Program 『計畫好一個小功能』後就馬上測試,這叫做”測試先行” (Code the unit test first)。它的好處是程式寫完,單元測試(unit test)也 做完了,因為邊寫邊做測試,較不會忽略什麼功能沒有測試到。 Document your code with tests, rather than paper Use test lists to generate explicit requirements and completion criteria Refactor—and improve the design of existing code Alternate programmer tests with customer tests Change how you build UI code—a thin layer on top of rigorously tested code Use tests to make small, incremental changes—and minimize the debugging process – Keep it simple. Deliver software that’s verifiable, reliable, and robust
Developers (產品相關連結1) Microsoft Certification and Training Resources (連結名稱1) 其他資源 (產品相關連結2) Microsoft 技術支援與服務 (連結名稱2) (產品相關連結3) Microsoft 資訊安全首頁 (連結名稱3)
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