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2016/10/27 【ペパボ×プレイド】Tech Meetup 〜自動テスト・CI編〜

Yoshihide Taniguchi

October 27, 2016

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  1. ESPOFZNM --- build: image: docker.pepabo.com/colorme/colorme-docker:0.0.1 environment: - ENV=test commands: -

    ./vendor/bin/phpunit - bundle install --without=production --path vendor/bundle - bin/rake spec notify: slack: webhook_url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/ABC123DEFG/987ZYX/sBdiCpG7hZx username: drone channel: "#colorme" when: success: true failure: true
  2. ESPOFZNM --- build: image: docker.pepabo.com/colorme/colorme-docker:0.0.1 environment: - ENV=test commands: -

    ./vendor/bin/phpunit - bundle install --without=production --path vendor/bundle - bin/rake spec notify: slack: webhook_url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/ABC123DEFG/987ZYX/sBdiCpG7hZx username: drone channel: "#colorme" when: success: true failure: true $*ʹ࢖͏%PDLFSJNBHFΛࢦఆ
  3. ESPOFZNM --- build: image: docker.pepabo.com/colorme/colorme-docker:0.0.1 environment: - ENV=test commands: -

    ./vendor/bin/phpunit - bundle install --without=production --path vendor/bundle - bin/rake spec notify: slack: webhook_url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/ABC123DEFG/987ZYX/sBdiCpG7hZx username: drone channel: "#colorme" when: success: true failure: true ؀ڥม਺Λઃఆ
  4. ESPOFZNM --- build: image: docker.pepabo.com/colorme/colorme-docker:0.0.1 environment: - ENV=test commands: -

    ./vendor/bin/phpunit - bundle install --without=production --path vendor/bundle - bin/rake spec notify: slack: webhook_url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/ABC123DEFG/987ZYX/sBdiCpG7hZx username: drone channel: "#colorme" when: success: true failure: true ࣮ߦ͢ΔίϚϯυ
  5. ESPOFZNM --- build: image: docker.pepabo.com/colorme/colorme-docker:0.0.1 environment: - ENV=test commands: -

    ./vendor/bin/phpunit - bundle install --without=production --path vendor/bundle - bin/rake spec notify: slack: webhook_url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/ABC123DEFG/987ZYX/sBdiCpG7hZx username: drone channel: "#colorme" when: success: true failure: true ݁ՌΛ4MBDLʹ௨஌