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BrightonSEO: How (A)I Fixed My Broken Content W...

BrightonSEO: How (A)I Fixed My Broken Content Workflow

James Finlayson

October 03, 2024

Other Decks in Marketing & SEO


  1. How (A)I Fixed My Broken Content Workflow James Finlayson Light

    Emitting Data <> SEOmonitor Speakerdeck.com/jamesfinlayson @jamesifinlayson @JamesFinlayson
  2. pumping out endless content on every topic with search volume.

    Business was booming for content farms 0101010101100101010100101 0100100100010101010101010 0101011010101010101000101 0010100101010100101010 0101001010010010010101111 0101010011010110101010101 0010101010101001000010010 010101010110010101010010 1010010010001010101010101 0010101101010101010100010 10010100101010100101010 0101001010010010010101111 0101010011010110101010101 0010101010101001000010010 010101010110010101010010 1010010010001010101010101 0010101101010101010100010 1001010010101010010101001 01001010010010010101111 0101010011010110101010101 0010101010101001000010010 010101010110010101010 0101010010010001010101010 1010010101101010101010 1000101001010010101010010 101001010010100100100 1010111101010100110101101 010101010010101010101001 0000100100101010101100101 0101001010100100100010101 0101010100101011010101 0101010001010010100101010 100101010010100101001 0010010101111010101001101 0110101010101001010101010 1001000010010001010100110 1011010101010100101010101 0100100001001001010101011 00101010100101 0100100100010101010101010 0101011010101010101000101 0010100101010100101010 0101001010010010010101111 0101010011010110101010101 0010101010101001000010010 010101010110010101010010 1010010010001010101010101 0010101101010101010100010 10010100101010100101010 0101001010010010010101111 0101010011010110101010101 0010101010101001000010010 010101010110010101010010 1010010010001010101010101 0010101101010101010100010 1001010010101010010101001 01001010010010010101111 0101010011010110101010101 0010101010101001000010010 010101010110010101010 0101010010010001010101010 1010010101101010101010 1000101001010010101010010 101001010010100100100 1010111101010100110101101 010101010010101010101001 0000100100101010101100101
  3. 2010 2015 2020 2025 Then, in 2023, the age of

    AI Content Marketing began. https://commoncrawl.github.io/cc-crawl-statistics/plots/crawlsize
  4. Who are slowly reducing their reliance on Google Way more

    content From more companies With a static online population
  5. And the content we are reading will increasingly come from

    brands that have no idea about the thing they’re writing about.
  6. The more we scramble, the more we forget: What’s this

    content doing for the brand? What’s this content doing for the consumer?
  7. In 3 years time nobody’s going to be able to

    tell the difference between AI content and human content
  8. 0001010101001101010100001010101010101010101010101001101010100101010 0101010101010101010000010101111101011100100101010010001010000101010 1111001010101010111001010001010101000101010010101010100001001000101 1010011010101000010101010101010101010101010011010101001010101010101 1010101010100000101011111010111001001010100100010100001010101111100 0101010101110010100010101010001010100101010101000010010001010101001 0101010000101010101010101010101010100110101010010101010101010101010 0101000001010111110101110010010101001000101000010101011111001010101 1011100101000101010100010101001010101010000100100010101010011010101 0001010101010101010101010101001101010100101010101010101010101010100

    0010101111101011100100101010010001010000101010111110010101010101110 1010001010101000101010010101010100001001000101010100110101010000101 1010101010101010101010011010101001010101010101010101010101000001010 1111010111001001010100100010100001010101111100101010101011100101000 0101010001010100101010101000010010001010101001101010100001010101010 0101010101010100110101010010101010101010101010101010000010101111101 1110010010101001000101000010101011111001010101010111001010001010101 0010101001010101010000100100010101010011010101000010101010101010101 1010101001101010100101010101010101010101010100000101011111010111001 DOOM DOOM DOOM DOOM DOOM
  9. 0001010101001101010100001010101010101010101010101001101010100101010 0101010101010101010000010101111101011100100101010010001010000101010 1111001010101010111001010001010101000101010010101010100001001000101 1010011010101000010101010101010101010101010011010101001010101010101 1010101010100000101011111010111001001010100100010100001010101111100 0101010101110010100010101010001010100101010101000010010001010101001 0101010000101010101010101010101010100110101010010101010101010101010 0101000001010111110101110010010101001000101000010101011111001010101 1011100101000101010100010101001010101010000100100010101010011010101 0001010101010101010101010101001101010100101010101010101010101010100

