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Answers, Exhaustivity, and Presupposition of wh...

November 21, 2022

Answers, Exhaustivity, and Presupposition of wh-questions in Dependent Type Semantics


November 21, 2022

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  1. Hayate Funakura Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto

    University Answers, Exhaustivity, and Presupposition 
 of wh-questions in Dependent Type Semantics -&/-4 /PWFNCFS 
  2. Contents • Overview • Dependent Type Semantics • Desiderata •

    Different levels of answers (w.r.t direct questions) • Exhaustivity (w.r.t. embedded questions) • Existential Presupposition (w.r.t. embedded questions) • Proposal • Limitations and future work 
  3. Overview • I have provided an analysis of who/which-questions in

    Dependent Type Semantics. • Preceding analysis [Watanabe et al. 2019]: • Analyzes who, polar, and alternative questions. • Only direct questions are considered. • This study analyzes both direct and embedded questions and defines semantic composition. • It captures a few facts, including question-answer relationships, presupposition, and exhaustivity (to be explained later). • For embedded questions, only factive predicates such as know are considered. 
  4. DTS [Bekki 2014, Bekki&Mineshima 2017] • A semantic framework that

    is an extension of Dependent Type Theory 
 [Martin-Löf 1984]. • Underspecified terms ( , asperand) • Inference-driven accounts • The meaning of natural language is represented by types. • types: etc. 
 @ (x : A) × B (x : A) → B A ⊎ B  ∃x : A . B ∀x : A . B A ∨ B ≡ ≡ ≡ …Corresponding propositions
  5. DTS • Accounts for anaphora and presupposition in a unified

    way. • The key item is underspecified terms. • If a semantic representation contains an underspecified term , for to be well-formed ( ), a proof term of the same type as must be constructed from the preceding context. • For example … R @ R R : 𝚝 𝚢 𝚙 𝚎 @ 
  6. DTS • John knows that Susan danced. presupposes Susan danced.

    • John knows that Susan danced. (Tanaka et al. 2017, slightly modified) • The semantic representation contains the underspecified term . Therefore, for to be well-formed, a proof term of the same type as must be constructed from the preceding context. • Through the type checking for , it is shown that has the type . • a proof term of must be constructed from the preceding context. CCG ↦ know(j)(dance(s))(@) know(j)(dance(s))(@) @ know(j)(dance(s))(@) @ know(j)(dance(s))(@) @ dance(s) dance(s) 
  7. Different levels of answers • There are at least three

    levels of answers to a wh-question depending on contexts.  • A: Who danced? • B: John danced. (Mention-some answer) • B: John and Mary danced. (Weakly exhaustive answer) • B: John and Susan danced, and Mary didn’t dance. (Strongly exhaustive answer) John danced. Susan danced. Mary didin’t dance. 4& 8& .4
  8. Different levels of answers • Most approaches, including [Watanabe et

    al. 2019], have attempted to capture these answer levels by assuming the ambiguity of interrogatives. • Who danced? (MS) • Who danced? (SE) • The proposed analysis captures the variety of answers based on a single semantic representation of each interrogative. ↦ (x : entity) ⊕ d(x) ↦ (x : entity) → d(x) ⊎ ¬d(x)  [Watanabe et al. 2019]
  9. Exhaustivity • There is ambiguity about exhaustivity in question-embedded sentences.

    • Annie knows who danced. • There is a p ∈ {John danced, Susan danced} s.t. Annie knows p. (MS reading) • For all p ∈ {John danced, Susan danced}, Annie knows p. (WE reading) • For all p ∈ {John danced, Susan danced}, Annie knows p, and 
 for all q ∈ {Mary didn’t dance}, Annie knows q. (SE reading) 
  10. Exhaustivity • A related example: John knows who danced. (Strongly

    exhaustive reading) Mary didn’t dance. ———————————————————————— ∴ John knows that Mary didn’t dance. • A natural application of (Watanabe et al. 2019) to that of factive predicates (Tanaka et al. 2017) yields the following analysis: • • This representation doesn’t capture the above inference unless some additional axiom is added. know(j)((x : entity) → d(x) ⊎ ¬d(x))(@) 
  11. Existential presupposition • Factive predicates that take a wh-complement trigger

    an existential presupposition. • John knows who danced. presupposes Someone danced. • It is also widely known that factive predicates trigger a factive presupposition. • John knows that Sue smokes. presupposes Sue smokes. 
  12. Existential presupposition • Factive predicates that take a wh-complement trigger

    an existential presupposition. • John knows who danced. presupposes Someone danced. • It is also widely known that factive predicates trigger a factive presupposition. • John knows that Sue smokes. presupposes Sue smokes. • The declarative-taking and interrogative-taking know have the same meaning because a single know can take both interrogative and declarative. • Alice knows who danced and that John hosted the dance party. 
  13. Goal • Find an analysis that captures the following phenomena:

