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Estimation of epidemiological time intervals an...

Hiro (葉色)
February 05, 2021

Estimation of epidemiological time intervals and their properties

世代時間 (generation time), 発症間隔 (serial interval), 潜伏期間 (incubation period)などのCOVID-19における推定とそれらの性質や関係について, 次の3本の論文を軸に抄読会MERCにて発表しました。

Linton NM, Kobayashi T, Yang Y, et al. Incubation Period and Other Epidemiological Characteristics of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Infections with Right Truncation: A Statistical Analysis of Publicly Available Case Data. J Clin Med. 2020;9(2):538. Published 2020 Feb 17. doi:10.3390/jcm9020538

Nishiura H, Linton NM, Akhmetzhanov AR. Serial interval of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infections. Int J Infect Dis. 2020;93:284-286. doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2020.02.060

Ganyani T, Kremer C, Chen D, et al. Estimating the generation interval for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) based on symptom onset data, March 2020. Euro Surveill. 2020;25(17):2000257. doi:10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.17.2000257

Hiro (葉色)

February 05, 2021

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  1. Table of contents • Time intervals Linton et al. +

    Nishiura et al. • Doubly interval-censoring • Types of generation time Ganyani et al. • Generation time estimation Key Topics 1. Doubly interval-censoring model 2. The properties of serial interval 3. The properties of three generation time 4. The estimation of generation time 5. The assumptions that are put on the model 6. One critical point to a model
  2. Today’s main papers • Linton NM, Kobayashi T, Yang Y,

    et al. Incubation Period and Other Epidemiological Characteristics of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Infections with Right Truncation: A Statistical Analysis of Publicly Available Case Data.J Clin Med. 2020;9(2):538. Published 2020 Feb 17. doi:10.3390/jcm9020538 • Nishiura H, Linton NM, Akhmetzhanov AR. Serial interval of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infections.Int J Infect Dis. 2020;93:284-286. doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2020.02.060 • Ganyani T, Kremer C, Chen D, et al. Estimating the generation interval for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) based on symptom onset data, March 2020. Euro Surveill. 2020;25(17):2000257. doi:10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.17.2000257 Some other articles
  3. Why important? • Understand the transmissibility • Infection times are

    generally unobserved Generation time • Used as a proxy of generation time Serial interval • Useful to diagnose afferent infectious diseases • Projecting an epidemic Incubation period
  4. Other epidemiological time intervals • Time-delay from onset of symptoms

    to hospital admission for living/deceased cases • Time-delay from onset of symptoms to death • Time-delay from hospital admission to death Critical to capture the temporal dynamics of an epidemic and underpin CFR
  5. Today’s main papers • Linton NM, Kobayashi T, Yang Y,

    et al. Incubation Period and Other Epidemiological Characteristics of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Infections with Right Truncation: A Statistical Analysis of Publicly Available Case Data.J Clin Med. 2020;9(2):538. Published 2020 Feb 17. doi:10.3390/jcm9020538 • Nishiura H, Linton NM, Akhmetzhanov AR. Serial interval of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infections.Int J Infect Dis. 2020;93:284-286. doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2020.02.060 • Ganyani T, Kremer C, Chen D, et al. Estimating the generation interval for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) based on symptom onset data, March 2020. Euro Surveill. 2020;25(17):2000257. doi:10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.17.2000257 Some other articles
  6. Pitfall • The epidemic will continue to grow beyond the

    data collection cutoff point. Selection bias, i.e. right truncation (censoring) as to incubation period and serial interval Possible to underestimate the time interval
  7. Fine point 1. • Survival function S(t) is non-increasing function

    over time taking on the value 1 at t=0. • S(t) indicates the probability that an observed case will survive to time t or beyond. • Cumulative distribution function F(t) is defined as 1-S(t). Assuming the exponential growth of the outbreak…
  8. Fine point 2. • To address the right truncated data,

    let us introduce the probability p to observe an event at time u conditional on
  9. Fine point 3. • Let us consider a truncated distribution

    to estimate time intervals using the right-truncated observations • Note that the adjusted formula (1) is formed as a truncated distribution taking account of the right truncation in the denominator.
  10. Method to infer parameter estimates • Bayesian method and MLE

    • Verify the Bayesian estimates were in line with pointwise estimates (MLE) • Data processing: R version 3.6.2 • Computing MLE: Julia version1.3 • Computing MCMC (NUTS): CmdStan version 2.22.1 Implementation
  11. Set the priors • Priors of parameters of time interval

    distributions were chosen as the Stan developer community generally recommends(*). (*) https://github.com/stan-dev/stan/wiki/Prior-Choice-Recommendations
  12. Three distributions for fitting • Lognormal dist. • Weibull dist.