    0010101111101011100100101010010001010000101010111110010101010101110 1010001010101000101010010101010100001001000101010100110101010000101 1010101010101010101010011010101001010101010101010101010101000001010 1111010111001001010100100010100001010101111100101010101011100101000 0101010001010100101010101000010010001010101001101010100001010101010 0101010101010100110101010010101010101010101010101010000010101111101 1110010010101001000101000010101011111001010101010111001010001010101 0010101001010101010000100100010101010011010101000010101010101010101 1010101001101010100101010101010101010101010100000101011111010111001 DOOM DOOM DOOM DOOM DOOM …but not for everyone
  10. When they do search those searches are increasingly branded bbc

    news amazon amazon uk restaurants Weather tomorrow bbc football xvideos chaturbate twitter outlook Porn hub porn wordle rightmove argos bbc mcdonalds Scoreboard for football Football scores tesco youtube Daily mail gmail google translate universal credit xnxx Restaurants near me bet365 next indeed facebook bbc sport hotmail translate sky news hotels sainsburys instagram Manchester united ig weather google xhamster Google maps ebay bbc weather yahoo mail Universal credit login Auto trader chatgpt 100 highest search volume terms in the UK, Sep ‘24, from
  11. I search ‘John Lewis’ I search ‘apple watch’ I navigate

    to moneysavingexper t I don’t search ‘8k tv’ I don’t search ‘best watches’ I don’t search ‘best electricity provider’
  12. Which is when 10 articles that resonate with your audience

    and solves their problem beats 10k articles that don’t.
  13. In the face of the AI Content Tsunami, it’s time

  14. Over the last 6 months, whilst training more than 2-dozen

    teams on SEOmonitor, I realised we all have the same content marketing process
  15. The data analyst pulls together some data to prove it

    was a success…whether it was or not
  16. We can’t do real content marketing when we’re focused on

    our specialism rather than the outcome .
  17. We do this because, as you scale, you want to

    lean into everyone’s specialisms.
  18. There’s three main pain points: 1 2 3 Inefficiency Time

    spent on things that aren’t implementation and don’t drive results. Disjointedness Communication breakdowns, misunderstandings and those ‘I thought you were doing that’ moments. Inconsistency Especially when outsourcing content production, the quality, cost and speed is all over the place.
  19. I once tried to teach Digital PR’s data science. It

    wasn’t so much herding cats as trying to teach cats calculus. Really purrsuasive cats that had journalists to get back to.
  20. What I’m saying is that we all have strengths and

    weaknesses and that saying to just ‘get good’ isn’t an answer.
  21. How do you do it all yourself when, you know,

    you can’t do it all yourself?
  22. Instead of the AI Content Tsunami leading to us firing

    all our content writers… …we put them at the heart of the process.
  23. Because content writers—the good ones—do lots of brilliant things other

    than writing content. They’re the only ones that have been taught to understand who they’re writing for.
  24. Understanding the who, what and why of your audience is

    vital in creating a brand that resonates.
  25. But when the whole world’s pumping out more, less strategic,

    content. How do we transition to Context-Aware Content Marketing? First, we fix our keyword research. But when the whole world’s pumping out more, less strategic, content. How do we transition to Context-Aware Content Marketing?
  26. People choose not to buy from you for a few

    reasons: $ They don’t need a solution $$ There are better solutions $$$ They don’t know you exist $$$$ They don’t like you $$$$$ You’re not a good fit for them
  27. Almost all traditional keyword research focuses on awareness R resonance

