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Shipping Servers Continuously with Ansible, Pac...

Shipping Servers Continuously with Ansible, Packer and Terraform

Since server configuration has become code for quite a while now under the DevOps regime, we should be able to ship it with the same frequency as we ship code. Only the end artefact would be a VM, instead of a deployable code archive. This session will cover how we can achieve this with Ansible, Packer, A CI service (wercker) and Terraform.

Joy Bhattacherjee

December 06, 2016

More Decks by Joy Bhattacherjee

Other Decks in Programming


  1. WHAT’S AN-SIBLE? • Hark back to Ursula Le Guin’s Rocannon's

    World (1966) • FTL comm channel • Just started reading EarthSea, don’t ask me about ^
  2. CONFIG MANAGEMENT • Move over #!/bin/bash because YAML is cooler?

    • Kinda better at scale • Agentless, uses ssh • Python!
  3. PACKER’EM UP • Packs disks into re-usable images • Uses

    Ansible, Chef, even Bash as a provisioner • Industry scale iso-maker? • Golang!
  4. TERRAFORM • We’sa coming Elon Musk • Planet AWS is

    ours to colonize • Graph theory FTW! • It’s just a DAG for resources • Golang again, ‘ow quaint!
  5. BLUE GREEN _________ ____________ + AMIs {Instance Launch Config AutoScaling

    group Load Balancer Destroy the old instances, they died heroes lookup
  6. WHAT WE LEARNT }Take a bunch of buzzwords Shake’em well

    Add glue to taste Expecto Serverus!