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Featherweight Project Management for Web Profes...

High Ed Web West
June 03, 2013

Featherweight Project Management for Web Professionals

Peter Mosinskis, Director of IT Strategy, CSU Channel Islands

High Ed Web West

June 03, 2013


  1. ONE

  2. TWO

  3. Hey,  how  is  the   new  widget  coming   along?

          I  haven’t  had  a   chance  to  work  on  it   yet.  
  4. But  I  thought  you   said  it’d  be  done  

    last  week.     Yeah,  I’m  just  too  busy   and  I  have  to  do  that  thing   for  Professor  Angrymann.    
  5. But  you  got  that   last  widget  done  so  

    quickly.     No,  the  last  widget   also  took  me  a  long   Nme  to  finish.  
  6. Really?  How  long   did  it  take?     Umm…

      I’m  not  sure,  but  I   know  it  took  a     long  Nme.    
  7. Hmm.  You  don’t  sound   that  busy  to  me.  Why

      don’t  you  just  stay  late   and  get  the  widget  done.     But  what  do  I  tell   Professor  Angrymann?!!    
  8. YOU

  9. Types  of  tasks   How  many  tasks   Who  you’re

     working  for   How  long  tasks  take  
  10. 0%  0%   1%   1%   1%   1%

      2%  2%   4%   4%   23%   61%   My time 2012-13
  11. January 2011 – April 2013 Freshbooks  Costs:  $7,428   Billable

     Hours:  1,199   Billed  Costs  Recovered:    $11,990      
  12. Hey,  how  is  the   new  widget  coming   along?

          I  haven’t  had  the   chance  to  work  on  it   yet.  
  13. Why  not?     I’m  working  on  4  other  projects.

          Based  on  my  previous  experience,   I  think  I  can  get  to  the  widget  in   about  2  weeks.  
  14. But  you  got  that   last  widget  done  so  

    fast.     No,  the  last  widget   took  a  long  Nme  too,   and  I  was  working  on   fewer  projects.      
  15. Well,  how  long  did   it  take?     The

     last  widget  took  120   hours  to  finish,  and  I  was   only  working  on  4  other   projects.    
  16. Wow,  I  didn’t  realize   you  were  so  busy.  

      So  which  of  my  projects   would  you  like  me  to  focus   on  right  now?     Well,  we  need  to  get  that   that  widget  done  ASAP.  
  17. Tell  Angrymann  that  his   request  will  have  to  wait.

        If  you  get  hassled,  have   Angrymann  come  talk  to  me.     OK,  I  can  work  on  the  widget,  but   what  about  Prof.  Angrymann’s   request?    
  18. HIVE:  Can  we  add   this  new  widget?   YOU:

     Yes  we  can,  but   are  you  willing  to   wait  an  extra  4   weeks  for  your   product  to  launch?    
  19. DUC:  Thanks.  We’ll  hold   off  for  6  months,  when

      the  web  site  is  ‘done’.     YOU:  So  I  built  that  new   widget  that  you  asked   for,  so  we’re  ready  to   launch.      
  20. •  A  project  and  workload  communicaNon  tool   •  Data

     for  future  esNmates   •  Strategies  for  communicaNng  effecNvely  with   different  types  of  people.    
  21. At the Start What  do  I  need  to  know?  

    What  do  I  need  to  say?