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ABS 2014 - The Growth of Android in Embedded Sy...

ABS 2014 - The Growth of Android in Embedded Systems

Benjamin Zores

May 01, 2014

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    Builder Summit 2014 1st May 2014 - San Jose, USA
  2. These slides are made available o you under Creative Commons

    Share-Alike 3.0 license. The full terms of this license are available here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Attribution requirements and misc., PLEASE READ: - This slide must remain as-is in this specific location (slide #2),
 everything else you are free to change; including the logo ;-) - Use of figures in other documents must feature the below “Originals at” URL
 immediately under that figure and the below copyright notice where appropriate. - You are FORBIDDEN from using the default slide #3 as-is or any of its contents. (C) Copyright 2014 - Opersys inc. These slides are created by: Benjamin Zores Originals at: http://www.opersys.com/community/docs
  3. A Few Things About Me … • Day: • Linux

    Embedded Systems (now Cloud)
 R&D Architect / Director for Alcatel-Lucent.
 • Night: • Android “Jack of all trades” for Opersys.
 • Weekends: • Technical Writer for GNU/Linux Magazine France.
 • Recurrent ELC/ABS speaker.
 • Open Source leader/contributor in previous life: • GeeXboX, OpenBricks, uShare, MPlayer, FFmpeg.
  4. Embedded Android
 Karim Yaghmour, O’Reilly - Mar 2013 Android 4:

    Fondements Internes
 Benjamin Zores, Ed. Diamond - Q3’2014
  5. Check out the original
 Linux Foundation
 White Paper ! http://

    training.linuxfoundation.org/ free-linux-training/ download-training-materials/ growth-of-android-in- embedded-systems
  6. Android Chronology • Early development at Android Inc.
 in early

 • Android Inc. got purchased by Google in 2005 (not Linux-based at this time).
 • Architecture revamping lead to HTC G1
 first Android smartphone in 2008.
 • You know the rest ;-)
  7. Android in Embedded Systems • The industry is (fortunately) not

 composed of smartphones and tablets ;-)
 • 34% of embedded engineers are
 considering using Android in 2013.
 • May sounds appealing for
 domestic use markets (STB, IVI …)
 • Under the hood, Android however can be
 a burden for device manufacturers.

    API N/A 1.0 September 2008 2.6.25 1 N/A PETIT FOUR 1.1 February 2009 2.6.25 2 N/A CUPCAKE 1.5 April 2009 2.6.27 3 1 DONUT 1.6 September 2009 2.6.27 4 2 ECLAIR 2.0 October 2009 2.6.29 5 2 2.0.1 December 2009 2.6.29 6 2 2.1 January 2010 2.6.29 7 3 FROYO 2.2 May 2010 2.6.32 8 4 GINGERBREAD 2.3 - 2.3.2 November 2010 2.6.35 9 5 2.3.3 - 2.3.7 February 2011 2.6.35 10 5 HONEYCOMB 3.0 February 2011 2.6.36 11 6 3.1.x May 2011 2.6.36 12 6 3.2.x June 2011 2.6.36 13 6 ICE CREAM SANDWICH 4.0 - 4.0.2 October 2011 3.0.1 14 7 4.0.3 - 4.0.4 December 2011 3.0.1 15 7 JELLY BEAN 4.1.1 - 4.1.2 June 2012 3.0.31 16 8 4.2 November 2012 3.0.31 17 8 4.3 July 2013 3.0.31 18 9 KIT KAT 4.4 October 2013 3.4.0 19 9 Releases History
  9. Android Fragmentation (Apr. 14) VERSION CODENAME API DISTRIBUTION 2.2 Froyo

    8 1.1% 2.3.X Gingerbread 10 17.8% 3.2 Honeycomb 13 0.1% 4.0.X Ice Cream
 Sandwich 15 14.3% 4.1.X Jelly Bean 16 34.4% 4.2.X 17 18.1% 4.3 18 8.9% 4.4 KitKat 19 5.3%
  10. Unique System & Software Architecture • Android is based on

    modified Linux kernel
 and 300+ OpenSource software components.
 • There ends the ressemblance with any other
 embedded and/or desktop Linux distribution.
 • Redesign or replacement of fundamental building blocks
 • Got rid of Glibc, X.org / Wayland, Busybox,
 PulseAudio, GStreamer, GTK / Qt …
  11. “Proprietary” Development Model • Often referred to as « clopen

