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ITT 2017 - Justin Miller - Learning From iOS An...

ITT 2017 - Justin Miller - Learning From iOS Animations

The animation foundations in iOS are well-designed, intuitive, and powerful. What can we learn about how they are built, the capabilities that they give, and the assumptions that they are built upon, that we can bring to our own software design? Whether we are building apps or SDKs or doing frontend or backend, good framework and API design is universal. Justin Miller shows us one of the best examples.

Istanbul Tech Talks

April 03, 2017

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  1. The animation foundations in iOS are well- designed, intuitive, and

    powerful. What can we learn about how they are built, the capabilities that they give, and the assumptions that they are built upon, that we can bring to our own software design?
  2. PERSONAL INTRO • I’ve been programming for work for 20

    years & have been using Apple technologies for 15 of those • Perl, PHP, Objective-C, C, C++, Java, Swift (also Bash) • I’ve been both an app builder and a tool builder • I have always admired Apple's API design
  3. MAPBOX INTRO • We’re building developer tools for maps &

    location • Customized map appearance & function • We recently added “runtime styling” • I have had to think a lot lately about animations
  4. MR. BOJANGLES • Probably the first programming that I can

    remember • Intro to animation for the TI-99/4A computer (1979) • Absolute simplest possible animation • Two frames swapped in time, coincident in position
  5. ANIMATIONS ARE COMMUNICATION • Hello, friends! • Merhaba, arkadaşlar! •

    We can tell the user with text • Or we can show the user with animation Row 4 Row 3 Row 2 New Row! Row 5 Row 1
  6. ANIMATIONS ARE COMMUNICATION • Hello, friends! • Merhaba, arkadaşlar! •

    We can tell the user with text • Or we can show the user with animation Row 5 Row 4 Row 3 Row 2 New Row! Row 5 Row 1
  7. IOS ANIMATION PLATFORM • I’ve focused on iOS due to

    its high performance and obsession with 60FPS • Mature animation API which debuted for macOS (OS X) and was there from the start for iOS
  8. IOS ANIMATIONS ARE PERVASIVE • You might not even notice

    many places that they happen • But they are used through the base OS to give a sense of place, context, and movement
  9. CORE ANIMATION • Introduced in OS X 10.5 (“Leopard”, 2007)

    via (then-secret) iPhone team • Implicit animation model • Don't have to build animation objects • Interpolation is handled automatically
  10. LET'S SEE HOW IT WORKS • Visual building block (the

    view) exists on screen • A view can contain anything • Views are backed by layers, which are their bitmap representations—a sort of snapshot of their contents • Core Animation animates layer property changes by default
  11. ENHANCING DISCOVERABILITY • Piggyback on things you are doing in

    nearby APIs (here, layer property changes) • Consider opting in to a behavior by default
  12. ENHANCING DISCOVERABILITY • Build SDKs? • Database initial data •

    View default background color • First run demo • Build apps? • Default populated data • Partially-hidden content to encourage gestures
  13. THERE IS A LOT MORE! • Explicit animations • Complex

    animation building blocks • Keyframe animations • Custom properties • Per-property runtime checks for actions • Replicated layers • Nested transactions • Transitions between views and layers
  14. FLEXIBILITY • Allows for uses beyond the primary use case

    • But doesn’t bog down the primary use case
  15. EXPLICIT ANIMATIONS • Instead of just setting property values, you

    construct animation objects • Able to customize parameters on individual animations
  16. TRANSACTIONS • Allow you to specify custom animation parameters •

    Allow you to precisely control time, acceleration, and completion actions across multiple animations
  17. HIDE COMPLEXITY • We use .mask to set a mask

    • We use .colors to set gradient colors • Complexity of drawing and animating is hidden
  18. AS YOU MIGHT EXPECT… • This is trivial in Core

    Animation • Accomplished with CASpringAnimation • Useful for more organic-feeling interfaces
  19. FUN • Core Animation has a playfulness to it •

    This reflects the potential for playful interactions in your apps • Admittedly, you don't have to dress up animations very much—it’s not an API like string encoding or task queuing
  20. MAKE APIS UNSURPRISING • Consider if the default implicit animation

    duration was zero seconds • You wouldn’t be able to see animations, even though they were the default behavior!
  21. –Principle of Least Astonishment (PoLA) “If a necessary feature has

    a high astonishment factor, it may be necessary to redesign the feature.”
  22. SURPRISING APIS • Classic example: a list or array add()

    or insert() that sorts • Consider what is least surprising to the user, rather than the expected behavior given knowledge of the inner workings
  23. EXTENSIBLE • Core Animation supports custom properties • Not just

    the predefined ones like opacity & position
  24. DOCUMENTATION • Not the most glamorous thing, but very important

    • This is important even for your future self • But especially important for other consumers
  25. RECAP 1. Discoverable 2. Flexible 3. Intuitive 4. Hide Complexity

    5. Make it fun 6. Keep it unsurprising 7. Allow extensibility 8. Document it