us down. You can break us. You can scare us. But you can never stop us. And as you work to silence our truths, we will scream them from the roof tops. And as you work to convince our audiences to hear nothing but hate and aggression, we will step forward in a loud uproar of love and support. As women, we need to band together to fight the normalities within our media, vocabulary, and culture. As women, we need to hear the stories of our neighbors… …and as a society, we need respond; with open ears, minds and hearts. The more that we tolerate and the more we let get swept under the rug, the more my body fills with anger. Each testimony, each exposed and broken woman, as well as my own experiences, once was what kept me silent; now is what gives me strength. The men we have spent centuries up lifting, applauding, and supporting are too the men responsible for the normalized culture women have fought against for years --- but this societal norm, is this all we deserve? These stages of infancy, the rebirth within a union of women no longer tolerating the act of children, now lifts the spirits of those who once were victims; who once felt nothing more than the pressure of a manly society, the weight of double standards, and the heaviness of his body on top of your own. This rebirth of women who no longer will be kept quiet. Centuries of women reliving horror, experiencing publicized exposure, and living through humiliation, all have amounted to sea of diverse women taking a stand for their equality, justice, and voice. Who are you to keep us silent?