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Learn Yourself Emacs For Great Good workshop sl...

αλεx π
April 01, 2014

Learn Yourself Emacs For Great Good workshop slides

Entry-level Emacs setup/configuration/plugin selection workshop slides.

αλεx π

April 01, 2014


  1. cursor movement C-f | forward one character C-b | backward

    one character C-n | forward one line C-p | backward one line
  2. cursor movement C-a | beginning of line C-e | end

    of line ! Shift-Meta-> | end of file Shift-Meta-< | beginning of file
  3. cursor movement C-a | beginning of line C-e | end

    of line ! Shift-Meta-> | end of file Shift-Meta-< | beginning of file ! C-SPACE | set/unset mark (selection)
  4. editing C-w | kill (cut) M-w | copy C-y |

    paste C-k | kill until the end of the line
  5. file navigation C-x C-f | open file C-x C-s |

    save file C-x C-b | list buffers C-x b | switch to buffer
  6. buffer-move C-c w r | rotate-windows C-c w p |

    buf-move-up C-c w n | buf-move-down C-c w b | buf-move-left C-c w f | buf-move-right
  7. yasnippet YASnippet is a template system for Emacs. It allows

    you to type an abbreviation and automatically expand it into function templates. ! Saves you some typing by providing expandable shortcuts for common functions / patterns. !
  8. expand-region (global-unset-key (kbd "C-c C-w"))! (global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-w") 'er/expand-region)!

    ! Expand region increases the selected region by semantic units. Just keep pressing the key until it selects what you want. !
  9. clojure Cider function signature lookup cider-jack-in C-c C-k | compile

    C-c M-n | load current ns C-c C-. | run tests in file M-. | jump to def align-cljlet
  10. clojure C-c C-p | eval the form preceding point C-c

    C-b | interrupt C-c M-m | macroexpand-all C-c C-n | Eval the ns form
  11. magit M-x magit-status s | stage u | unstage 1/2/3/r

    | show more details c c | commit
  12. magit M-x magit-log ENTER | view commit ! M-x magit-blame-mode

    ENTER | view commit ! M-x magit-pull M-x magit-push M-x magit-show
  13. deft Deft is an Emacs mode for quickly browsing, filtering,

    and editing directories of plain text notes.
  14. org-mode C-on | add note C-c . | add date

    C-u C-c . | add time and date ! C-c C-c | add tag C-c C-t | Rotate the TODO state C-c a t | org-todo-list