomomi Imura

March 23, 2018

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  1. Let's Get Chatty with Conversational Interface in JavaScript BOTS, AI,

    AND JAVASCRIPT Tomomi Imura (@girlie_mac) #RenderConf
  2. @ girlie_mac • an open web & tech advocate •

    code JavaScript / Node.js • work at Slack • an advisor at Code Chrysalis • a cat lady of the InterWeb tomomi imura @girlie_mac
  3. @ girlie_mac “We will evolve in computing from a mobile

    first to an AI first world.” -- Sundar Pichai, Google
  4. @ girlie_mac Conversational User Interactions: Siri and Alexa (Voice Assistants)

    Alexa, how is the weather? Hey Siri In various form-factors
  5. @ girlie_mac Deliver me a large margherita pizza! What kind

    of crust do you want? 1. Regular crust 2. Thin crust 3. Gluten free crust Thin crust cha ching!
  6. @ girlie_mac Where is the address of your home? It’s

    325 Ruby Street. Request a ride Come over to my place!
  7. @ girlie_mac Yes, get me a ride now Your driver,

    Sam will pick you up in 6 minutes. Look for the red Toyota Prius!
  8. @ girlie_mac Messaging Platforms • Slack • Facebook Messenger •

    Telegram • WeChat • Kik • Viver • LINE etc.
  9. @ girlie_mac Natural Conversation APIs • DialogFlow (API.ai /Google) •

    Wit.ai (Facebook) • Microsoft Bot Framework • Motion.ai • Chatbots.io • Converse AI • Landbot.io • Recast.ai • ManyChat • Fluent.ai (Voice UI) etc.
  10. @ girlie_mac Hi, I want to book a flight! Yes,

    from SFO. Where are you flying to? London Hi Linda! Are you flying from San Francisco, as usual? An airline customer service bot Linda may not know she is talking to a bot!
  11. @ girlie_mac More Powerful NLP Platforms & APIs Natural Language

    Processing & Cognitive platforms: • IBM Watson • Google Cloud Natural Language API • Microsoft LUIS • Amazon Lex • Baidu UNIT
  12. @ girlie_mac { REST } JS SDK The APIs are

    mostly accessible with JS
  13. @ girlie_mac Example: DialogFlow (API.ai) + FB Messenger const app

    = require('apiai')(CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN); function sendMessage(event) { let sender = event.sender.id; let text = event.message.text; let ai = app.textRequest(text, { sessionId: SESSION_STRING }); ai.on('response', (response) => { // Got a response from api.ai let aiText = response.result.fulfillment.speech; // Then POST to https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6/me/messages ... }); ai.end(); } API.ai Node.js SDK
  14. @ girlie_mac Example: IBM Watson + Slack The bot workflow:

    1. Read each message on a Slack channel 2. Send the message to IBM Watson for examination 3. If the likelihood of an emotion is above the given confidence threshold post the most prominent emotion
  15. @ girlie_mac Example: IBM Watson + Slack app.post('/events', (req, res)

    => { let q = req.body; if (q.type === 'event_callback') { if(!q.event.text) return; analyzeTone(q.event); } }); Use Slack Events API to grab the text when a user post a message Pass the text data to Watson to analyze HTTP POST using ExpressJS
  16. @ girlie_mac Example: IBM Watson + Slack const watson =

    require('watson-developer-cloud'); let tone_analyzer = watson.tone_analyzer({ username: process.env.WATSON_USERNAME, password: process.env.WATSON_PASSWORD, }); const confidencethreshold = 0.55; tone_analyzer.tone({text: text}, (err, tone) => { tone.document_tone.tone_categories.forEach((tonecategory) => { if(tonecategory.category_id === 'emotion_tone'){ tonecategory.tones.forEach((emotion) => { if(emotion.score >= confidencethreshold) { postEmotionOnSlackChannel(emotion); }}); }}); }); Returns emotions score in 0 to 1 Just initializing it w/ your API credentials Post the result on Slack
  17. @ girlie_mac Example: IBM Watson + Slack + Raspberry Pi

    (for fun) function colorEmotion(emotion) { if (emotion.tone_id === 'anger') { setLED(red); } else if(emotion.tone_id === 'joy') { setLED(yellow); } else if(emotion.tone_id === 'fear') { setLED(purple); } else if(emotion.tone_id === 'disgust') { setLED(green); } else if(emotion.tone_id === 'sadness') { setLED(blue); } } Change the LED color to match the emotion
  18. @ girlie_mac Ack, this sucks! I want my money back!

    An angry customer detected. Connect the customer with a human!
  19. @ girlie_mac Project: Artificial Voice Chat Hello! 1 2 Howdy

    2. Generate Artificial reply Using the 3rd party NLP API 1. User talk to browser Voice command: Voice -> Text 3 3. Browser speaks back Text -> Synthetic Voice Text
  20. @ girlie_mac Web Speech API Speech Recognition & Speech Synthesis

    http://caniuse.com/#feat=speech-recognition http://caniuse.com/#feat=speech-synthesis 1 3
  21. @ girlie_mac Web Speech API: Speech Recognition const SpeechRecognition =

    window.SpeechRecognition || window.webkitSpeechRecognition; const recognition = new SpeechRecognition(); Get an instance of the SpeechRecognition, the controller interface In the current Chromium, it is still prefixed
  22. @ girlie_mac Web Speech API: Speech Recognition (Cont’d) recognition.lang =

    'en-US'; recognition.interimResults = false; recognition.start(); recognition.addEventListener('result', (e) => { let last = e.results.length - 1; let text = e.results[last][0].transcript; }); Some properties Methods: start(), stop(), abort() Events: onresult, onerror, onaudiostarted, onaudioend, etc.
  23. @ girlie_mac Web Speech API: Speech Recognition Hello! VOICE from

    a user TEXT “hello” Speech Recognition demo on CodePen https://codepen.io/girliemac/pen/dmpxgv
  24. @ girlie_mac Web Speech API: Speech Synthesis const synth =

    window.speechSynthesis; const utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(); utterance.text = 'I am a robot'; utterance.pitch = 1.5; utterance.lang = 'ja-JP'; synth.speak(utterance); No vendor prefix Properties of the SpeechSynthesisUtterance interface
  25. @ girlie_mac Web Speech API: Speech Synthesis (voice by Alex

    or whoever it is) TEXT to VOICE “howdy” Howdy Speech Recognition demo on CodePen https://codepen.io/girliemac/pen/dmpxgv