    • Gamma dist. • Information criterion: Widely applicable information criterion (WAIC) (*) • Generally, structural models, e.g. Bayesian network, neural network, hidden Markov model, deep learning, etc., cannot apply AIC. • Structural model: models in which latent variables, hierarchical structures, or module structures contain Select the best-fit model (*) http://watanabe-www.math.dis.titech.ac.jp/users/swatanab/waic2011.html (*) http://watanabe-www.math.dis.titech.ac.jp/users/swatanab/waic2011cont.html (*) http://watanabe-www.math.dis.titech.ac.jp/users/swatanab/joho-gakushu6.html
  13. Results (Nishiura et al.) Accounting for right-truncation • Lognormal distribution

    was selected as the best-fit model (WAIC=224.0) • The median serial interval: 4.0 days (95%CrI: 3.1, 4.9) • Mean: 4.7 days (95%CrI: 3.7, 6.0) • SD: 2.9 days (95%CrI: 1.9, 4.9) Not accounting for right-truncation • Lognormal distribution was selected as the best-fit model (WAIC=128.0) • The median serial interval: 3.9 days (95%CrI: 3.1, 4.8)
  14. Results (Nishiura et al.) • The estimated median serial interval

    (4.0 days) < the mean incubation period (5.0 days) • Pre-symptomatic infection is likely to have taken place and may occur more frequently than symptomatic transmission.
  15. Serial interval • Serial interval has been used approximately as

    generation time. • Have large variance because containing two incubation periods. • Also vulnerable to the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (e.g. case isolation), severity, etc. [4][11] • According to [4], the serial interval of COVID-19 is shortened by NPIs.
  16. Serial interval • Serial interval has been used approximately as

    generation time. • Have large variance because containing two incubation periods. • Also vulnerable to the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (e.g. case isolation), severity, etc. [4][11] • According to [4], the serial interval of COVID-19 is shortened by NPIs. • Potential of biased estimation of reproduction number [13] If possible, estimate GT to avoid the biased estimation!
  17. Types of generation time • Generation time is paramount in

    the estimation of reproduction number based on renewal equation. • This intrinsic generation time is different from empirical generation time. • Two types of empirically derived estimates of generation time [5][6][7][13][14] Backward generation interval (period generation time) Forward generation interval (cohort generation time)
  18. The formulation of three GTs • Period generation time has

    the potential of selection bias [6][13]. • More details are explored in [5][6][7]. ([5] mentions the model of exponential growth of incidence) ([6] constructs the Erlang SEIR model to check the trajectories of two GT ) length time bias
  19. Today’s main papers • Linton NM, Kobayashi T, Yang Y,

    et al. Incubation Period and Other Epidemiological Characteristics of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Infections with Right Truncation: A Statistical Analysis of Publicly Available Case Data.J Clin Med. 2020;9(2):538. Published 2020 Feb 17. doi:10.3390/jcm9020538 • Nishiura H, Linton NM, Akhmetzhanov AR. Serial interval of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infections.Int J Infect Dis. 2020;93:284-286. doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2020.02.060 • Ganyani T, Kremer C, Chen D, et al. Estimating the generation interval for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) based on symptom onset data, March 2020. Euro Surveill. 2020;25(17):2000257. doi:10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.17.2000257 Some other articles
  20. Notations • This paper mainly estimated the generation time distribution

    and serial interval distribution. • Also they revealed the biased estimates of reproduction number based on SI and quantified the contribution of pre-symptomatic transmission in the epidemic. • Let us follow the stuff about time interval here.
  21. Model SI and GT has the same mean but SI

    has larger variance because containing two IP [9]
  22. Parameter estimation • In this article, the estimated GT represents

    “period generation time”. • Assume that some cases with no infector information missing could have been infected by any other case within the same cluster. Iteration: 3,000,000 Burn-in: 500,000 Thinning: every 200th iteration (implemented in R version 3.6.2) https://github.com/cecilekremer/COVID19
  23. The assumption of the independence • Assume that generation time

    and incubation period are independent in this article. • Similar method and assumptions are also adopted elsewhere [8]. (they obtained GT using deconvolution) • Klinkenberg et al.[9] revealed the positive correlation between incubation period and generation time using household data of measles. • Also it is biologically plausible to take into account the correlation.
  24. The properties of time intervals • The correlation of incubation

    period and generation time [9] • Spatial heterogeneity of generation time [7] • Generation time and serial interval contract when a case exposes more infectious contacts (competing risk) [10]. • Other relationships between SI, infectiousness profile, and GT has been also explored [12]. When constructing a model, we need to well understand the characteristics of natural histories, limitations of a model, and what can be indicated still there.
  25. Reference 1. Linton NM, Kobayashi T, Yang Y, et al.

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