    A awareness R reputation E edge How many people are searching each term and where do we sit for each of these buckets?
  28. But understanding your resonanc e reputatio n edge in the

    market will be vital when the AI Content Tsunami hits. , and
  29. The problems 1 2 3 Content marketing’s about to go

    parabolic— making it 10x harder to rank. Current processes are too slow and disconnected to produce content that resonates. Often, we don’t even know what resonating with our audience means. We don’t know the company’s reputation, product fit or edge— we don’t have context.
  30. I previously worked with Expedia in both the UK and

    Finland. At the time, click through rates in the UK—where the brand was established, well known and trusted, were higher than in Finland where they’d just launched. 50%
  31. Should we lean on our reputation for reliability or go

    into detail as to how we’ve changed? Are we seen as overpriced and so need to spend time explaining the value proposition? Does everyone hate our CEO and so we talk about everyone, but them?
  32. Auditing brand sentiment 1 2 Merge on [ ] [brand]

    [legit is reliable good trustworthy a scam complaints reviews worth it ratings issues ripoff news] Track and categorise
  33. Auditing brand sentiment 2 3 worth it ratings issues ripoff]

    Track and categorise Track sentiment of results within branded results using Google Sheets, SEOmonitor’s API and Google’s Natural Language API. Template: <link>
  34. 2 3 worth it ratings issues ripoff] Track and categorise

    Track sentiment of results within branded results using Google Sheets, SEOmonitor’s API and Google’s Natural Language API. Template: <link> screenshot
  35. branded results using Google Sheets, SEOmonitor’s API and Google’s Natural

    Language API. Template: <link> screenshot 4 Monitor over time through Looker Studio visualisations Template: <link> screenshot
  36. 2 Track and categorise 1 Merge on [ ] [brand]

    [legit is reliable good trustworthy a scam complaints reviews worth it ratings issues ripoff news] Auditing brand sentiment
  37. 4 Monitor over time through Looker Studio visualisations 2 Track

    and categorise Auditing brand sentiment 3 Track sentiment of results within branded results using Google Sheets, SEOmonitor’s API and Google’s Natural Language API. Template: https://tinyurl.com/reputationmonitor
  38. 4 Monitor over time through Looker Studio visualisations Auditing brand

    sentiment 3 Track sentiment of results within branded results using Google Sheets, SEOmonitor’s API and Google’s Natural Language API. Template: https://tinyurl.com/reputationmonitor
  39. We need to understand: True intent —what are the jobs

    to be done? Barriers to purchasing —what concerns them? Reasons to purchase —what motivates them? Brand position —how do we compare?
  40. I used to interview product experts. You still can, but

    I’ve found it faster to automate and then ask expert to review. https://tinyurl.com/searchpurpose
  41. Edge also requires you to add something new to the

    discussion. something new to the discussion something new to the discussion something new to the discussion something new to the discussion something new to the discussion something new to the discussion something new to the discussion something new to the discussion something new to the discussion Something different something new to the discussion something new to the discussion something new to the discussion something new to the discussion something new to the discussion something new to the discussion something new to the discussion something new to the discussion something new to the discussion
  42. I was talking to an annoyingly-right person not long ago

    on just this… (Cosmin, founder of SEOmonitor) What’s old in one country is often new in another
  43. It’s that lack of context that makes content fall-flat. …that

    creates pass the parcel SEO … …and that makes ChatGPT content so forgettable.
  44. Almost any LLM Is that when you feed that context

    into LLMs the content suddenly hugely improves resonance awareness reputation edge brand guidelines
  45. and can you guess what tool integrated much of this

    directly into their content writer? + = resonance awareness reputation edge brand guidelines
  46. If you do three things, having sat through 100+ slides

    1 2 3 Add consumer context into your keyword research. Test using that context in your AI content creation. Go to stand 46 and tell Dave you love his shirt. He’ll give you ice cream.