 (for closed/open) • NOT developed in a community way. • Sources drop depends on Google’s willingness to share.
 • Google got rid of (L)GPL in favor of
 Apache/MIT/BSD licenses. • Safe solution for companies to build devices without fear of further legal complications.
  12. Mobile-Targeted Kernel • Google introduced several « Androidisms »

    vanilla Linux kernel.
 • Agressive Power Management Policy • WakeLocks, Early Suspend … • Desktop follows the « always-on » policy. • Android does the opposite.
 • Binder IPC Message Bus
  13. Java Application Framework • Java is quite unpopular with embedded

    developers. • Slow, resource consuming, hard to debug,
 heavy and complicated to deploy.
 • Google introduced its own bytecode: Dalvik.
 • Amazing Zygote app server: • Framework (2000+ classes) is loaded
 once and for all in memory. • Apps are spawned by Zygote with copy- on-write methods, optimizing resources usage.
  14. Dealing with Embedded Linux OS • Embedded Linux available customizations

    can come in handy.
 • Diversity of commercial providers • Windriver, Montavista, Mentor Graphics … • DIY OpenSource Embedded Frameworks • The Yocto Project, OpenEmbedded, Buildroot, LTIB … • SoC vendors specific BSPs
 • Mature solutions, allows you to suits your exact needs • -> But where to start from ??! • -> To which price ?? • R&D efforts usually are spent on maintaining system
 instead of bringing values.
  15. Dealing with Embedded Linux OS Android (while being forked by

    various groups) is unique.
 Device manufacturers surely customize it,
 but there’s only one project
 you want to be compatible with,
 and it’s actively maintained for you
 the Google way.
  16. Rich Application Framework • GNU/Linux brings you choice to do

    things at your convenience.
 • Android comes with a single stable
 long-term API and excellent SDK.
 • Standardized Ecosystem for app- developers and 3rd-party partners.
 • Build apps once for multiple targets
 to drastically save costs and efforts.
  17. Aggressive Time-to-Market • Stick to HW reference design, adapt the

    platform and release your new device in a few months !
 • Though far from being easy
 • Requires Android-specific expertise and knowledge of the OS internals !
  18. Focus on “What Really Matters” • You don’t have to

    care about the platform
 and framework anymore.
 • Board bring-up is time consuming and no one wants to waste more time re- inventing yet another embedded distribution.
 • Developers actually only focus on areas
 that add commercial value (i.e. apps)
  19. Open Source • Android remains 100% tunable • Though not

 in a community way.
 • Provides companies a feeling of safety
 regarding potential legal threats
 and licensing. ! • Thanks to Apache/BSD/MIT licensing.
  20. Standardization & Economy • SoC development costs have grown in

    complexity and difficulty of integration
 • HW manufacturers only invest in
 volume-driven apps and customers.
 • Vendors now feature Linux BSP
 only as an internal sandbox. • Android drives market hence
 engineering resources allocation. • HW vendors don’t invest in Linux
 as much as they once did.
  21. Android HAL • Hardware Abstraction Layer • Allows device manufacturers

    to map Android framework API. • Specific to each Android release and platform API.
 • Proprietary binary blobs prevents easy upgrade and/or ROM customization. • -> Customer often are forced to move to next-generation devices instead of upgrading SW :-(
  22. Design Flaws • Android uses many Open Source software

    also reinvented the wheel ! • -> Mostly for licensing and convenience purpose. ! • NOT Real-Time Capable • Best Effort approach is 1000Hz low- latency. • -> No PREEMPT_RT (proprietary user- space drivers makes it impossible). • -> Dalvik VM garbage collector pauses execution context.
  23. Design Flaws • Terrible Audio and Multimedia Architecture • Lots

    of Java and JNI indirection calls
 makes it sloooooow … • -> Latency issues • Ages away from FFmpeg or GStreamer in terms of framework performances, hardware portability and codecs support. ! • Castrated Network and Connectivity Layers • Can’t handle more than one input network connection at a time (one driver, one type, one interface). • Adding things like Bluetooth, WiFi or basic Ethernet support is a nightmare for device manufacturers.
  24. A Trade-off between Performance and Portability • Appealing Java «

    write once, run everywhere » framework’s philosophy.
 • Any serious performance-critical or multimedia app relies on native C/C++ code being done through NDK, cutting down portability.
  25. The limits of “embedded” • Originally designed for low-power and

    low- resource devices. • Current smartphones feature 4-core Cortex-A9/15, 32 GB eMMC, 2 GB RAM.
 • Starting with ICS, it becomes challenging running Android with less than 512 MB RAM and without OpenGLES-compatible GPU. • Kit Kat highly improves this behaviour. • But hasn’t Android raised the hardware requirements just a bit too high ?
  26. Conclusion • Android has brought the Linux kernel to

    incredible number of devices. • => More than a million devices being
 activated each day. ! • Many manufacturers want Android on their device • Sometimes just to follow the trend
 and be sure not to be left behind the market. • Everybody surprisingly wants an app store
 (why ???) ! • Paradoxically, Google has somehow
 slow down innovation: • All devices look and do almost the same. • To the extend of MMI and HW assembly quality.
  27. • Embedded Linux remains the OS of choice for :

    • Headless devices • SOHO network equipments
 (routers, AP, servers …) • Companies where engineers
 master Linux development for years. • Devices where maximum performances are expected. ! • Android makes perfect sense on devices : • Featuring an LCD screen with
 touch-capable display. • Intended to be apps-driven. Conclusion
  28. Android has brought to the market
 what GNU/Linux misses the

    most :
 One single application framework
 that allows developers to deal with
 every single part of the system. Conclusion