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Building Scalable Applications with the Actor ...

Building Scalable Applications with the Actor Model

Greg Shackles

October 13, 2017

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  1. Amdahl’s law The theoretical speedup is always limited by the

    part of the task that cannot benefit from the improvement.
  2. What can an actor do? ! Send messages ! Create

    other actors ! Change behavior
  3. Messages ! Invoke actor behavior by sending it a message

    ! Messages are ◦ Immutable ◦ Processed one at a time, in order
  4. Behavior ! Switch how an actor will handle its next

    message ◦ Referred to as becoming something ! User actor in a chat system can become: ◦ Authenticating ◦ Authenticated ◦ Unauthenticated ◦ ...and so on
  5. ! Actors are only referenced by address ◦ Think: phone

    numbers, email addresses ! Code doesn’t know or care where the actor is ! Scaling from one node to thousands becomes configuration Location Transparency
  6. C#: Create a message public class Greet
 public string

    Who { get; } public Greet(string who)
 Who = who;
  7. C#: Create an actor public class GreetingActor : ReceiveActor

    public GreetingActor()
 Receive<Greet>(greet =>
 Console.WriteLine($"Hello {greet.Who}");
  8. F#: Create an actor let handleMessage (mailbox: Actor<'a>) msg =

    match msg with | Greet who -> printf "Hello %s" who | _ -> ()
  9. let system = ActorSystem.Create("my-system") let greeter = spawn system "greeter"

    (actorOf2 handleMessage) greeter <! Greet "World" F#: Send a message
  10. Supervision ! An actor can respond to subordinate actor failures

    with a directive to: ◦ Resume the subordinate ◦ Restart the subordinate ◦ Stop the subordinate ◦ Escalate to its own supervisor ! Actors are cheap, let them crash
  11. Example Supervision Strategy protected override SupervisorStrategy SupervisorStrategy() => new OneForOneStrategy(

    maxNrOfRetries: 10, withinTimeRange: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), decider: Decider.From(ex => { if (ex is ArithmeticException) return Directive.Resume; else if (ex is NotSupportedException) return Directive.Stop; return Directive.Restart; }));
  12. ! Categories of messaging patterns: ◦ At most once ◦

    At least once ◦ Exactly once ! Default is at-most-once delivery ◦ i.e. no guaranteed delivery Message Delivery Reliability
  13. ! Special type of actor that routes messages to its

    routees ! Built-in routing strategies ◦ Round robin ◦ Broadcast ◦ Random ◦ Consistent hashing ◦ Tail chopping ◦ Scatter-gather first-completed ◦ Smallest mailbox Routers
  14. Configuration
 Remoting actor { provider = "Akka.Remote.RemoteActorRefProvider, Akka.Remote" deployment

    { /remoteecho { remote = "akka.tcp://DeployTarget@localhost:8090" } } } remote { helios.tcp { port = 0 hostname = localhost } }
  15. Configuration
 Clustering akka { actor.provider = "Akka.Cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider, Akka.Cluster" remote

    { helios.tcp { port = 8081 hostname = localhost } } cluster { seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@localhost:8081"] roles = ["crawlerV1", "crawlerV2"] role.["crawlerV1"].min-nr-of-members = 3 } }