    • Different levels of answers • Exhaustivity • Existential presupposition 
  14. Goal • Find an analysis that captures the following phenomena:

    • Different levels of answers • Exhaustivity • Existential presupposition  not attributed to the ambiguity of know
  15. Goal • Find an analysis that captures the following phenomena:

    • Different levels of answers • Exhaustivity • Existential presupposition • As for the semantic representation of know, I adopt the one presented by [Tanaka et al. 2017]. know := λp . λx . know(x)(p)(@)  not attributed to the ambiguity of know
  16.  • I analyse root questions as -types, • Who

    danced? • Which student danced? • To derive these representations, I define the following lexical entries: Σ ↦ (x : e) × d(x) ↦ (x : e) × (s(x) × d(x)) Proposal
  17. Proposal • And I define answerhood via entailment. • Simply

    put: If entails or contradicts , is an answer to . SA SQ SA SQ 
  18. Proposal • And I define answerhood via entailment. • Simply

    put: If entails or contradicts , is an answer to . SA SQ SA SQ  John danced. d(j) John and Susan danced. 
 d(j) × d(s) Nobody danced. 
 (x : e) → ¬d(x) Bill ran. r(b) Who danced? 
 (x : e) × d(x) entailment entailment contradiction neither
  19. Proposal • Composition • Who danced? • A wh-word creates

    a -abstract. • (null Q) is combined with the abstract into a -type. • The wh-as-lambda strategy allows for a fine-grained analysis of embedded questions. CCG ↦ (x : e) × d(x) λ ∅ 𝖰 Σ 
  20. Proposal • Embedded questions • For embedded questions, I define

    three empty operators , , and . • The ambiguity about exhaustivity is reduced to the choice of these operators. • E.g., the strongly exhaustive reading ∅ 𝖬 𝖲 ∅ 𝖶 𝖤 ∅ 𝖲 𝖤 
  21. Proposal • Embedded questions • For embedded questions, I define

    three empty operators , , and . • The ambiguity about exhaustivity is reduced to the choice of these operators. • E.g., the strongly exhaustive reading ∅ 𝖬 𝖲 ∅ 𝖶 𝖤 ∅ 𝖲 𝖤  This part presupposes Someone danced.
  22. Proposal • Embedded questions • For embedded questions, I define

    three empty operators , , and . • The ambiguity about exhaustivity is reduced to the choice of these operators. • E.g., the strongly exhaustive reading ∅ 𝖬 𝖲 ∅ 𝖶 𝖤 ∅ 𝖲 𝖤  This part evokes inferences about exhaustivity.
  23. Proposal • An inference about exhaustivity: John knows who danced.

    (Strongly exhaustive reading) Mary didn’t dance. ———————————————————————— ∴ John knows that Mary didn’t dance. 

  25. Limitations and future work • Untouched tasks: I need to

    • Analyze other types of interrogatives (when, where, polar, alternative, etc.) • Compare with other frameworks (e.g., inquisitive semantics 
 [Ciardelli et al. 2019]) • Consider intermediate exhaustivity [Spector 2005] • Predicates of Relevance, selection restriction, etc. 
  26. Limitations and future work • Toward a hybrid theory •

    The proposed theory can be seen as a hybrid theory that encompasses two different approaches to question semantics. • Propositional-answer-oriented: 
 Hamblin-Karttunen semantics, inquisitive semantics, etc. • Short-answer-oriented: Structured meaning approach, etc. “Question meanings are functions that, when applied to the meaning of the answer, yield a proposition.” [Krifka 2001] 
  27. Limitations and future work  • “Question meanings are functions

    that, when applied to the meaning of the answer, yield a proposition.” [Krifka 2001] • But this version of the analysis can only handle the simplest cases (e.g., “John").
